

中文摘要 執行廢輪胎處理業之稽核認證作業,主要針對處理量稽核、作業程序稽核、環境稽核及會計稽核等工作。本計畫執行期間104年至105年之執行成果,一般廢輪胎稽核認證量計2億2,958萬6,397公斤,廢特種胎稽核認證量計1萬2,080條,執行處理業9,237場次之稽核認證作業,另作業程序共執行19萬0,225項次,CCTV判讀作業達4,686廠天。 為確保作業品質,本公司已針對每位稽核認證人員施行98.5小時教育訓練及99場次(120人次)之內部稽核,並以實際執行經驗就各項作業及成果提出檢討與改善建議,使稽核認證作業與回收清除處理體系之管理皆得以持續改善。 作業程序查核結果中,以貯存清除規範4,182次缺失最高,占總缺失數之82.89%。環境稽核查核結果,以消防安全設施115次缺失最高,占總缺失數之82.14%。異常狀況部分104年及105年皆以CCTV無法正常運作最多,104年:174件 (占39.91%),105年:176件 (占40.46%)。本計畫期間共配合13家27場次處理業申請受補貼機構資格及新增/變更審核之現勘作業。處理業違規記點共計13家,48點,主要為違反作業程序缺失。
中文關鍵字 稽核認證,廢輪胎,處理業


專案計畫編號 EPA-104-HA13-03-A005 經費年度 104 計畫經費 60088 千元
專案開始日期 2015/01/01 專案結束日期 2016/12/31 專案主持人 翁茂清
主辦單位 回收基管會 承辦人 蕭友淨 執行單位 台灣檢驗科技股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 廢輪胎-計畫成果摘要(上傳版).pdf 1MB

Project of Auditing and Certification Group on Regulated Recyclable Waste (Waste Tires)

英文摘要 For the auditing and certification project of waste tires recycling facilities, the main tasks of the auditing processes included recycling quantity, operating procedure, environment and accounting. According to the results of auditing and certification from 2015 to 2016, the auditing and certification quantity of waste tires was 229,586,397 kg, and the special types of waste tires was 12,080 pieces. Furthermore, the total number of the field auditing and certification for recycling facilities was 9,237 trips, the items of operating procedure was 190,225 times, and the monitoring and analysis of CCTV image was 4,686 times. The results of the auditing and certification training were 98.5 hours for every auditor and the internal audit was 99 trips (120 times) in order to ensure and promote the quality assurance of operating procedure. For auditing and certification operation procedure and resource recycling management could improve better continuously, to make a suggestion of improvement practice experience in the implementation of various operation items and the result. According to the results of operating procedure auditing for recycling facilities, the major abnormal events were standards for the storage which contributed 82.89% of the total. For the results of environmental health and safety auditing, the major abnormal events were fire safety installations which contributed 82.14% of the total. The abnormal events happened in waste tires recycling facilities was the closed-circuit television system malfunctions which contributed 39.91% for 2015 and 40.46% for 2016 of the total. During the project period, foundation of Taiwan industry service carried out 13 facilities(27 times) field inspections for application of a newly set up recycling facility. The scoring penalty for the recycling facilities was counted total 13 facilities and 48 points. The major causes for the scoring penalty were the violations of operational processes.
英文關鍵字 Auditing and certification, Waste tires, processing enterprises