

中文摘要 環境是民眾生存的根本,由於社會經濟情況邁向穩定成熟,生產製造、消費、廢氣等活動造成之環境負荷自然增大,對於人口密集、工廠林立、機動車輛大增、垃圾成果、家禽畜飼養數增多等所增加的環境污染問題之處理也更行棘手。民眾生活水準提昇,環保意識抬頭對於以往生活周遭影響生活品質之污染、公害問題不再漠視與容忍,故公害陳情案件有越來越多的趨勢。依據環保署發佈104年公害陳情案件統計資料顯示,全國陳情案件受理件數達277,393件,其中噪音、異味污染及環境衛生問題,是104年為數最多的陳情類別,此三類總合佔全國八成以上,特別是都會區住商混合、商業發達,引發最多來自民眾的公害汙染陳情。有鑑於此,為了減少公害污染的發生,政府制定各項法令,強化各項污染防治技術,並透過公害陳情處理,協助民眾解決所遭遇之公害污染問題。 本縣每年接獲民眾之陳情案件於3,367至4,786件,除依程序妥善處理外,並訂定相關規定及建立電腦管理系統。為加強對民眾陳情案件之處理及提升陳情處理效率,而執行『104年度空氣污染案件快速查核計畫』,辦理24小時全時段陳情案件現場處理、追蹤複查。 本計畫執行期間統計至105年01月31日止共計查處4,436件陳情案件,包括空氣污染之異味污染2,392件、環境衛生1,239件、噪音污染494件、空氣污染(不包含異味污染)360件、水污染321件、廢棄物233件、其他31件、土壤污染4件及毒化物性化學物質4件。 配合民眾陳情案件稽查採樣,針對78處執行採樣86點次。舉辦一場104年度陳情案件稽查業務檢討會議。編制103年度雲林縣公害陳情案件處理白皮書。另為加強計畫人員之職能專業素能及服務態度,辦理2場次環保教育訓練。
中文關鍵字 異味污染 環境衛生 噪音污染 空氣污染 水污染 廢棄物 土壤污染 毒化物性化學物質


專案計畫編號 YLEPB-104-008 經費年度 104 計畫經費 9100 千元
專案開始日期 2015/03/01 專案結束日期 2016/02/28 專案主持人 許仲景
主辦單位 雲林縣環境保護局 承辦人 郭啟弘 執行單位 華門工程顧問股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 104年度空氣污染案件快速查核計畫.pdf 7MB
英文摘要 Environment is the fundamental survival of the population, due to the socio-economic situation towards a stable and mature, the environmental impact of manufacturing, consumption, emissions and other activities caused by the natural increase for population density, factory buildings, motor vehicles surge, garbage results, home livestock increase the number of breeding, such as the increase in treatment of environmental pollution problems are also more tricky line. Improve people's living standards, environmental awareness around the impact of pollution for the past life quality of life, pollution problem no longer ignore and tolerate, so there are cases of public nuisance petitions growing trend. According to EPA issued 104 years nuisance petition cases statistics show that nationwide petition case acceptance quantity of 277,393 pieces, including noise, odor pollution and environmental health issues, is 104 years the largest number of petitions category, three types of aggregate accounting Bacheng above, in particular, will be a mixed residential and commercial area, commercial development, causing public nuisance pollution petition from up to people. For this reason, in order to reduce pollution pollution, the government formulated the laws, strengthen the pollution control technology, and through the public nuisance petition process to help people solve the pollution problems encountered hazards. The county received a petition cases per year in the 3,367 to 4,786 pieces of the people, imposed in conformity procedures to properly handle outside, and set the relevant provisions and the establishment of computer management systems. In order to strengthen the case for the processing of petitions and public petitions process to enhance efficiency, and the implementation of "104 air pollution control case cum fast checking Plan", for the 24-hour period petition crime scene processing, tracking review. During the project execution statistics to 104 years in July totaled 4,436 pieces petition to investigate cases, including 2392 pieces of odor pollution, sanitation 1239, noise pollution 494, air pollution 360, water pollution 321, waste 233, other pollution 31, soil pollution 4 and toxic pollution 4 pieces. The County also cooperated with sampling inspection on public petition cases that for a total of 86 points sampled in 78 places. In addition, the County organized 2015 Annual Review Meeting of Audit Business on Petition Case, and prepared 2014 Yunlin County White Paper on the Treatment of annual cases of public nuisance petitions. Besides, the county also held two sessions of environmental educational trainings to strengthen the professional function and service attitude of planners.