

中文摘要 本計畫主要執行轄內公告場所室內空氣品質自主管理工作輔導、調查、改善、定期檢測及法規宣導相關工作,以確實掌握公告場所室內空氣品質。104年度環保局針對金融機構、電信、高級中等以下學校、補習班、政府機關、醫療機構、社會福利機構等類別,共計150處次巡查檢驗,其中室內空氣品質有異常分別為東元綜合醫院(二氧化碳、總揮發性有機物及甲醛),中國信託商業銀行(竹北分行)(二氧化碳),臺灣新光商業銀行(竹北分行)(二氧化碳、PM10),臺灣土地銀行(湖口分行)(臭氧),千里福商務旅館(臭氧)。環保局亦將巡查檢驗異常場所列入專家學者現勘與輔導名單中,由室內空氣品質輔導診斷團隊提供改善及維護意見,並由本計畫持續追蹤場所改善情形。 新竹縣7處第一批公告場所已全數完成室內空氣品質維護管理專責人員設置,並訂定執行維護管理計畫書,包含環保局在內共計有4處場所已完成室內空氣品質巡查檢驗及定期檢測,剩餘3處場所亦已申請經費發包執行。環保署規劃105年將公告第二批公告場所,環保局配合政策推動率先針對轄內7處第二批公告場所(草案)進行室內空氣品質調查,並列為專家學者現勘與輔導場所。 為能促使新竹縣場所執行室內空氣品質自主管理,本計畫於巡查檢驗同時輔導場所填列維護管理計畫書,並查核歷年已輔導填列之場所,維護管理計畫書留存與更新狀況,並加強宣導其自主維護管理之重要性。藉由本年度辦理之6場次法規說明暨改善宣導會,讓場所對法規規範事項有所瞭解並盡早規劃自主管理。本計畫協助環保局邀集轄內場所管理單位辦理2場次室內空氣品質管理單位協調分工會,透過各局處同步推動行動方案,除提供場所充分緩衝時間進行本法應辦理工作事項外,藉由辦理協調分工會議,向各局處(平行單位)說明環保局推動室內空氣品質管制之目的。 另環保局為讓改善技術能更具體提供給場所,104年於環保局環保設施管理科及空氣污染防治科進行改善技術實場研究,分別為室內植栽空品淨化改善技術及辦公室室內空氣品質通風改善技術,其中以通風改善實場人員感受度較為明顯。
中文關鍵字 室內空氣品質專責人員、室內植栽


專案計畫編號 經費年度 104 計畫經費 4400 千元
專案開始日期 2015/01/01 專案結束日期 2015/12/31 專案主持人 鄭仁雄
主辦單位 新竹縣政府環境保護局 承辦人 林翠娟 執行單位 柏新科技股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 104年度新竹縣室內空氣品質管理計畫期末報告.pdf 22MB
英文摘要 This project mainly executes indoor air quality program for self-management consulting, investigation, remediation, regulated testing, and regulation awareness of announced buildings to actual control of indoor air quality. Hsinchu county EPB investigates 150 buildings including bank, telecompany, high school and under, cram school, government agency, hospital, welfare institution, …etc. Among them, those with abnormal indoor air quality are there are Ton-Yen General Hospital (CO2, formaldehyde, and TVOC); CTBC Bank, Chupei branch (CO2); Shin Kong Bank; Chupei branch (CO2, PM10); Land Bank of Taiwan, Hugou branch (O3), Chi-Le-Hou hotel (O3). The EPB also collects a few abnormal indoor air quality buildings investigated by handheld instrument. These abnormal buildings are consulted on site by two experts and provided remediation and maintenance advices. This project has been tracking update status of those buildings. The Hsinchu county has 7 announced buildings which have completed establishing responsible persons, maintenance and management plan. Among them, there are 4 buildings completing indoor air quality investigation and regulated standard testing; the remaining 3 buildings have planned budget to work on indoor air quality remediation. EPB will also target future announced buildings next year to do investigation and list as candidates for expert consulting. To promote good indoor air quality management of announced building, this project not only works on building investigation, but also consults how to fill in the management and maintenance plan. The project also audits this plan for past investigated buildings, renewed status, and most importantly, promotes importance of self-management. Through 6 regulation promotion events, all building owners understand better for indoor air quality regulation and thus plan ahead for self-management. This project has completed 2 working meetings for improving indoor air quality. The working group has come up several ideas for promotion. In addition, EPB has displayed two demo sites for indoor air quality remediation. One is for indoor air quality CO2 improvement; another is ventilation; especially for the site with ventilation improvement has excellent feedback for good indoor air quality.
英文關鍵字 ventilation