

中文摘要 國家溫室氣體清冊(National Greenhouse Gas Inventory)是聯合國氣候變化綱要公約(UNFCCC)及京都議定書各締約國人為溫室氣體排放與吸收量重要的數據資料庫,據以瞭解各締約國執行公約的進展,及評斷京都議定書減量的成效。後京都德班協議後,規範附件一國家需提交「國家清冊報告」(National Inventory Report)、「二年期報告」(Biennial Report)、「國家通訊」(National Communication),非附件一國家需提交「二年期更新報告」(Biennial Update Report)及「國家通訊」,這些國家報告中,均涉及國家溫室氣體清冊之內容;UNFCCC 2013年華沙會議更通過相關指南(Guideline)及其審議指南,附件一締約國國家報告資訊需進行國際評估和審查(IAR),而非附件一締約國國家報告則需經過國際磋商和分析(ICA)程序。在UNFCCC國家報告相關指南及審議指南皆有重大進展之餘,我國在2012年底由行政院環保署成立了國家溫室氣體排放清冊審議委員及審議會議,迄2015年底已經召開12次審議會,並決議開始編撰我國的國家清冊報告;環保署於2015年初,正式發佈「2014年中華民國國家溫室氣體清冊報告」,顯示我國遵循UNFCCC相關規範的決心。 本計畫除掌握分析上述規範進展及國際排放趨勢,積極協助環保署在國內建構及推動國家溫室氣體排放清冊系統化運作機制,包括運作國家溫室氣體排放清冊審議會,以2006年IPCC國家溫室氣體清冊為基礎,維護及更新我國國家溫室氣體清冊登錄平台,完成編撰我國2015年國家清冊報告成果,及製作網頁與摘要文宣,促進各界對我國國家溫室氣體清冊的瞭解;計畫工作內容涵蓋機制、平台的運作。 本計畫主要成果與建議如下: 一、 研析聯合國氣候變化綱要公約(UNFCCC)及京都議定書國家溫室氣體清冊相關規範,掌握國際溫室氣體排放趨勢。 本計畫各項工作項目皆已完成相關研析,在UNFCCC及京都議定書相關決議文方面,已就兩項COP 20決議文進行分析與說明;溫室氣體清冊或國家通訊議題與規範協商進展方面,除了掌握理歐盟、美國及日本之清冊報告及其審議報告外,亦配合溫室氣體減量及管理法子法及細則規劃,提出我國國家溫室氣體清冊報告及國家通訊編撰之建議。附件一國家京都議定書遵約方面,掌握最新京都議定書締約方帳號資訊,僅冰島可能無法達到第一承諾期目標,須待2016年5月UNFCCC正式公布,方能確定;跨國指標及CCPI分析,除掌握IEA、UNEP及CCPI等資訊,新增有關WRI全球排放資訊,做為我國自主決定貢獻(INDC)規劃時之參考資訊基礎。 綜合本計畫研析,提出以下主要建議:參照UNFCCC及IPCC相關規範、原則及用語,建立我國的編輯與審議原則及辦法;建立國際溫室氣體與相關指標資料庫;除本計畫接續掌握其資料更新、維持與CCPI負責人之溝通管道及及時提供我國政策法規英文資訊外,未來可辦理關專家諮詢會議,廣徵相關解決方案,俾利提高我國因應氣候變遷績效與排名。 二、 協助環保署運作國家溫室氣體清冊審議會,持續改善我國溫室氣體清冊統計品質。 本計畫已辦理本年度3次國家溫室氣體清冊審議會,與各部會智庫召開8場工作討論會議,討論議題包括:鋼鐵業排放之部門分類歸屬、LULUCF之分工、畜牧業排放係數檢討、及溫管法細則規劃等;並完成2015年國家溫室氣體清冊報告及彙整1990~2013年溫室氣體清冊排放趨勢。 綜合本計畫執行之經驗,提出以下主要建議:配合溫管法生效,環保署需要求各部會繳交清冊數據與報告於指定時間內完成,且於指定期限內修改更新;未來在召開審議會議至少2週前,將討論資料或報告,以電子郵件或上傳於國家溫室氣體清冊登錄平台,俾利審議委員進行審議之準備。撰擬國家清冊彙編及審議規範,以遵循並提高彙編及審議品質。 三、 配合國家溫室氣體審議會運作,維護及更新我國國家溫室氣體清冊登錄平台。 本計畫已經協助各部會智庫,於登錄平台更新各部門清冊數據至2013年;於第三次審議會議中,向委員講解平台使用方式。另外,亦已將第二、三次審議會議相關報告資料,更新於登錄平台之參考資料區。對彙整之我國國家溫室氣體清冊進行關鍵源分析,進一步檢視我國溫室氣體排放結構,俾利提出因應策略時之參考。 綜合本計畫之執行,提出以下主要建議:在清冊平台方面,建議多與智庫及審議委員宣傳登入與使用平台,平台功能上,可增加活動數據的檢索及規劃製作我國UNFCCC CRF表單。關鍵源可為減緩之優先對象,所推動之政策與措施確實與我國溫室氣體清冊關鍵源相契合,俾利提高減緩績效。 四、製作網頁與摘要文宣,促進各界對我國國家溫室氣體清冊的瞭解。 本工作項目配合2015年國家溫室氣體清冊報告彙編情況,完成編撰清冊報告摘要文宣、製作專屬網頁、新聞稿及簡報等,將國際數據比較納入文宣折頁中,且折頁篇幅將較去年更為擴大。建議未來可以邀請大專院校美術及媒體設計專業領域之學者,協助設計出有出創新的文宣,提升文宣的可讀性與大眾的可接受度。
中文關鍵字 氣候公約、清冊、溫室氣體


