

中文摘要 本年度計畫執行期程為104年2月13日~12月15日,各項作業成果說明如下: (一) 寺廟神壇空氣污染排放調查與推動空氣污染物減量 1. 推動寺廟空氣污染自主管理,推動迄今(104年) 總計共62家寺廟響應,較103年響應寺廟數57家,增加5家(真如禪寺、平安宮、頂安宮、慈善堂、普濟寺),其中58家寺廟屬本市民政處登記納管之寺廟,佔寺廟總數149家的39%,並有4家寺廟未屬民政處登記納管。 2. 透過推動寺廟空氣污染自主管理,促成紙錢集中燃燒99.9公噸、紙錢使用減量73.6公噸/年、拜香使用減量467萬支、使用LED燈具節電192萬5,330度,促成粒狀物(PM10)減量1,735公斤/年,二氧化碳(CO2)減量1,265公噸/年。 3. 重要節慶紙錢集中燃燒活動部分,清明節總計集中處理紙錢6.05公噸,中元節總計集中處理92.03公噸,總計98.08公噸,較往年84.34公噸,提高16%。 4. 以功代金活動推廣部分,清明節響應金額共6萬9,147元,中元節響應金額共21萬9,534元,其次透過全家便利商店(famiport系統,12月)捐款響應計11萬2,300元,總計40萬981元,較往年27萬699元,成長48%。 (二) 露天燃燒空氣污染管制 1. 露天燃燒稽巡查作業,預計完成250件以上,本年共達成544件(稽查192件;巡查352件),達成率100%。 2. 稻草勿露天燃燒宣導說明會分別於5月20日、10月14日辦理,會議邀請行政院農業委員會臺中區農業改良場高德錚副場長參與,推廣稻草翻耕再利用及有機腐化菌,鼓勵農民翻耕。 3. 稻草再利用推廣及補助作業,採補助農民使用有機益菌肥的方式實施,分別於第一期和第二期稻作收割期間辦理,作業達成率100%;第一期補助作業,於6月27日辦理,實際補助有機益菌肥590包,補助農民47位,其中並有2位為往年查獲露天燃燒農地之地主,總計第一期補助作業共輔導59.50公頃農地,翻耕比例86%;第二期補助有機益菌肥80包,補助農民8位,翻耕改善7.74公頃農地,總計本年共翻耕改善67.24公頃農地。 (三) 餐飲業空氣污染管制 1. 執行餐飲業陳情稽巡查,本年度總計完成288次,達成率100%,一般稽查管制83次、陳情稽查131次、複查73次(包含改善期間複查41次、改善完工稽查32次)及污染源移除確認1次(嘉鄉關東煮業者)。 2. 本年稽查、輔導和追蹤,總計追蹤42家業者,其中31家業者,已透過既有設備改善或新設防制設備,避免污染逸散導致陳情,改善率達74%。 3. 餐飲業污染防制技術宣導,分別於5月25日、9月16日辦理完成,工作達成率100%;其次宣導部分,業已完成餐飲業油煙污染防制宣導手冊的編撰及印製工作(1式500份)。
中文關鍵字 露天燃燒管制、餐飲業空污管制、寺廟污染減量


專案計畫編號 1031266 經費年度 104 計畫經費 3900 千元
專案開始日期 2015/02/13 專案結束日期 2015/12/15 專案主持人 鍾耀州
主辦單位 嘉義市政府環境保護局 承辦人 潘秋凡 執行單位 瑩諮科技股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 104年度嘉義市民俗活動餐飲業及露天燃燒空氣污染稽查管制計畫_期末報告.pdf 10MB

Chiayi City folk activities, catering and open burning of the Air Pollution Control plan

英文摘要 The results of the implementation report are summarized below: A. The Investigation of air pollution emissions at temples and altars and pollution reduction promotion. I. Temple implement air pollution management:This year there are 62 temples implementation of air pollution management in Chiayi City, more than 103 years, more than 57. Temple implementation of pollution control has 58 government units registered, accounting for 39% of the total temple. II. Self-management of the temple maintenance:Centralized burning paper money 99.9 tons this year, Reduce the use of paper money 73.6 tons per year, Reduce the amount of burning incense 4.67 million per year, Improve lighting, reducing electricity use per year 1,925,330 kw / hr, Reduce particulate matter emissions from 1,596 kg / year, reducing carbon dioxide emissions of 1,265 tons per year. III. Handle paper money burning activity in this year, after activity statistics, total combustion 99.9 tons of paper money. IV. Through donations do public service, reduce paper money burning activities, in response to the amount of 400,981 Taiwan dollar donation this year, compared with the same period in previous years, 270,699 Taiwan dollar, grow 48%. B. Open burning air pollution control operations. I. Implementation of open burning control efforts, this year is expected to complete the 250, at this stage has been completed 544, work rate reached 100%. II. Do not open burning straw policy advocacy conference, respectively, in this year's May 20, October 14 apply, work rate reached 100%. III. Encourage farmers to re-use straw, through grant, totaling 55 counseling farmers, improve farmlands 67.24 hectares, 86% of the actual proportion plowing. C. The food and beverage industry air pollution control operations. I. Executive catering petition air pollution control, control efforts as of this year, 288 checks have been completed, work rate reached 100%. II. After inspection, there are 42 restaurants industry to execute projects to improve air pollution, as of this year 31 has been the family business to complete and improve the rate of 74%, has not improved, has been going on track. III. Restaurants lampblack pollution control technology advocacy conference, respectively, in May 25, September 16 finished the procedures, work rate reached 100%; second, annual Restaurants lampblack pollution control advocacy manual has been printed is completed.
英文關鍵字 control operations of open burning, air pollution control on food and beverage industry, Temple pollution reduction