

中文摘要 本年度計畫在執行期間辦理1場次室內空氣品質法規說明會,對象為第二批預公告對象,會議主要說明室內空氣品質相關法規及稽查管制事項、室內空氣品質維護管理計畫書撰寫要點、室內空氣污染物及健康危害、改善方案等。104年12月辦理1場次跨局處橫向協調會議,討論各局處權責及分工項目。 規劃辦理巡查檢驗部分,針對本市轄區內71處公共場所進行直讀儀巡檢管制空間及民眾常駐足之區域,巡檢本市28處第一批公告場所中有15處巡檢結果有瞬間高值;另43處第二批預公告場所包含大專校院、圖書館、商場、醫療機構及電影院,亦有13處有瞬間高值,高值項目主要為二氧化碳、甲醛、TVOC、PM10及PM2.5。本計畫另進行25處第二批預公告場所及歷年二氧化碳自動連續監測結果偏高之10處第一批公告場所,執行開放營運期間二氧化碳自動連續監測,篩選高濃度點位連續監測3天以上,結果有13處場所二氧化碳有超標之疑慮。 依據環保署稽查檢測作業原則針對第一批公告場所執行標準方法稽查檢測作業,本計畫共執行30處次111點次標準方法檢測,3處有甲醛超標情形(含103年計畫執行新光三越西門店稽查檢測),其中家樂福新營店及國立成功大學醫學院附設醫院皆已完成改善;另新光三越臺南西門店因103度計畫標準檢測甲醛不合格,經限期改善於本計畫複測後結果符合法規標準。為讓場所瞭解自身室內空氣品質問題與改善作為,本計畫篩選19處巡檢或連續監測值偏高之第二批預公告場所,安排專家學者至現場輔導,協助場所探尋可能污染源,並提供改善建議供場所參考。本計畫亦針對衛生福利部台南醫院,執行16天自動連續監測CO2、溫度及濕度,進行通風換氣量之評估,研提可行的室內空氣品質改善方法,提供場所作為改善室內空氣品質之參考執行方案。 本計畫亦協助環保局達成有關室內空氣品質考評標準,並於「104年度直轄市、縣(市)政府配合推動室內空氣品質管理法執行績效考評」取得自評成績100分。 本市33處第一批公告場所經輔導後,已全數完成室內空氣品質維護管理專責人員之設置及室內空氣品質維護管理計畫書之訂定,並有9處完成第一次標準方法定期檢測作業。
中文關鍵字 室內空氣品質、公告場所


專案計畫編號 經費年度 104 計畫經費 4650 千元
專案開始日期 2015/05/14 專案結束日期 2015/12/31 專案主持人 許逸群
主辦單位 臺南市政府環境保護局 承辦人 王秋評 執行單位 崑山科技大學


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 104年度臺南市推動室內空氣品質改善計畫期末報告.pdf 21MB
英文摘要 During the annual project was operated this year, we have held one information sessions about indoor air quality (IAQ). The objects were the preparatory second public sites by the Environmental Protection Administration (EPA). The conference primarily described relative laws of indoor air quality (IAQ), inspection restrictions, key points of indoor air quality (IAQ) maintenance projects in public sites, indoor air pollution, hazardous to health and improvement proposals. We also held a cross-office horizontal negotiation conference on December, 2015 discussing responsibilities and obligations of each office and items of work divisions. The planning of patrol inspection conducted direct reading instrument-based inspection in the restricting spaces and places where people usually stay of 71 public sites within our city. 15 out of 28 first announcing public sites in Tainan City had momentary peak value. Other 13 out of 43 preparatory second public sites also had momentary peak value including University, library, market, hospital, and theaters. The primary items at peak value are carbon dioxide, formaldehyde, TVOC, PM10 and PM2.5. The project also had automatically continuous monitoring of carbon dioxide in those 35 public sites as above during operation, and filtered high concentration points for more than 3 days. The result showed that more than 13 public sites were considered exceeding the standard. According to the first proclamation of examination result for areas and operation periods, we sifted through environments with concern of exceeding contents and further executed examination of indoor air pollution control items. There were 30 executed sub-standard inspections with 111 items in each environment. Within the inspections, there were 3 places with exceeding formaldehyde (HCHO), include carry on last year plan of Shin Kong Mitsukoshi Tainan Place. For purposes of making each environment acquainted with the issue of indoor air quality (IAQ) and following certain solutions, in this program, we arranged professionals’ field guide for 19 sessions, assisted in searching for any possible pollution source and provided any advice for improvement. The above-mentioned standard examination revealed 3 places –Shin Kong Mitsukoshi Tainan Place, Carrefour Hsinying branch and National Cheng Kung University Hospital with exceeding formaldehyde (HCHO). With improvement, guidance and re-examination, all results met the standard value as regulated. This program also sifted the places with poor indoor air quality (IAQ) of Tainan Hospital, where CO2, temperature and humidity were detected consecutively, along with assessment of ventilation level of 16 days. In addition, we suggested available solutions of improvement to indoor air quality (IAQ) for each environment for references of programs to improve indoor air quality (IAQ) at workplace. In this plan, we also assisted the EPA in assessment standard related with indoor air quality (IAQ) and scored at 100 points ourselves in “2015 City Municipal & County Government Cooperating on Promotion of the Management Act governing indoor air quality (IAQ)”. After being guided, all of 33 first announcing public sites in this city had set up specialists for maintenance & management of IAQ as of end of December in 2015; all of 33 sections in the Proposal for Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) Maintenance; and 9 carried out the first IAQ measurements by the standard methods.
英文關鍵字 Indoor Air Quality, announcing public sites