
金門縣環境教育在地特色課程方案及環境教育人員認證輔導勞務委託 案計畫

中文摘要 金門地處離島,環境教育資源不足。為了改善此一情況,金門縣環保局乃將培育環境教育師資,開發利用環境教材以及辦理環境教育教學活動等列為施政重點工作,104 年委託中央大學進行「金門縣環境教育在地特色課程方案及環境教育人員認證輔導勞務委託案計畫」,落實環境教育工作。 金門縣有豐富的人文、地理、文化、生態等環境教育資源,本計畫完成國中版與國小版在地特色環境教育課程方案,共計八套教案,從閩南文化、僑鄉文化、戰地文化、低碳文化、生態保育等角度切入,並依不同對象設定明確的教學目標、設置課程操作及建立學習評量機制,並將這些特色教案有系統轉化為繪本,透過淺顯易懂的圖文,傳達環境理念,紮根金門中小學環境教育。 在環境教育人才培育方面,本計畫先後完成環境教育人員研習班與訓練班課程,共計有56 名學員完成受訓(其中6 名參加小時研習,50 名參加126 小時訓練),共43 人,取得認証資格,截至11 月30 日止,共有31 人已取得環境教育人員認證。今年可以取得環教人員認証人數是過去四年金門地區認証人數的二倍以上,顯示此一計畫成效相當良好。
中文關鍵字 環境教育、金門、繪本


專案計畫編號 經費年度 104 計畫經費 1250 千元
專案開始日期 2015/03/20 專案結束日期 2016/12/31 專案主持人 呂理德
主辦單位 金門縣環境保護局 承辦人 鄭永宗 執行單位 國立中央大學


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 金門縣環境教育設施場所及環境教育人員認證輔導勞務委期末報告01.pdf 42MB

Kinmen County’s Program of Local Curriculums for Environmental Protection Education & Entrusted Coaching Service for Environmental Protection Educator Accreditation

英文摘要 Kinmen County, located in an offshore island, is short of resources for environmental protection education. To rectify the situation, the Environmental Protection Bureau of the county has listed at the top of its administration agenda cultivating environmental protection educators, making use of environmental protection teaching materials and organizing environmental protection education activities. In 2015, the Bureau entrusted the National Central University to conduct the Kinmen County’s Program of Local Curriculums for Environmental Protection Education & Entrusted Coaching Service for Environmental Protection Educator Accreditation for purpose of practicing environmental protection education. On the basis of the County’s plentiful resources in humanity, geography, culture and ecology available for environmental protection education, totally eight localized curriculums for environmental protection education, either for middle schools or elementary schools, have been formulated for purpose of this Program. In these curriculums, Minnan culture, overseas-Chinese hometown culture, battlefield culture, low-carbon culture and ecological preservation are adopted as entry points, and specific teaching objectives, curriculum implementation program and the establishment of learning evaluation mechanism are tailored for various students. Besides, such characterized curriculums have also been systematically illustrated into picture books that promote environmental protection ideas by means of lucid pictures and let environmental protection education root in elementary schools. Concerning the cultivation of environmental protection educators, a training course have been concluded one after the other for purpose of this Program. Totally 56 trainees have fulfilled their training (among them, 6 participated in the seminar, and 50 took the course for 126 hours in total), and 43 of them become qualified for accreditation. By November 30, 31 trainees in total have obtained the accreditation for environmental protection educator. This year witnesses the number of trainees qualified for accreditation more than twice the total of eligible trainees over the past four years in the Kinmen region, indicating very favorable effectiveness brought by the Program.
英文關鍵字 Environmental Education, Kinmen, Picture Books