

中文摘要 本計畫之目標為:一、完成臺南市非固定式環境噪音及交通噪音監測作業;二、配合執行架設環境及交通噪音陳情案件監測;三、完成使用中機動車輛原地噪音量測作業,並配合行政院環境保護署執行大執法政策;四、辦理相關噪音宣導說明會及專家學者輔導;五、定時更新網路資訊及時效性與維護臺南市噪音管制網站;六、配合噪音陳情巡查及輔導改善作業,落實噪音污染案件追蹤管制,並掌握噪音污染源改善情形,及噪音陳情解析及查核工作,以降低民眾屢次陳情;七、配合執行行政院環境保護署環保機關績效考評中噪音管制項目工作;八、其他噪音管制業務(含廟會活動專案)相關交辦事項。 臺南市環境及交通噪音之監測工作,分別在12個環境噪音監測站與12 個道路交通噪音監測站執行,104年度完成192站次環境及交通噪音監測,完成率100%,104年第一季至104年第四季監測結果均已上傳至環保署噪音管制資訊系統網站。在噪音陳情案件監測部分,共完成10件次,完成率100%,其中第五件次於104年6月4日在臺南市新市區善化區光文路27巷4之2號進行監測,陳情原因為一般鐵路交通噪音,監測期間平均最大音量超出一般鐵路交通噪音第三類管制區管制標準,依其規定應提送改善計畫書,其餘監測結果均符合其各噪音管制標準。 在使用中車輛原地噪音量測部分,104年度應辦理53場,104年度共執行54場,完成率102%,攔查數量1,149輛,攔檢數量為215輛,其中告發為129輛,告發率為60 %,改善完成116輛,改善完成率89.9 %;檢舉車輛召回數輛1,593輛,回檢數輛1,645輛,告發為35輛,告發率為2.1%,改善完成率96.1 %。 104年度共完成3場噪音宣導說明會,完成率100%。第一場及第二場說明會於104年11月10日舉辦「依噪音管制法第8條、第9條公告內容」宣導說明會;第三場說明會於104年12月7日與移污及柴車計畫共同舉辦「臺南市高中職以上學校車輛噪音及空氣污染自主管理」說明會。 本年度的工作重點之一為噪音管制法第7條、第8條及第9條,協助辦理檢討、修正或重新劃定公告法制作業程序。其中噪音管制法第7條104年12月31日公告實施;依噪音管制法第8條公告事項進行檢討及公告,已於104年8月10日公告;依噪音管制法第9條第1項第6款公告事項已完成檢討,並於105年1月8日函送環保署核備;航空噪音防制區部分則已完成臺南機場及歸仁基地之劃分檢討說明,其中臺南機場目前已完成檢討,其檢討結果決議不修正航空噪音防制區,後續將提送環保署核備。
中文關鍵字 噪音


專案計畫編號 經費年度 104 計畫經費 2625 千元
專案開始日期 2015/01/29 專案結束日期 2016/01/28 專案主持人 陳俊能
主辦單位 臺南市政府環境保護局 承辦人 尤建智 執行單位 捷思環能有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 104年度臺南市噪音監測暨管理計畫.pdf 40MB
英文摘要 This project focused on the noise pollution and was principally categorized into eight parts: 1) completed non-fixed environmental and traffic noise monitoring in Tainan; 2) performed noise monitoring according to the noise-related complaints; 3) completed stationary noise measurement of running vehicle’s engine in coordination with the law enforcement from environmental protection department; 4) organized noise related seminars and invited expert to have their lecture; 5) frequently updated and maintained the noise regulation website of Tainan; 6) in coordination with regular noise nuisance inspection, carried out a noise pollution traceable chain for each case. The origin of pollution source could be determined and analyzed in order to reduce the repeated case reported by citizens; 7) involved the performance assessment of noise regulatory policy enforced by environmental protection department; 8) other noise regulatory related works (included religious carnival project) Tainan environmental and traffic noise monitoring was performed at 12 environmental noise monitoring stations and 12 roadside traffic noise monitoring stations. In 2015, we completed total 192 times (achieved 100%) environmental and traffic noise monitoring. All the monitoring data throughout four seasons in 2015 have been uploaded to noise regulation website of environmental protection department. Measurement for the noise nuisance cases have been completed 10 times. One of those cases related to the railway noise nuisance was measured at No.4-5, Ln. 27, Guangwen Rd., Shanhua Dist., Tainan City 741, Taiwan (R.O.C.) on 4 June 2015. Average maximum noise level exceeded the class 3 of general railway noise restriction was recorded during the monitoring period as a result improvement report was submitted in accordance with the regulation. For the rest of cases, all the monitoring results complied with the noise restriction standard. The stationary noise tests were competed total 54 times, one more additional test out of the scheduled program, achieved 102%. 1149 vehicles were intercepted in which 215 vehicles were required to be further inspection. Among the inspection, 129 vehicles were prosecuted and reached 60%. 116 vehicles were completed the improvement measure and achieved 89.9%. In addition, 1593 reported vehicles were recalled and 1645 vehicles have been inspected. In which 35 vehicles were prosecuted (2.1%) and improvement rate reached 96.1%. Three numbers of noise pollution conferences were organized on 2015. The content of first and second seminars was an introduction of “Noise Control Ordinance clause 8 and 9” which were held on 10 Nov 2015. The third seminar “ Self-management on noise nuisance and air pollution from Tainan school bus” was co-organized with Mobile source control plan and Diesel vehicle exhaust detect plan on 7 Dec 2015. This year, project team focused on offering assistance to performance assessment, review and re-planning of work program of the Noise Control Ordinance Clause 7, 8 and 9. It could be summarized into 4 sections: 1) The Noise Control Ordinance Clause 7 has been released on 31 Dec 2015; 2) Review and assessment of Noise Control Ordinance Clause 8 which was published on 10 Aug 2015; 3) Review and assessment of Noise Control Ordinance subclause 1 to 6 in Clause 9 which was submitted to environmental protection department for approval on 8 Jan 2016; 4) Review and assessment of aircraft noise restriction area at Tainan airport and Qui Nhon Airlines base. The aircraft noise restriction area at Tainan airport was not required to be rectified according to the monitoring results, and the assessment report would be submitted for environmental protection department’s approval.
英文關鍵字 noise