

中文摘要 計畫係根據歷年清淨家園全民運動顧厝邊部落格綠色生活(EcoLife)網建置計畫之成果持續維護及提升綠網既有功能,增進綠網操作的友善度,同時強化營造永續優質環境衛生計畫的管考系統,提升行政作業的效率;並藉由推廣及宣導,逐步落實清淨家園樂活化之「扎根環境教育,愛家園顧台灣」的環境新主張。 104年度清淨家園全民運動顧厝邊部落格綠色生活(EcoLife)網成效提升計畫主要成果如下為;共接獲全國髒亂通報件數為31,993件,其中清理28,095件之平均處理所需時間為4.20天,較103年的6.20天減少約2天;共辦理10場教育訓練(4/17宜蘭場、4/22中壢場、4/23中壢場、4/29臺北場、5/13臺北場、5/14臺中場、5/20高雄場、5/25高雄場、5/26臺南場、5/27臺南場),共433人次參加。 在綠網宣傳工作成果,104年度綠網活動”上綠網 有好康”中環境守護類活動共計有8,328部落格參加;績優清潔隊類活動,計9,313篇通報日誌獲得通報人優評;活動推廣類活動,計11,860人參加。自活動開跑後,綠網通報案件由5月前每月平均1,004件大幅提升至5,394件,由此可見綠網活動之成效;經營環保署Facebook生活EcoLife粉絲團,共計發布125篇文章,得2,359個按讚分享數,文章已觸及到55,717人,粉絲團粉絲人數已達13,961人,已增加10,560人。 另執行Google地圖使用減量作業,整體檢視及調修程式,避免過度使用Google地圖。至10月08日截止,綠網平均每日API流量為1,507次,低於限定用量每日2.5萬次,達成合約規定每日流量需低於2.5萬次之要求。
中文關鍵字 清淨家園、複式動員、整潔度


專案計畫編號 EPA-104-J101-02-103 經費年度 104 計畫經費 3270 千元
專案開始日期 2015/01/23 專案結束日期 2015/12/31 專案主持人 尤世雄
主辦單位 環管處 承辦人 鄭志文 執行單位 環資國際有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 104清淨家園全民運動顧厝邊部落格綠色生活網成效提升計畫.pdf 11MB

Eco Life Website Effectiveness Enhancement Project

英文摘要 Based on the establishment plans of EcoLife Website from the past few years, the existing functions are continued to be maintained and enhanced, while the operation friendliness is increased. At the same time, the assessment and management system of the creation of sustainable quality environmental sanitation plan is strengthened, enhancing the efficacy of the operation system. With the promotion and advocacy, the new environmental viewpoint of EcoLife “Rooting the environmental education and loving our home in Taiwan” shall be gradually implemented. The key results of efficiency enhancement of 2015 EcoLife Website are: 31993 cases reporting dirtiness around the country; for the 28095 cases, the average necessary days for cleanup is 4.20 days, which means 2 days less than the 6.20 days from 2014. There were 10 educational trainings (4/17 in Yilan, 4/22 in Chungli, 4/23 in Chungli, 4/29 in Taipei, 5/13 in Taipei, 5/14 in Taichung, 5/20 in Kaohsiung, 5/25 in Kaohsiung, 5/26 in Tainan and 5/27 in Tainan) with a total of 433 participants. In terms of the promotional results of the EcoLife Website, there were a total of 8328 bloggers who participated in the environmental protection event of “Goodies in EcoLife”. In terms of the cleaning squads’ merits, there were 9313 reports with excellent commentaries; a total of 11860 people who participated in the promotional events. As the event began, an average of 1004 cases were reported to EcoLife Website before May and it was greatly increased to 5394 cases, showing the effectiveness of the EcoLife event. In terms of EcoLife’s Facebook Fanpage managed by the Environmental Protection Bureau, there were a total of 125 posts with 2359 likes and shares, reaching to 55171 people. The followers of the Fanpage have reached to 13961 people, an increase of 10560 people. In terms of the Google Map usage reduction, we had an overall inspection and adjustment of the program as to avoid excessive usage of Google Map. Until October 8th, the daily average API of EcoLife is 1507, less that the limited amount of 25000, reaching to the daily amount of less than 25000 as regulated by the contract.
英文關鍵字 Clean Neighborhood、Multiple Mobilization、Clean-degree