

中文摘要 現行土壤及地下水污染整治基金(以下稱整治基金)有八大來源,其中效仿美國超級基金向業界所徵收之土壤及地下水污染整治費(以下稱整治費),自民國90年開徵以來徵收總額已逾100億元,為現行整治基金最主要來源;憑藉穩固財務支持,行政院環境保護署(以下稱環保署)得以持續進行土水污染調查與整治工作;然整治基金運作迄今亦遭遇一些迄待解決問題,例如:收入部分,繳交整治費業者不斷質疑負擔整治基金比例太高、整治基金來源應通盤檢討;支出部分,近年來配合大規模調查、整治工作,造成整治基金支出大於收入,結餘逐漸減少,且主要工作以調查為主,在運用對策上是否應做出調整等。 本計畫主要工作內容在於檢討現行整治基金運用成效及政策走向,同時蒐集國外有關污染管理制度及財務籌募方式、整治實例及相關整治工法單價,比較國內外差異性,同時參酌國內相關業者、專家學者意見,凝聚共識,提供未來政策擬定與修法參考。 本計畫依規定完成國內環保基金現況檢討、分析,蒐集分析美國、英國、荷蘭、日本、韓國等國土水污染管理政策及整治經費籌措方式,並實際參訪日本、荷蘭及英國等國家,瞭解最新發展趨勢、進行場址參訪及執行經驗交流,期望可歸納為可行方案,做為未來實施策略參考依據。 為進一步蒐集國內各界對基金意見,本計畫進行31處污染場址實地訪談並輔以政策問卷調查350份,場址訪談對象包括:污染行為人、整治機構,以彙集整治實務上遭遇之困難;政策問卷調查部分包括:不同領域專家學者及整治費業者,主要在於蒐集各界對整治基金收支政策及相關法規意見等。 依據上述相關資訊彙整後,本計畫歸納出整治基金收入政策、支出政策及獎勵措施方案三個面向政策,辦理2場次圓桌會議,針對有共識及無共識意見部分,再辦理2場次專家諮詢會及3場次業界研商會議,彙整各界意見後,納入規劃策略參考依據,由於環保署對民國104年-107年土壤及地下水污染整治策略已擬定明確實施計畫,本計畫所研提之策略,建議做為長期實施策略。
中文關鍵字 土壤及地下水、整治基金、策略計畫


專案計畫編號 EPA-104-GA11-03-A041 經費年度 104 計畫經費 4671.217 千元
專案開始日期 2015/02/03 專案結束日期 2015/12/31 專案主持人 羅鈞
主辦單位 土污基管會 承辦人 曾禹倫 執行單位 中興工程顧問股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 EPA-104-GA11-03-A041(公開版).pdf 7MB

Strategic Plan for the Soil and Groundwater Pollution Remediation Fund

英文摘要 Currently, the Soil and Groundwater Pollution Remediation Fund has 8 sources of income. Among them, by following the example of the US Superfund, is a Soil and Groundwater Pollution Remediation Fee, which has collected over NTD$10 billion since 2001. The Soil and Groundwater Pollution Remediation Fee is the most important source of income of the Remediation Fund and provides sound support for remediation efforts by the EPA. However, over the years, questions were raised regarding the funding and expenditure of the Remediation Fund. The fee payers of the Remediation Fee have been requesting the EPA to acquire funding from other sources. Also, the remediation fund is continuously losing balance due to a number of large-scale pollution investigation projects initiated by the EPA. The purpose of this project is to investigate the efficiently of fund expenditures and to devise a strategic plan for future fund operations. We collected information on how other countries, including the U.S., the U.K., Netherland, Japan, and Korea, manage their soil and groundwater pollutions and how they fund their remediation efforts. We also conducted 350 questionnaires and 31 polluted site visitations to obtain opinions from university professors, remediation companies, fee payers, and actual polluters on where the EPA should gather funding from and how these funds should be spent. Based on the information we gathered, we derived strategic plans for the “Funding”, “Expenditure”, and “Awarding Mechanism” of the Remediation Fund. We then held 2 round table meetings, 2 expert consultation meetings, and 3 public hearings to obtain further opinions on these three topics. These strategic plans will provide the EPA with insights on its future fund operations. Since the EPA had already established their short- and mid-tern goals from 2015 to 2018, these strategies are recommended for long-term implementation.
英文關鍵字 Soil and Groundwater, Remediation Fund, Strategic Plan