

中文摘要 在永續發展考量下,整合資源循環觀念的資源管理方式,稱為永續物料管理(Sustainable Materials Management),目標在於提升我國在經濟活動下的資源使用效率而創造經濟效益,也降低相關環境衝擊,更是未來循環經濟的基石。本計畫主要工作包括以下四大項工作: (一)推動永續物料管理制度及建立績效評估指標 1.依據計畫可行性修改103年「資源效率提升推動計畫」完成「推動永續物料管理推動計畫(草案)」之研擬;建立經濟部、農委會、內政部營建署、交通部、財政部關務署、及主計總處等部會之聯繫管道,透過持續溝通向各部會說明永續物料管理之理念與「推動永續物料管理推動計畫」內容與推動方式;以辦理「永續物料管理與國家競爭力-專家諮詢會議」方式廣泛蒐集意見,並以辦理跨部會「推動永續物料管理跨域平台會議」方式建立推動共識。 2.透過研析國外推動稀貴資源管理目標及策略,並檢視國內相關法規與推動計畫,規劃完成我國稀貴資源管理目標及策略,主要為:1.訂定稀貴資源管理目標:產業稀有金屬材料自給率於2020年提升至30%。2.落實稀貴資源確保永續供應策略(1)建立健全的儲備制度(2)建立稀貴資源物質流資料庫(3)減量/替代的材料開發。3.提高生產製程資源使用效率策略(1)落實環境化設計(2)強化廠內污泥減量與稀貴金屬資源回收技術(3)輔導企業應用環境管理工具提升環境績效等面向執行。4.消費階段提高資源使用效率策略(1)加強綠色消費教育宣導(2)鼓勵綠色消費(包括一般民眾與政府綠色採購)(3)推廣環保租賃。5.資源高效循環策略則(1)提升產業再利用技術能力、加強產學合作(2)評估設置符合環保標準的大型熔煉爐可行性。 3.參考歐盟EW-MFA架構完成我國「物質流指標計算操作手冊」,並進行103年七大物質流指標之試算。且為符合ISO14031環境績效評估之精神,本計畫除了訂定可反映物質流環境狀態資訊之七大狀態指標(ECIs)外,另建議增訂可直接反映出組織在管理績效上之努力成果的管理績效指標(MPIs),以及能提供管理階層組織作業之環境績效訊息的操作績效指標(OPIs);且考量在與國際比較時需以人均值做為比較基準,因此增訂人均物質投入量、人均物質消耗量、人均物質輸出量、人均污染排放量等指標。 (二)擴充強化我國整體資源循環資料庫 1.延續去年資料庫建置成果,其以「國家資源型產業關聯表」作為發展基礎,以環保署現有之事業廢棄物申報系統為主,與主計總處、關務署、農委會、能源局及礦務局等部會進行資料介接,整合各部會資源相關資訊。今年主要更新既有資訊、擴充新增資訊,包括國內空水廢等污染排放(DPO)指標計算之污染資料集、銦及鎵稀貴資源價格資料、環境衝擊係數等。並彙整資料庫介接資訊清單,提供日後更新維護參考。此外,以經濟部統計處之「工業產銷存動態調查」產品統計資料為介接對象,規劃產品與副產品資料蒐集方式及期程。 2.延續去年建立之國家層級指標趨勢與分析系統雛型,改善擴充調整相關功能,重新設計雛型系統新版首頁,合併功能相似頁面,並增加國內生產資訊頁面,及調整由關聯表計算之廢棄資源頁面的「產量部門單位需求帶動」功能,由原本圓餅圖改以桑基圖(Sankey Chart)方式,呈現物料於國內流布情形、廢棄資源產生的驅動力。此外,建立我國物質流指標動態頁面,含直接物質投入(DMI)及資源生產力(RP),其餘指標亦以靜態方式呈現,以指標資訊呈現我國資源流動情形。最後,亦規劃產業層級系統應具功能及相關建置期程,期望由國家層級進一步擴展至產業層即,並可透過此系統篩選關鍵物料,以作為後續系統發展方向。 3.國家資源型產業關聯表的物料資料更新至103年,其中核心的產業關聯表已使用最新100年版,並重新將物料與行業對應。