

中文摘要 根據交通部公路總局台北區監理所宜蘭監理站提供資料顯示,本縣使用柴油為耗能燃料之車輛,設籍數共計為1萬3千餘輛,截至104年9月底止,屬於大型客貨柴油車總數亦達4,475輛次,其所排放的相關污染物對民眾健康影響不容小覷,亦顯見環保單位持續加嚴控管的必要性。由於國道5號通車後所帶來之龐大柴油車流量,尤其是以南北向為主的雪山隧道高架平原段各主要匝道,以及連結各鄉鎮的東西向主要道路,都是本縣移動污染源列管的重點道路,因此如何持續加強管制行駛於縣境,以及以空品淨區概念劃定之區域作業的柴油車輛排放污染,並構思如何持續提高設籍轄區內之柴油車輛,參與自主管理及保檢合一措施之意願,逐年提昇以主動到檢方式檢測之比例,以求在環保單位稽查資源有限之情況下,有效以目視判煙、車牌辨識系統拍攝以及不定期路邊攔檢等相關稽查管制工作,並依據行政院環保署當年度考核要點提昇柴油車納管率,持續列管行經本縣且設籍外縣市之柴油車輛,以降低柴油車整體排放總量,是本計畫執行的宗旨及目標所在。
中文關鍵字 碳煙.細懸浮微粒.共乘


專案計畫編號 ILEPB-104-03-09 經費年度 104 計畫經費 7900 千元
專案開始日期 2015/01/01 專案結束日期 2015/12/31 專案主持人 艾文健
主辦單位 宜蘭縣政府環境保護局 承辦人 楊博植 執行單位 春迪企業股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 104宜蘭排煙期末定稿.pdf 22MB
英文摘要 Fourth, carry out the achievement Relevant environmental pollution that may cause in order to strengthen and is in charge of accusing of the diesel vehicle and discharge the granular pollutant, this plan controls some in diesel vehicle pollution in 96 annual plans, by controlling maintaining and improving with the vehicle not up to standard positively through checking, in order to effectively improve Ilan air quality state of the counties,and not actively because of should expressway, since November 15, 1996, the air pollution may cause ed to open the large-scale passenger traffic vehicle and open to the traffic is struck completely, it is to obtaining for national road five passenger traffic operation right property not second of go on ' pollution not low, the with low noise ' signature of declaration not environmental, expect by give a full account cuttlefish car inform against, roadside is it examine not up to standard to stop, eye is it sentence cigarette is it examine to notify to depend on and other counties and cities move in case is it measure etc. and control the way in pluralism to notify, notify have diesel vehicle time limit, pollution of doubt to arrange cigarette stand and measure, use relevant instrument and equipment to inspect by random samples controlling to the noise which the diesel oil vehicle derives, nitrogen oxygen chemical compound; Make spot check to test some in the oil, the stochastical sampling from reaching the vehicle fuel tank of examining and analysing the thicknes s of sulphur content, in order to control the illegal oil with above standard sulphur content.
英文關鍵字 smoke.Fine particalate matters.carpool