

中文摘要 為掌握土壤及地下水品質現況,臺中市政府環境保護局(以下簡稱環保局)除針對轄區土壤及地下水執行定期監測、緊急事件應變調查、儲槽土壤氣體查證外,亦進行場址驗證、監測井維護管理、宣導活動辦理,遂於104年委託艾奕康工程顧問股份有限公司(以下簡稱本團隊)執行「104年度臺中市土壤及地下水污染調查及查證工作計畫」(以下簡稱本計畫),茲說明本計畫工作執行成果如後。 高污染潛勢地區、農地及疑似污染源附近調查 本年度依據102~103年度「臺中市土壤及地下水污染調查及查證工作計畫」執行成果,挑選超過監測標準農地依土污法第6條辦理定期監測,總共調查96筆坵塊,採集150點土壤,其中有3筆農地超過管制標準,分別是大里區J296、J330坵塊,鎳各檢出208 mg/kg與216 mg/kg;大甲區DS001坵塊鋅檢出609 mg/kg;后里區土壤今年度均低於管制標準,但超過監測標準。針對超過監測標準之農地,建議後續持續辦理監測。 在底泥監測結果上顯示,底泥受重金屬污染潛勢高,大里地區以鎳、鋅污染潛勢最高,其次為鉻、銅;后里區重金屬污染潛勢以鋅最高;而大甲區則以鎳最多,其次為鋅,環保局已函文底泥調查結果給臺中農田水利會,要求定期清淤渠道底泥並追蹤流向。 此外,今年度本團隊額外增加兩處農地灌渠水質監測收集資料,發現從今年4月至11月的連續監測,大里農地污染地區於凌晨0~3點,導電度有較背景值固定頻率升高之情形,此現象顯示該期間上游疑似有在排放,使得導電度升高。另外,今年度也執行7間大里地區農地上游高污染潛勢工廠第一階段環境場址評估與水污查核,其中太○科技一廠及宏○工業廢水設施旁多處地方有溢流痕跡及積水,有污染土壤與地下水之虞,建議後續進場調查。 污染潛勢地區地下水污染監測調查 本年度完成164口次場置性監測井地下水採樣,由檢測結果顯示潭子加工區及周圍地區、大里光正路地區、臺中港大型儲槽、臺中工業區、漢翔公司、興農王田廠、三晃公司、永日化學、中華全球石油、台灣優力豐富站之地下水均有超過管制標準情形,後續將建議持續進行高污染潛勢區域之地下水定期監測。 而在臺中西碼頭匯僑公司以往地下水量測水位紊亂,今年度透過自計式水位計連續觀測與時頻分析技術,釐清了監測井均受潮汐影響,高潮位時地下水位由西向東流,低潮位時地下水位由西北向東南流。也進一步透過監測井設置與地下水調查,查證匯僑公司之地下水氯乙烯污染。 大里光正路在豐枯水季監測顯示地下水鉻濃度時有突升之現象,除221巷中幾座污染行為人之工廠正在整治作業影響外,221巷西南方仍超過管制標準之區域目前已有限制地下水使用,建議未來持續監測,並朝向各工廠整合處理地下水之方向進行。 臺中工業區監測結果顯示東南方之地下水鉻已超過管制標準,區外之民井已進行清查並藉由市政府本預算應變計畫進行查證,顯示民井並未有受到污染情形,而目前認定之污染行為人瑞昌彩藝公司正提出地下水控制計畫中,但僅願意處理其廠內區域之污染,且由於臺中工業區內尚有地下水含氯污染物超標情形,較為複雜,建議後續可專請專案計畫進行調查與查證工作。 監測井維護管理 上、下半年各針對134口與199口監測井進行外觀巡查與內部檢查,完成20口井外觀維護、9口井體設施修復、37口井況評估、19口再次完井、2口異物排除、5口廢井及2口井新設。 場址驗證工作 今年共執行5處場址驗證,包含和平南勢段1984地號、BL162軍事場址、渼盛工業、真珠樂器、宏江公司,除宏江公司土壤重金屬仍有超過管制標準,驗證未通過外,其餘4處場址驗證均已通過。 地下儲槽審查與稽查 104年1月、5月申報各有313家,9月申報312家,並於申報翌月完成審查,申報率與審查率達100 %。同時亦協助環保局進行地下儲槽污染潛勢分級,屬第一級者有5家、第二級者5家、第三級者37家、第四級者1家、第五級者251家、未分級者14家,並依據分級結果,挑選26家高污染潛勢之地下儲槽進行查核,並完成31支土氣採樣送GC分析,其中鯨世界仁美加油站、昌平路加油站、大屯加油站、瑞國加油站、東大加油站等5站GC訊號值有偏高情形。其中瑞國加油站、東大加油站土壤氣體有測出苯、MTBE,已轉知環保署建議列入建議查核名單中。 緊急應變作業 土壤及地下水應變調查總共執行7件,包含西屯區宜寧中學預定地應變、后里國中北側農地應變、外埔區廍子里農地應變、大甲區孟春段農地應變、振盛瀝青農地應變、太平工業區土壤應變及梧棲大排油污事件油品比對,實做實算之總經費執行419,753元。 其他工作成果 本年度協助環保局辦理1場次地下儲槽法令說明會、1場次環保法規講習會、30場次校園宣導活動,參與人數均符合契約規定,環境法規與污染防治概念宣導廣受學員好評,活動成果問卷調查滿意度高,建議環保局續辦該項活動。另本計畫額外辦理4場次內部專業教育訓練及1場次「含氯污染場址整治國際論壇」,達到國內外專家學者、環保機關及產業界交流之目的。 另今年度也完成潭子、大甲、后里、大里等4處行政區以「里」為單位之地下水污染潛勢分級與地圖繪製,針對潭子區紅燈3處(潭子加工區一帶),大甲區紅燈1處(幼獅工業區)、大里區(光正路場址)紅燈4處等,環保局針對上述區域已有要求改善單位執行污染改善,避免污染擴大,並設置預警網監測外圍水質,及進行用水安全宣導。而大甲區有1處(頂店里)分級為深黃燈,建議清查里內民井並初步瞭解水質。 在技術進展上,今年度大量運用環境鑑識技術協助場址調查,包含於梧棲大排之漏油事件中使用油品指紋鑑識(包括生物指標、PAHs分佈等)釐清油源;潭子加工出口區利用含氯穩定性同位素釐清區外潭秀國中污染來自於區內;大里光正路地區利用水中鉻穩定性同位素技術說明不同區位之污染關聯性。對於往後各類型之地下環境污染判斷上提供了環境鑑識之技術選用方向。
中文關鍵字 污染潛勢地區地下水污染監測調查、高污染潛勢地區、農地及疑似污染源附近調查、監測井維護管理、場址驗證工作、地下儲槽審查與稽查


專案計畫編號 經費年度 104 計畫經費 20883 千元
