

中文摘要 本計畫主要針對北區10縣市各類水體進行水質監測,掌握各水體水質時間變化趨勢,並進行各水體污染評估分析,以提供環保單位污染防治決策之參考。 本計畫河川水質計有36條河川主支流,128個監測站,於每月監測1次,監測結果顯示,淡水河流域在上、下游有水質狀況差異明顯之情形,桃園、新竹地區河川則因多為工業廢水、民生污水之承受水體,水質狀況普遍不佳,雙溪及東部宜蘭、花蓮地區河川則水質狀況普遍較好;整體而言,104至107年河川水質屬未(稍)受污染等級佔最高比例為52%,中度污染等級次之佔34%,水質狀況與往年差異不大。海域水質計有8個沿海區域,40個監測站,於每季監測1次,各縣市沿海監測結果除106年第四季於台北沿海濂洞溪外海1個測點曾有銅未符合標準外,其餘皆符合海洋環境品質標準;河口測站因受河川匯流影響,鹽度普遍較低及無機鹽類濃度較高,整體而言,非河口測站水質較河口測站為佳,東半部海域較西半部海域為佳,本島海域較外島海域為佳。海灘水質共計有5處,15個監測站,於每年夏季6至9月間執行,每月監測1次;本計畫執行期間之監測結果顯示,新北市福隆、新金山、淺水灣、宜蘭縣外澳及花蓮縣磯崎等各處海灘水質,除福隆偶有未符合甲類海域海洋環境品質標準及海灘水質分級偶為普通與不宜親水活動外,其餘均符合甲類海域海洋環境品質標準,海灘水質分級皆屬優良等級,水質狀況良好。水庫水質計有27座水庫,36個監測站,於每季監測1次;計畫監測結果顯示,本島北部地區水庫營養階層在基隆市新山、西勢、桃園市石門及新竹縣寶山、寶二水庫介於普養至優養之間,至於在金門及馬祖外島水庫方面,則水質狀況普遍不佳,多呈優養之情形。地下水水質計有8縣市,143個區域性監測井,地下水水質超過地下水第二類監測標準之項目主要集中於氨氮、鐵及錳;各監測井之水質分類,以Stiff水質形狀圖方式評估,屬Ca2+及HCO3-凸出型佔最高比例約為67%,Piper圖解則屬I區佔最高比例約為68%,與往年之評析結果大致呈現一致趨勢。
中文關鍵字 水質監測、水質標準、方法偵測極限


專案計畫編號 EPA-104-L101-02-201 經費年度 104 計畫經費 80000 千元
專案開始日期 2015/03/26 專案結束日期 2018/03/31 專案主持人 余建中
主辦單位 監資處 承辦人 程凱麟 執行單位 精湛檢驗科技股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 EPA104L10102201 (104至107年度).pdf 26MB 104至107年環境水質北區監測計畫期末報告

The Enviroment Monitoring of the Water Quality in the Northern Area of Taiwan from 2015 to 2018

英文摘要 This project carries on water quality monitoring to five kinds of water bodies of ten counties and cities in the northern Taiwan. The changes of water quality to the time and pollution assessment for those water bodies could be provided to the relevant environmental agencies for making a pollution control decision. For river quality, the 128 sampling sites covering 36 rivers (including main streams and tributaries) were monitored monthly. The monitored results in water quality of rivers and creeks from 2015 to 2018 showed that the water quality in Yilan and Hualien cities was good; a critical difference between upstream and downstream water quality was shown in Danshuei-river; the downstream water quality got a high pollution concentration of organic matter; in Taoyuan and Hsinchu cities, Touchien-stream got the best water quality, the water quality in Nankan-stream, Laochieh-stream, Xinfeng-stream and Keya-stream was worse. As a whole, the highest percentage of the water quality was 52%, it belonged to unpolluted rivers. The secondary percentage of the water quality was 34%, it belonged to intermediately polluted rivers. Overall, water quality in 3 years was nondifference between the recent years. For ocean monitoring, the 40 sampling sites covering 8 coastal areas were monitored quarterly. Since the estuary areas were affected by the river during high tide, the salinity were low, and the concentrations of the inorganic salts were high. The monitored results appeared that Copper was ever found exceeding their relative marine water quality standards in the marine regions. The water quality in eastern sea area was better than in western, Taiwan coastal waters was better than off-shore island waters and estuary. The 15 sampling sites covering 5 beaches were monitored monthly from June to September. 5 beaches except the Fulong beach, others were not ever found exceeding the water quality standard because of the influence of river and rainfall, the water quality of 5 beaches was good. The 36 sampling sites covering 27 reservoirs were monitored quarterly. The reservoir water quality monitoring results showed that Keelung Reservoirs, Shihmen Reservoir, Baoshan Reservoir and Baoshan Second Reservoir were mesotrophic to eutrophic, and the reservoirs in Kin Men and Matsu were generally eutrophic. The 143 ground water sampling sites for 8 cities and counties were monitored quarterly. Ground water monitoring results showed that as usual, Ammonia-Nitrogen, Manganese and Iron were the major items against the Ground Water Monitoring Standard in second category. To analyze graphically each monitoring item by Stiff-plotting and Piper-plotting showed a trend as same as last sevesal years, there was no significant difference compared to the past. The highest percentage of Stiff-plotting and Piper-plotting was about 67% and 68%, it belonged to HCO3-- Ca2+ type and area of I.
英文關鍵字 Water Quality Monitoring, Water Quality Standards, Method Detection Limit