

中文摘要 本年度期末報告書,目前階段性內容包含八大項目,本報告資料彙整至105年7月29日止,完成總工作進度為100%,而各工作內容細項分別進度為1.河川揚塵逸散條件蒐集分析100%、2.揚塵好發地區細部分析100%、3.揚塵預報系統建置100%、4.揚塵預警通報系統100%、5.揚塵防制應變演練100%、6.揚塵環境清理100%、7.揚塵防制相關宣導100%、8.配合機關相關規定提報管考資料100%。 計畫重點執行內容,合計共為6大項,(1)本年河川揚塵逸散條件蒐集分析,主要蒐整卑南溪河川揚塵影響範圍內之測站(如臺東、關山、仁愛國小、森林公園及臺東縣環保局等)監測資料進行分析,以強化預警系統資訊來源,並參考利用裸露地巡查即時監測值繪製等濃度分析圖,進行揚塵影響範圍(不影響區、輕度影響區、高度影響區)劃定及調整。(2)將歷年揚塵事件日之數據圖表製作時間序列表,呈現參數與揚塵事件之相關性,呈現河川防制工作成效。(3)掌握揚塵好發地區細部分析,利用衛星圖資分析及無人載具空拍技術確實掌握實兵演練成效,以提供全面性的河川揚塵背景資訊。(4)沿岸揚塵環境清理係以臺東市街道潤濕,揚塵好發時至河床潤濕其裸露地,避免揚塵逸散。(5)防制宣導針對揚塵防護及應變措施辦理相關活動,藉以問卷分析得知民眾滿意度,並定期更新維護網路平台,LED顯示器(電子看板)宣導,便於民眾取得相關資訊。(6)配合縣府機關及環保署相關管制考核規定提報卑南溪河川揚塵防制管考資料,空氣品質淨化區現場勘查暨考評及相關查核報表等。
中文關鍵字 河川揚塵、風飛砂、卑南溪、揚塵防制、水覆蓋


專案計畫編號 經費年度 104 計畫經費 12430 千元
專案開始日期 2015/07/30 專案結束日期 2016/07/29 專案主持人 黃靖修
主辦單位 臺東縣環境保護局 承辦人 張嘉智 執行單位 美商傑明工程顧問(股)台灣分公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 104年度卑南溪河川揚塵防治及改善推動計畫期末報告(定稿).pdf 46MB
英文摘要 This year’s project includes 8 categories; up to July 29, 2016, the overall progress is 100%. Each category’s progress is illustrated as following: 1. Collecting and Analyzing Fugitive Conditions of River Windblown Dust - 100%, 2. Analyzing Common Areas Prone to River Windblown Dust - 100%, 3. Establishing River Windblown Dust Forecast System - 100%, 4. Establishing River Windblown Dust Alert and Action System – 100%, 5. Executing River Windblown Dust Prevention Drills – 100%, 6. Executing River Windblown Dust Environmental Clean-up 100%, 7. Advertising River Windblown Dust Prevention - 100%, 8. Assisting the Bureau in Handing in Data and Materials – 100%. This project has accomplished 6 aspects: (1) Utilizing the monitoring apparatus along Beinan River, such as the ones at Taitung city, Guanshan town, Ren-Ai Elementary School, Taitung Forest Park and Taitung County Environmental Protection Bureau, this project collects data and analyzes fugitive conditions of river windblown dust. Through the collected data, this project presents isoconcentration graphs which define areas as No-impact, Slight-impact, Severe-impact. (2) Listing all dates which contain PM10 higher than 150(μg/m3) from the year of 2003, this project draws charts that demonstrate the achievement of all the methods or techniques related to windblown dust prevention. (3) Examining satellite images and UAV (Unmanned Aerial Vehicle) filming to display the efficiency of windblown dust prevention drills. (4) Executing environmental clean-up practice which means dampening roads and streets in Taitung city for the reason to avoid the fugitive dust emissions. (5) Exploiting workshops, questionnaires, Internet and LED billboards, the government conveys information to citizens about how to protect their health from windblown dust and what they should do if it occurs. (6) Assisting the government in handing in data and materials, and in other evaluations and activities as well.