中文摘要 | 一、計畫目標 (一)蒐集分析國內外環境低頻噪音及振動相關規範及研究文獻資料。 (二)研析我國民眾陳情環境低頻噪音及振動案件,瞭解實際影響現況。 (三)研提環境低頻噪音及振動管制策略及改善措施相關建議。 二、計畫工作內容 (一)蒐集分析國內外環境低頻噪音及振動相關規範及研究文獻資料 1.國外相關規範及研究文獻資料至少包含歐美國家及日本。 2.國內相關資料須包含主管建築機關相關法規現況,及國內相關單位研究文獻資料。 3.振動相關規範及研究文獻資料,須包含環境振動相關資料。 (二)研析我國民眾陳情環境低頻噪音及振動案件,瞭解實際影響現況 1.依據民眾陳情案件類型,以及環境低頻噪音(或近鄰低頻噪音)及振動特性,進行建築物實地測量調查以及實驗室測量研究,合計至少40處(次),並依相關國際規範擬定測量調查程序,及說明本計畫所採用之資料分析規範。 2.依前項低頻噪音及振動之測量結果,分析陳情案件特性,以及與民眾陳情之相關性。 3.調查研析民眾對環境低頻噪音(包含近鄰低頻噪音)及振動感受容忍度,並說明相關執行程序及參考依據。 (三)研提環境低頻噪音及振動管制策略及改善措施相關建議 1.依據本計畫量測結果之研析及國際規範,評估民眾感受容忍度對應之環境低頻噪音值(包含近鄰低頻噪音值)及振動量。 2.研提環境低頻噪音(包含近鄰低頻噪音)及振動之管制策略。 3.依據陳情案件類型,以及本計畫量測結果之研析,研提相關改善措施建議。另依陳情案件需求,提供改善建議供陳情者(或低頻噪音及振動源)參考。 | ||
中文關鍵字 | 低頻振動,低頻噪音,空氣音,結構噪音 |
專案計畫編號 | EPA-104-U1F1-02-107 | 經費年度 | 104 | 計畫經費 | 1650 千元 |
專案開始日期 | 2015/05/28 | 專案結束日期 | 2015/12/31 | 專案主持人 | 許榮均 |
主辦單位 | 空保處 | 承辦人 | 丁培修 | 執行單位 | 國立臺灣海洋大學 |
類型 | 檔名 | 檔案大小 | 說明 |
期末報告 | EPA-104-U1F1-02-107.pdf | 6MB |
Investigation of environmental low-frequency noise and vibration and research projet for improvement measures.
英文摘要 | The number of people affected by noise and vibration are increased by the days, and the quality of life are significantly reduced. Therefore a better understanding of the mechanism generating low frequency noise and vibration and the attitude of general public toward the perception of these two sources will be helpful in establishing regulations to enhance quality of life. This research first collected the vibration regulations around the world, whereas, only the low frequency noise regulation are enforced domestically, and there is no law toward vibration regulation and the structure-borne sound associated with it. Therefore, vibration regulation must be established t to make the relating low frequency noise and vibration more more soundly regulated. In other countries, for example Western Europe, vibration regulations are more toward traffic system and most of them use ISO-2631 as their standard for measuring and evaluating vibration exposure. For in harmony with international trend, it is suggesting that the domestic law shall be proposed using this standard. In this research, is it conclude that the cases that the main cause that we have studied with low frequency noise complaint is the structure-borne related sound. And with laboratory experiment, it is found that 52dB with 95% confidence interval is the threshold for the perception of structure-borne sound, which confirms the result from 103 year’s study. Therefore, it is suggested that the follow-on studied use this value as a base to collect more low frequency noise complaint cases and more lab experiment related to the threshold of perception, to established the vibration limits for the related regulations, and therefore further enhance the quality of life for general public. | ||
英文關鍵字 | low frequency vibration,low frequency noise,air borne noise,structure borne nois |