擴充新的資料至資料庫中,包括物料的價格資料,以及資源的環境衝擊。運用上述資料,開發並建立兩種分析功能於系統上,分別為物料的產業流向與直接、間接導致廢棄物的產業。系統能夠繪出物質流網絡桑基圖(Sankey Chart),有助於鑑定在各行業及其主管機關的物料永續管理行動與機會。研發物質足跡分析之計算方式,能勾勒出產業上游的眾多產業分別貢獻了多少生物質、金屬、非金屬礦、化石燃料足跡,未來可建置計算與繪圖之功能於系統中。為了系統性地掌握物料如何提升或損失資源生產力,使用物料資料庫,搭配其他相關數據以初步繪製了國家尺度的鋼鐵的價值鏈,可作為發展鋼鐵循環經濟策略的基礎。規劃稀貴資源模式發展架構,彙整分析方法相關介紹,並設定四機一腦作為主要分析對象,以本署回收基管會提供之電子產品銷售量資訊作試算,評估電視機之銦及冷氣機之銅回收潛力。 4.改善系統面運作及管理機制改善,已提供系統測試帳號給介接資訊部會試用,並規劃整體使用者管理機制,於測試版本(Beta版)中依用戶群加入部分功能。此外,改善介接機制,農委會及礦務局資料未來將由開放資料(Open Data)介接,本署事業廢棄物管制中心資料將以系統匯入方式介接。此外,建立系統回饋機制,以主計總處之綠色國民所得帳之廢棄物排放帳計算作為回饋,建立頁面提供資料下載,並以103年資料試算,期望作為跨部會資料介接之良性互動。 5.以本署事業廢棄物申報系統為主軸,研析我國事業廢棄物申報系統之巨量資料分析。長期規劃方面,將以美國國家標準技術研究所(National Institute of Standards and Technology, NIST)於今(104)發表大數據互動操作式框架為基礎,發展事業廢棄物巨量資料分析整體基礎架構;試作標的方面,則以原料、產業資訊及廢棄物產出關聯分析,分析原料用量及廢棄物產出的關聯趨勢以作為示範。 (三)篩選並掌握關鍵物料使用情形,研提關鍵物料循環利用目標及策略 1.已篩選「銦」及「鎵」為本年度建議優先分析之2項稀貴資源關鍵物料,並分析其於產業供應鏈之應用情形;另亦已蒐集國內外針對稀貴資源之管理情形及改善案例,並拜會諮詢10位專家之意見,就科技產業所需之銦、鎵等稀有金屬資源於原物料管理、生產製程管理及資源循環等各面向,鑑定其永續管理之機會及建議作法。 2.完成實廠調查40廠,並諮詢40位業者代表,調查彙整主要應用前述2項關鍵物料之相關代表性廠商其銦、鎵物質流布資料,提出調查分析報告,同時完成辦理1場次提升企業物料使用效率座談會,就廠商實務運作上於所遭遇之問題,研討其可行之因應方向。 3.已配合前述關鍵物料分析及調查結果,召開1場次專家諮詢會議,研議我國可行之關鍵物料循環利用目標與策略,期以逐步建構稀貴資源關鍵物料之管理模式。 (四)國際合作與行政配合事項 1.為促進國際交流,透過國際環境夥伴計畫(International Environmental Partnership Program, IEP)及臺美合作交流平台,於12/1-12/11前往美國參訪,參考美國有關永續物料管理與廢棄物管理發展之經驗,並安排國際專家網路視訊會議,以加強我國永續物料管理,並討論明年第四屆永續物料管理國際研討會的辦理方向。 2.配合招標文件之需求,公開招募駐署人員,並經環保署正式面試錄取,協助環保署處理有關本計畫相關之業務,加強推動效率。
中文關鍵字 永續物料管理、物質流分析、直接物質投入量、國內物質消費、國內污染排放、直接物質輸出、資源生產力、資源循環度、資源使用效率、投入產出表、企業產業盤查、國家資源型產業關聯表、資源循環資料庫、國家級指標與趨勢分析資訊展示系統雛型


