

中文摘要 本團隊於104年8月8日開始執行本計畫,其中高雄市第一批公告列管之59家場所,除環球購物中心(新左營店)專責人員尚未完成設置外,餘均於法規期限(47家)或第一次限期改善期限內(11家)取得室內空氣品質維護管理專責人員設置申請核備函。針對未依規定設置專責人員之場所,環保局已於104年10月12日進行開罰,處1萬元罰鍰。室內空氣品質維護管理計畫文件方面,目前已有46家完成計畫書核定,第一批公告場所定期檢測作業辦理情形,統計至12月15日前已有28家場所完成第一次定期檢驗測定作業。第二批預公告場所共57家,經訪查後統計已有22家考取專責人員證照,本計畫並協助20家場所建置維護管理計畫書。 在巡查檢測方面,第一批列管場所總計執行11,337點次的巡查檢測,彙整巡檢結果,CO2濃度瞬間高值發生率以醫療機構26 %及政府機關22 %較高;甲醛濃度瞬間高值發生率以醫療機構17 %及商場12 %較高;TVOC瞬間高值發生率較高者分別有民用航空站100 %、圖書館100 %、醫療機構98 %及商場82 %等;粒狀污染物(PM10及PM2.5)主要瞬間高值發生率測得之場所為醫療機構及政府機關。第二批預公告列管場所共計執行659點次的巡查檢測,彙整巡檢結果發現仍以CO2、TVOC測項之瞬間高值發生率較高。 本計畫共完成10家二氧化碳連續監測,其中好市多高雄店、長庚醫療財團法人高雄長庚紀念醫院及家樂福愛河店等3家場所測得CO2最大八小時平均值超過法規標準1,000 ppm,其餘7家場所CO2最大八小時平均值則介於570~988 ppm之間,未超過法規標準。 在標準值稽查檢測方面,本計畫針對第一批公告列管場所,參考現場訪查及追蹤複查作業之結果,篩選出16家場所進行室內空氣品質標準值檢測作業,並針對過去稽查檢測超過法規標準之場所(2家甲醛及1家細菌)進行複測,複測結果均已符合法規標準。 在宣導作業方面,分別於9月及10月辦理共5場次法規宣導說明會,共計有119個單位、142位人員參與;分別於11月3日發佈1篇新聞稿及12月22日發佈2篇新聞稿。今年度完成宣導摺頁共1,000份製作,並於空噪科成果發表會發放予與會人員。而在計畫網頁內容方面,本年度將內容分為民眾版、學術版及跨局處橫向平台等3個部分,期能提高民眾點閱率。
中文關鍵字 室內空氣品質、專責人員、連續監測


專案計畫編號 (104)高市環局祕字第079號 經費年度 104 計畫經費 2839.981 千元
專案開始日期 2015/08/08 專案結束日期 2015/12/31 專案主持人 鄭以鴻
主辦單位 高雄市政府環境保護局 承辦人 陳郁文 執行單位 環佑實業有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 104年高雄市室內空品輔導計畫(正式報告)..pdf 10MB
英文摘要 This project started on August 8, 2015. All fifty nine announced premises of the first batch have gotten dedicated personnel approval for reference before the regulatory deadline (47 premises) or the first given improvement deadline (11 premises) except Global Mall’s Xin Zuoying Branch. The premise unapproved mentioned above has been fined NT$10,000 by the Environmental Protection Bureau on October 12, 2015. In the establishment of maintenance and management plan, forty six announced premises have been approved. However, twenty eight premises had finished the first time periodic tests by December 15, 2015. As regards the second batch of fifty seven preannounced premises, twenty two of them have obtained qualification certificates and this project has comprehensively guided twenty premises to establish the new issued format of maintenance and management plan. With respect to inspection testing, the project team has executed 11,337 times for the first batch of announced premises. Summarizing the results of inspection testing, the medical establishment and government offices have higher instant high value ratio for carbon dioxide of 26% and 22% respectively; medical establishment and shopping centers have higher formaldehyde instant high value ratio of 17% and 12% respectively; the civil airport, library, medical establishment and shopping center have higher instant high value ratio for total volatile organic compounds of 100%, 100%, 98% and 82% respectively; the medical establishment and government offices have higher instant high value ratio for particulate matter (PM2.5 and PM10). The project team has also executed 659 times of inspection testing for the second batch of preannounced premises. Running through the consequence of inspection testing, carbon dioxide and total volatile organic compounds also have higher instant high value ratio. With regard to continuous carbon dioxide monitoring, ten selected premises had been accomplished. Among them, Costco’s Kaohsiung Branch, Chang Gung Medical Foundation’s Kaohsiung Chang Gung Memorial Hospital and Carrefour’s Love Canal Branch failed to comply with the Indoor Air Quality Standards (1000 ppm); however, the rest of premises met the standards and had the highest eight-hour average value from 570 to 988 ppm. Referring to the results of the field inspection and tracing reinspection, analysis for indoor air quality standards of sixteen premises selected from the first batch of announced premises had been completed. Three of them failed to satisfy the requirements of the Indoor Air Quality Standards: two for formaldehyde and one for bacteria. All of the three premises had met the standards after retesting. A total of five regulation demonstration workshops were held in September and October respectively and one hundred and forty two persons one hundred and nineteen premises attended. The project also issued one press release on November 3 and two on December 22 respectively. The project submitted one thousand copies of demonstration folders and distributed them to participants attending the End of the Year Performance of Air pollution and Noise control Division. The project also divided the entrance pages of project website into three parts, which includes “public version”, “academic version” and “cross-division lateral platform”, and looks forward to enhance its public click through rate.
英文關鍵字 indoor air quality, management professionals, continuous monitoring