

中文摘要 高雄市於103年7月發生丙烯外洩,地下管線洩漏氣爆事件,導致多名消防人員傷亡。環保署為有效掌握有害空氣污染物排放資料,將有害空氣污染物排放掌握工作納入年度考評中,以加速各縣市環保局建立並掌握轄內之有害空氣污染物排放熱區及主要排放源。 「104年度新北市特定污染源加強管制計畫」係針對新北市特定污染源進行特定物種之建置更新作業,規劃指定區域及不明排放對象或區域之監控作業,稽查檢測發現異常排放情形之工廠,以分析比對潛在的污染發生問題。確實掌握特定物種的來源及物理化學特性,並建置本市特定物種資料庫,以利緊急空氣污染事件發生時提供研判作業所需之背景資料,另執行特定對象之區域進行網格式巡檢,以掌握污染源分布及污染物濃度變化。 在建置特定污染源具風險物種資料庫方面,本計畫已蒐集有害空氣污染物、爆炸性物質、毒性物質、81項易致空氣污染突發事件高風險物種名單等資料,並彙整建置本市特定行業使用高危害風險物質之有害空氣污染物、爆炸性物質、無機物質,及臭味閾值前10低之物質對象,並完成建置方圓3公里人口分布資訊及敏感受體位置。另建置新北市「空氣污染指紋資料庫暨緊急應變系統」,以強化使用者介面、網頁圖面與地圖功能,並納入緊急應變相關資訊與污染源分析功能(包括:氣象條件分析、臭味分析、污染源判別分析等),藉由多面向之綜合分析以查找工廠資料、物種資料與排放管道污染來源,於空污事件發生時達輔助之功效。 在特定污染源監檢測作業方面,本計畫已完成使用紅外線氣體微漏偵測儀、熱顯像儀、3D光達、火焰離子偵測器(FID)、五用氣體偵測器與被動式傅立葉轉換紅外光譜儀(OP-FTIR)等儀器進行特定污染源監檢測作業,並依污染源特性,綜合搭配各項功能適用之儀器,達到查找污染源與後續加強管制之目的。監檢測作業對象包括:南亞樹林廠、台北港儲槽、汐止瀝青業、土城工業區、大烏賊專案(新莊地區)等轄內主要特定污染源,並將相關檢測結果橫向聯繫空污費計畫與許可計畫,可由相關計畫針對缺失部分進行後續之加強管制作業,如空污費追繳、製程操作條件查核或許可審查標準加嚴等。另針對特定污染源於夜間排放情形較顯著之情形,本計畫亦已同步連繫稽查科稽查計畫,由該計畫篩選合適時段進場查核與檢測。 在特定污染物質對象之區域巡檢作業方面,本計畫以南亞塑膠樹林廠為對象,運用FID及五用氣體偵測器搭配GPS定位系統進行網格式巡檢。巡檢結果顯示,於石化製程內有因槽車裝卸密閉不佳有洩漏情形,而在製程周界3km範圍內之敏感區則無明顯污染情形。 在建置緊急應變處理執行模式方面,本計畫彙整本市常見之緊急空污事件類型,規劃緊急空污事件處置流程。並搭配蒐集101年至105年度11件處理案例進行說明,近年轄內緊急事件主要以工廠火災與氨氣洩漏為主,尚無發生重大空氣污染事件。本計畫已備妥相關空污應變儀器設備,可於事件發生時立即至現場進行檢測分析或採樣作業。 本計畫已辦理監測儀器功能與說明教育訓練會議及資料庫系統使用教育訓練,以利承辦同仁了解各項設備與資料庫功能並進行經驗交流,另增加辦理1場專家諮詢會議,討論計畫辦理情形與建議未來執行方向,期能有效達成掌握污染特性、降低緊急事件危害之目的。
中文關鍵字 特定污染源、空氣污染指紋、緊急應變、ALOHA


專案計畫編號 經費年度 104 計畫經費 5820 千元
專案開始日期 2015/09/05 專案結束日期 2016/09/04 專案主持人 吳岳侖
主辦單位 新北市政府環境保護局 承辦人 徐啟龍 執行單位 慧群環境科技股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 104年度新北市特定污染源加強管制計畫期末報告.pdf 15MB

Tightening the Control of Specific Pollution Sources in New Taipei City in 2015

英文摘要 In July 2014, an underground propylene gas pipeline in Kaohsiung leaked and a subsequent explosion caused many deaths and injuries. To obtain data about the emission of hazardous air pollutants (HAPs), the Environmental Protection Administration incorporates the control of HAPs emission into the annual assessment. The Environmental Protection Department of the New Taipei City Government has launched the “Tightening the Control of Specific Pollution Sources inNew Taipei City in 2015” project to establish and control the HAPs emission hot zones and primary emission sources in the jurisdiction. A specific pollution source and substance database has been established to monitor specified regions and unknown emission targets, and to audit and inspect factories found to have abnormal emissions or other environmental threats. Potential pollution problems are analyzed and compared to control the pollution source distribution and changes in the amount of pollutant concentration. In July 2014, an underground propylene gas pipeline in Kaohsiung leaked and a subsequent explosion caused many deaths and injuries. To obtain data about the emission of hazardous air pollutants (HAPs), the Environmental Protection Administration incorporates the control of HAPs emission into the annual assessment. The Environmental Protection Department of the New Taipei City Government has launched the “Tightening the Control of Specific Pollution Sources inNew Taipei City in 2015” project to establish and control the HAPs emission hot zones and primary emission sources in the jurisdiction. A specific pollution source and substance database has been established to monitor specified regions and unknown emission targets, and to audit and inspect factories found to have abnormal emissions or other environmental threats. Potential pollution problems are analyzed and compared to control the pollution source distribution and changes in the amount of pollutant concentration. Sinjhuang area and others. The results of the inspections are linked horizontally to other relevant projects to tighten control on illegal operations and violations. Additional air pollution fee can be imposed, approval criteria can be changed and higher standards can be established. With respect to specific pollution, the Nan Ya Plastics Shulin plant has been treated as a specific target and FID and five-gas detectors have been used along with GPS positioning to perform a grid type of inspection. The inspection results showed leakage, due to improper sealing, of the tank of a container truck at the petrochemical manufacturing site. However, no obvious pollution within the sensitive zone, 3km around the perimeter of the site, was found. Emergency procedures for the handling of air pollution incidents and countermeasures have been established. Instruments and equipment is available for field inspection and analysis and sampling can be conducted without delay should an incident occur. During the period of this project, three factory fire countermeasure operations took place. However, there has been no major air pollution incidents in recent years. To enhance technology transfer and the exchange of knowledge and experience between our colleagues, extensive education and training in the use of monitoring instruments and the database is carried out. Furthermore, seminars conducted by experts are arranged where all the aspects of the project are discussed and recommendations are made that will allow the primary objective of the project to be achieved --the prevention of hazardous pollution incidents.
英文關鍵字 specific pollution source, air pollution fingerprint, emergency countermeasures, ALOHA