

中文摘要 本計畫已完成103年移動源污染排放量推估;針對推估參數進行資料分級及評估其適切性,並進行參數對推估結果之敏感性探討;於移動污染源總量管制成效評析工作,彙整中央、地方管制成果,並進行減量成效量化研析;於地方執行成果查核部分,持續更新直轄市與縣市車速調查結果;於環保署車籍介接系統工作,持續針對系統功能、資料安全進行維護,本年度計畫工作成果項目摘述如下: 一、完成103年移動污染源各污染物排放總量推估,102年NOx排放量較101年與103年高,其他氣狀污染物則為逐年下降之趨勢;103年粒狀污染物雖較102年低,但102年與103年之推估值仍較101年高。於交通測站平均濃度結果分析,103年NOx較102年高,其餘污染物有下降之趨勢。另依氣象資料、車流量資料與測站資料相關性分析,得知交通測站及一般測站觀測值與車流之相關性,皆係氣狀污染物較粒狀污染物高。於空氣污染防制計畫書評析部分,各縣市依照目前6大類主要管制措施執行,包含:使用中機車、使用中柴油車、使用中車輛汰舊、交通管理措施、低污染車輛推廣及其他措施,本計畫依各空品區完成整體成效評析。 二、車載量測實驗完成不同測試因子之比對分析,包含不同速度、測試時段(離、尖峰)、道路類型等,且完成同車型之歷年測試值比對分析。 三、彙整中央、地方於移動污染管制成果,完成減量成效量化推估,及100~104年使用中機車、柴油車檢驗污染度分析,依檢驗樣態分類進行分析,得知車輛於檢驗前未經保養調修其檢驗值皆顯著偏高,顯示保養調修作業具一定改善車輛排放成效。 四、地方執行成果查核部分本年度主要係進行直轄市與縣市環保局車速調查。依調查結果發現,本年度計畫因加入省道、縣道之調查,故多數縣市車速與去年結果略為不同,但都會區縣市平均行駛車速仍較非都會區縣市為低,本土性車速調查結果可提供總量推估參考。 五、維護本署與交通部公路總局車籍介接系統,提供本署、環保局及回收基管會環保違規入案、銷案及禁動、解凍、回收註記功能及車籍資料單筆與批次查詢功能。104年功能使用累計達7,119,121次。
中文關鍵字 移動污染源、車載排放量測系統 、污染排放減量


專案計畫編號 EPA-104-FA13-03-A247 經費年度 104 計畫經費 9657.648 千元
專案開始日期 2015/07/07 專案結束日期 2016/05/31 專案主持人 胡令賽
主辦單位 空保處 承辦人 林慧華 執行單位 振興發科技有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 EPA-104-FA13-03-A247.pdf 73MB

Evaluate and Control the Total Quantity of Mobile Emission and Survey the Implement Results of City and Country

英文摘要 This project has accomplished: estimation and verification of the 2014-2015 mobile source emission, updated parameters and parameter sources, advised Environmental Protection Administration (EPA) to control major mobile pollution source in the air quality region, status audits of 2014 local Environmental Protection Bureaus (EPBs) in conducting the mobile source management and control tasks. This project estimated the total annual emission, and also compared the monitoring stations data with predicted results. The proportions of air pollution have been calculated in different air quality regions based on TEDS 8.1. It also evaluated the changes in the pollution of various types of vehicles. The effect of vehicles growth rate and mobile source emission included: synthesized the number of all types of vehicles and traffic flow rate in Taiwan, and through which we could estimate the mobile source emission. The project assembled the two years of investigation data in the same platform. In the total quantity control of Mobile sources, the reduced emission of different control strategies had been calculated. The project also evaluated emission reductions of Kin-Men Low-carbon Island by popularize green transportation.  The project team had finished on-board Portable Emission Measurement System (PEMS) test according to the contract. This part of project also compared effects of testing results in the different factors, including the different speeds, the test period (off-peak, peak), road type, etc. This project collected implementation of the outcome and evaluated emission reductions of the central government and local government regulatory policy. In addition, to analyzed emission concentration of the use of motorcycle and diesel-vehicle. The velocity investigation of Municipalities and counties had been finished before Dec. 31, 2015. The results showed that speeds were a little lower than year 2014. The vehicle identification data exchanging system operated on July 7, 2014. It provided vehicle identification data for EPA, EPBs and Recycling Fund Management Board. This project will be functional maintenance, to ensure normal function.
英文關鍵字 mobile Source, on-board Portable Emission Measurement System, emission Reduction