專案計畫編號 EPA-104-FA16-03-A224 經費年度 104 計畫經費 4320 千元
專案開始日期 2015/05/15 專案結束日期 2015/12/31 專案主持人 盧裕倉
主辦單位 溫減管理室(停用) 承辦人 張文菖 執行單位 工業技術研究院


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 GHG_report_20160204r1.pdf 6MB
英文摘要 The National Greenhouse Gas Inventory is the most significant database regarding to accounting purpose of anthropogenic GHG emissions and absorption by parties of the UNFCCC and Kyoto Protocol in order to further understand the implementation progress and assess the mitigation accomplishment under the Kyoto Protocol. After the post-Kyoto Durban agreement was adopted, parties of Annex I were mandated to submit their National Inventory Reports, Biennial Report, and National Communications; in the meanwhile, the parties of Non-Annex I were requested to submit Biennial Update Reports, and National Communications, which all cover some of overlap content in National Greenhouse Gas Inventory. In 2013 Warsaw Climate Convention, the decision regarding to work programme on the revision of the guidelines for review of biennial report and national communication was adopted. The Annex-I parties shall complete international assessment and review (IAR) for their national reports; whereas the non-Annex I parties shall also complete international consultation and analysis (ICA). Since the UNFCCC has made significant progress in guidelines and review guideline of national reports; in end of 2012, Taiwan EPA convened the National Greenhouse Gas Inventory committee and hosted several review meetings. Till end of 2014, nine consulting review meetings were successfully held. The committee decided to initiate editing procedure for Taiwan National Greenhouse Gas Inventory. Taiwan EPA published 2014 ROC’s National Greenhouse Gas Inventory Report and show its determination to comply with the rule request of the UNFCCC. To this end, this project keeps following the developing trend of guidelines and international emission situation. The project will also assist Taiwan EPA to construct and promote systematic working mechanisms for national greenhouse gas inventory through hosting consulting review meetings under the 2006 IPCC guideline. The project will expend and maintain the web registry platform of Taiwan’s national greenhouse gas inventory. The tasks of this project cover comprehensive fields including operating review mechanism, maintaining web-basis registry platform, establishing a webpage for the 2015 inventory report, and compiling a summary brochure for the 2015 inventory report. The main objectives of this project include: 1. Analyze the regulation content, review progress and international emission trends for national greenhouse gas inventory under the UNFCCC. This project accomplished all items. Two decisions of the UNFCCC and Kyoto Protocol were interpreted. Review reports of the inventories from EU, USA and Japan were revolved for reference to proposing suggestion for Taiwan’s inventory report and national communication in line with Greenhouse Gas Reduction and Management Act. On the aspect of compliance of first commitment under Kyoto protocol, this project collected the data about the parties’ accounts. Iceland may not reach its commitment. However the UNFCCC Secretary will publish the compliance conditions of parties on May 2016. As to international GHG indicators and CCPI, the project analyzed the newest data from IEA, UNEP and GermanWatch. Global GHG emissions from WRI was newly added to be based on drawing up Taiwan’s INDC. The main suggestion for this work item were proposed. It’s necessary to establish the rules and principals for compiling and reviewing the inventory report according to relative criteria of the UNFCCC and IPCC. To build up an international GHG and its indicator database is very important and in an urgent need. Except to continue to keep contact with GermanWatch for gaining updated information on CCPI, to pass the English important information on Taiwan policy and act in time to GermanWatch and to consult with experts for responding to CCPI are very helpful for improving Taiwan’s CCPI ranking. 2. Assist Taiwan EPA to organize the review meetings of national GHG inventory committee and improve statistics quality on Taiwan’s national greenhouse gas inventory. This Project hold three committee meetings of inventory review and eight workshops with the ministries and their think tanks. The discussed issues included classification of the steel industry emission, assignment of responsibility on LULUCF issue, emission factors for livestock and the details of the GHG act. 2015 Taiwan’s NIR was compiled and the trend of GHG during 1990~2013 was integrated from the ministries by the project. The main suggestion for this work item were proposed. In line with the GHG Act, EPA should request the ministries to submit the inventory and its reports on time and update them in time. In at least two weeks before the committee meeting of review, the ministries should pass and upload all material or report to the register platform in order that the reviews could refer to. Drawing up the guideline of compiling and reviewing inventory could work for improving the quality of compile and review. 3. Improve the web-basis registry platform of Taiwan’s national greenhouse gas inventory matching the operation of national GHG inventory committee. This project helped the think tanks upload their data to the web-basis registry platform and explained the operation to the reviewers. Besides, it also updated all discussed materials to the plate form. Based on the updated inventory, key resources were identified. The main suggestion for this work item were proposed. This project suggest the ministries and think tanks could use the platform more frequently. Retrieval function for activity data and the UNFCCC CRF could be expended into the platform. The key resources could be the priority objective for mitigation. To promote a policy and measurements with the key resources could improve the mitigation performance. 4. Establish a webpage and compile a summary brochure for the 2015 inventory report for helping the public understanding Taiwan’s national GHG inventory. This project accomplished a summary brochure for the 2015 inventory report, a folding, website, the press text and presentations. The information on international comparison of GHG relative indicator was added in to the new folding, which text size is bigger than one last year. This project suggests we could invite the Art scholars from colleges to design innovative brochure for promoting its readability and the public’s acceptability.
英文關鍵字 UNFCCC,GHG,Inventory