

中文摘要 本年度計畫執行期間自民國104年2月起至104年12月止,根據計畫目標完成以下工作項目: 協助環保署進行科技計畫管理作業與行政支援,其工作內容包括:(1)105年科技計畫先期規劃作業;(2)104年科技計畫管考作業;(3)103年科技計畫績效評估作業;(4)更新及維護「環保署全球資訊網」/科技發展之中、英文網頁內容(含環保署永續發展室署內園地)、歷年科技計畫及空污基金計畫研究、政府研究資訊系統(GRB網站)、政府科技計畫資訊網等相關網頁內容。 協助環保署研修「行政院環境保護署委託研究計畫作業管理要點」,於中華民國104年9月16日環署科字第1040076066號函下達。召開「因應環境資源部科技發展計畫作業研商會議」,邀請未來納入環境資源部之單位,研商未來可行之科技計畫審議及績效作業流程,與科學技術研究發展成果歸屬及運用辦法之規範內容商討未來可行方案,以利未來環境資源部成立各機關作法妥適調整及銜接。本團隊以「提升科技計畫管理與品質精進」為主題,彙整專家學者諮詢意見,針對「環保署科技計畫研究發展現況」、「未來環保署科技計畫發展方向」及「環保科技計畫研發成果推廣方式」等三大主題,提出科技計畫管理與品質精進的創新建議。 於104年6月3日完成辦理「104年環境科技論壇」1場。邀請產、官、學、研專家針對「環境科技多元發展趨勢與技術應用」進行與談,及發表「環保政策與科技研究」、「環境檢測及監測」及「環保科技產學合作」等3大主題共8篇論文及1場歐盟科研經驗之專題演講,合計123人參加,並由本團隊撰寫論壇專文一篇,置於環保署網頁供民眾下載及點閱,以展現環保署科技研發成果與績效。
中文關鍵字 成果推廣、計畫管理、環境科技論壇


專案計畫編號 EPA-104-E1U2-02-202 經費年度 104 計畫經費 1400 千元
專案開始日期 2015/02/17 專案結束日期 2015/12/31 專案主持人 簡聰文
主辦單位 永續發展室(停用) 承辦人 蘇鈺珊 執行單位 財團法人成大研究發展基金會


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 EPA104 E1U202202.pdf 14MB

Quality Management and Promotion for the 2015 TEPA’s Projects

英文摘要 This project was designed and implemented for the goals (shown as follows) from February 2015 to December 2015. To assist the EPA in management of science and technology development plans, the working items include (1) Assisted in planning TEPA’s project in 2016. (2) Assisted in controlling EPA’s projects in 2015, and furthermore linking and logging in the process of 2015 projects to the GRB information system. (3) Aggregated performance of each plan carried out in 2014. (4) Maintaining and updating the website of the Science & Technology Development of EPA (including Office of Sustainable Development), Government Research Bulletin, the website of Government science and technology development plans, etc. For developing the procedure for reviewing the technology project and the mechanism for evaluating the project’s operation and performance, we invited departments which will belong to the Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources in the future to participate in the meeting and exchanged comments in developing the procedure for reviewing technology project and the mechanism for evaluating the project’s operation and performance. The preliminary conclusions of the meeting are according with “field” to planning. And we hope TEPA’s projects will develop in concert with the strategic plans and the development of environmental technology in the future. We sought advice from specialists and scholars with questionnaire to provide suggestions for how to upgrade the quality management and promotion for the TEPA’s projects. We organized a Forum on Environmental Technology on June 3, 2015. Invited experts from industry, officers of government, and scholars from centers of academic research, discussed the prospective trend for future study; focused on three major themes: “The Policy of Environmental Protection and the Research of Technology”, “Cooperation of Environmental Technology between Industry and Academy ”, “Environmental Monitoring and Analysis”. Attendees of Forum also presented 8 research papers and 1 speech.
英文關鍵字 Effectiveness of the promotions, Project management, Forum on Environmental Technology