

中文摘要 本計畫目標為精進我國毒性化學物質管理法之源頭化學物質資料登錄管理制度與推動落實,依據「新化學物質與既有化學物質資料登錄辦法」之登錄制度架構,協助主辦單位建置我國化學品管理機制與源頭登錄制度之配套措施,並與國際進行化學品管理制度趨勢與執行經驗交流與資訊蒐集分析,強化與精進毒管法管理之框架結合。 依據計畫書之規劃,目前執行進度符合計畫書規定,已完成建議篩選標準初稿並依此標準選定我國未來450種既有化學物質優先清單,並完成物質之資料接收檔案。因應登錄制度之施行,對於登錄辦法之執行實務困難,分別提出實施或指引建議方案予主辦單位,包括科學研發與產品製程研發作法與認定提出簡化建議作法、資訊公開與工商機密保護提出國際上保護/公開比對作法、以及化學物質指引內容調修等,以提升登錄運作順暢度以及企業對於登錄制度的可行性及配合度。 本計畫參考國際資料研擬我國登錄之邊境管制可行管理方案與作法,同時研擬輸出入規定之內容與說明。配合主辦單位政策,建立輸入前確認搭配後市場稽查之機制,並完成建立通關事前申請平台,提供企業了解自身進口貨品之法規符合度。此外,本計畫持續收集國際綠色永續資訊,完成四式毒化物之替代案例,並完成規劃後續平台的架構與功能。 於本年度11月5日-6日辦理國際會議論壇,邀請歐盟、日本以及韓國講師分享化學物質管理現況與未來展望,並安排與我國登錄制度主管機關會面與交流。此外,參與國際化學品管理會議(the 4th session of International Conference on Chemicals Management, ICCM4)會議並提供會議摘要報告,執行單位亦配合出席化學品管理之跨部會會議,提供國家清單彙整、部會間資訊傳輸規格以及未來登錄檔案共審機制之調修意見,對於登錄相關之技術問題提出相關之建議供國際與其他部會參考。
中文關鍵字 國際資訊接收、登錄制度、邊境通關管理、綠色永續化學


專案計畫編號 EPA-104-J103-02-108 經費年度 104 計畫經費 9090 千元
專案開始日期 2015/05/07 專案結束日期 2015/12/31 專案主持人 李政憲
主辦單位 環管處 承辦人 林穎治 執行單位 財團法人安全衛生技術中心


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 104_EPA期末報告定稿_上網版.pdf 5MB

2015-2016 Chemical Registration Advancing Program

英文摘要 This program sought to advance the implementation of the chemical registration system under the Toxic Chemical Substances Control Act (TCSCA). Cooperating with the Environmenal Proteciont Agency (EPA) to facilitate and improve the system of the new and existing chemical substances registration, supporting measures were formulated. International information has been collected to assess the future trend and international development of chemical management. Also this program helped to improve the framework of TCSCA and strengthen its principles. To achieve the objectives, the program delivered the following four tasks according to the project plan. These tasks include drafting prioritization standard for existing chemical evaluation and exchanging and accessing international information of 450 chemicals, and offering solutions to practical challenges from chemical substances registration regarding the Substances Used for Scientific Research and Development & Product and Process Orientated Research and Development (PPORD) Registration, confidential business information (CBI) protection and disclosure, revision of registration guidance, as a way to foster regulatory compliance. In addition, a detailed analysis of the border control system and developed the platform thereof has been drawn up. Detailed information on green chemistry has been collected, a platform has been designed, and 4 case studies of safer substitute chemicals ave been delivered. Further tasks were accomplished to give a broader view on sound chemical management. The tasks include attending the the 4th session of International Conference on Chemicals Management (ICCM 4), furnishing a summary report on progress in ICCM 4, and attending inter-departmental meeting on chemical management, in which technical advices regarding consolidation of the national inventory, information transference between agencies, and joint evaluation of registration dossiers was offered. Furthermore, an international forum on November 5 to 6 was held, where experts from EU, Japan and Korea were invited to share their experience and give their thoughts on the future policy development of chemical management. Also a meeting was arranged to facilitate an exchange of ideas among the experts and the competent authorities.
英文關鍵字 international data collection, registration strategy, custom and border management, sustainable green chemistry