專案計畫編號 EPA-104-H103-02-A091 經費年度 104 計畫經費 14800 千元
專案開始日期 2015/05/26 專案結束日期 2015/12/31 專案主持人 呂穎彬
主辦單位 廢管處 承辦人 何春玲 執行單位 財團法人工業技術研究院


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 EPA-104-H103-02-A091.pdf 23MB

The project for implementation of sustainable materials management (SMM) strategy and improvement of the SMM information system

英文摘要 There are four major tasks for the project: 1.To promote the sustainable materials management and the methodology of national material flow indicators. (1)The modification of the draft of the program of Sustainable Materials Management; The establishment of cross-ministries connection windows among MOEA, COA, CPAMI, CAMOF, DGBAS; Setting up a consultation meeting and a cross-departmental meeting to reach a consensus. (2)Planning a strategy for rare/precious metal usage after reviewing relevant national laws, which includes 4 parts: 1. The sustainable supply strategy; 2. The industrial strategy for promoting resource use efficiency; 3. The consumer-related strategy for adopting the service model. (3)Produced the calculation of national materials flow indicators menu and the provided suggestions to MPI (Management Performance Indicator) and OPI (Operational Performance Indicators). 2.To enhance the national integrated cyclic resource database (1)The database maintenance and enhancement of the database with the contents of pollution datasets, the price datasets of rare/precious metal, and the environmental impact coefficients; The planning of the data collection for products and sub-products. (2)The enhancement of the functions of the national indicator system, which includes the homepage adjustment, the Sankey chart of material flow through industries, the webpage of national material flow indicator for public awareness. (3)National resources input-output table had been extended with the physical flows in 2014. The materials data tables were rearranged to link to the associated sectors. Prices of commodities and impacts of resources were added into the extension of the table. Two functions were developed and integrated into the system. The first one depicts the flow network of a material which passed various relating sectors. The second one identifies the sectors directly producing wastes and indirectly causing the waste streams. A new function of material footprint analysis has been designed to see how much materials of biomass, metal, non-metal mineral, and fossil fuel is consumed by each upstream sector, which are counted as the material footprints of the target sector. The function would ready to be integrated into the system. To better capture the opportunities to promote quality and value retained circulation. A value chain Sankey diagram for Taiwan’s Steel has been complied. Such diagram with refined elaborations could facilitate the development of circular economy strategies. The planning of urban mining model including methodologies and 2 case demonstrations of the indium and copper recycling potential of TV and AC, respectively. (4)The improvement of system management functions and data exchange mechanism. (5)The planning of big data analytics for industrial waste reporting data, which includes the big data framework review of USA, our suggestions, and the demonstration of the relationship of material usage, industrial type, and waste production. 3.To screen and study the usage of critical materials, to research and propose critical materials recycling strategies (1)"Indium" and “Gallium” were the priority to 2 rare and precious key resources we recommended, and analyzed their application in the industrial supply chains in this year. We also collected the management and improvement cases of rare and precious resources in the domestic and international region. To evaluate the prospects and suggestions of sustainable management, we consulted 10 experts regarding raw materials management, production process management, resource recycling and other oriented management for the required rare metal resources, such as Indium and Gallium, in the technology industry. (2)40 plant field surveys were completed and 40 industry representatives were consulted. The survey analyzed and reported the flow distribution data of 2 key materials mentioned above, indium and gallium, out of relevant representative firms. We also studied the practical operation solutions by holding an efficiency-enhancing of material usage seminar to discuss the feasible solving orientation. (3)Based on the above analysis and survey results of the critical materials, we organized the domestic and international management measures to elaborate management strategies for future. Through an expert consultation session, we deliberated about feasible promoting approach to construct management of critical materials of the rare and precious resources. 4.The international cooperation and other supporting items. (1)The study tour in California, USA, 12/1~12/11, which aims the sustainable material management and waste reduction management; A network consultation meeting for discussing the international experience exchange and the 4th international conference of SMM. (2)The recruitment of an on-site engineer for handling the administrative affairs related to this project.
英文關鍵字 Sustainable Materials Management, Material Flow Analysis, Direct Material Input(DMI), Domestic Material Consumption(DMC), Domestic Processed Output( DPO), Direct Material Output(DMO), Resource Productivity(RP), Cyclical Use Rate(CUR), Input / Output Table, Business Input / Output Inventory, National Resources Input-Output Table, SMM Database, SMM Application Systems