專案開始日期 2015/01/01 專案結束日期 2015/12/31 專案主持人 勇興台
主辦單位 臺中市政府環境保護局 承辦人 張世昌 執行單位 艾奕康工程顧問股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 104年度台中市土壤及地下水調查及查證工作計畫-定稿本(本文).compressed.pdf 44MB
英文摘要 To have the current situation of soil and groundwater quality in Taichung, in addition to implementing the regular soil and groundwater monitoring, emergency investigation, underground storage tank soil gas investigate, Taichung City Government Environmental Protection Bureau (hereinafter referred to as EPB) also carry out contaminated site completion verification, monitoring wells maintenance management, educational promotion activities. AECOM Taiwan Corporation (hereinafter referred to as Project Team) was contracted to perform "2015 Soil and Groundwater Pollution Investigation and Verification Project in Taichung City " (hereinafter referred to as the Project ). Project results are summarized as below. Investigation of of High Pollution Potential Areas, Agricultural Land and Suspected Sources Nearby Area Based on results of year 2013 and 2014 Soil and Groundwater Pollution Investigation and Verification Project, this year the selected farmlands which exceeded Soil Pollution Monitoring Standards conducted regular monitoring in accordance with Article 6 of the Act. A total of 96 lots were investigated, 150 soil samples collected. There are 3 farmland lots exceed Soil Pollution Control Standards, which are J296 and J330 lots at Dali district, that nickel detected 208 mg/kg and 216 mg/kg respectively; DS001 lot at Dajia district with zinc detected 609 mg/kg. All soil samples at Houli district were lower than Control Standards this year, but higher than Monitoring Standards. It is recommended to continue monitor agricultural lands that exceed Monitoring Standards Results of sediment quality monitoring indicated that potential of sediment contamination by heavy metals were high. The highest pollution potential in sediment were nickel and zinc, followed by chromium and copper at Dali district; The highest pollution potential in sediment in Houli district was ; and Dajia district had nickel, followed by zinc. EPB has issued a letter with sediment monitoring results to Taichung Irrigation Association, regularly dredge irrigation ditches and tracking the dredged sediment are required. In addition, farmland irrigation ditch water quality monitoring was performed this year at two additional locations this year. Based on results of continuous monitoring from April to November, in the morning of 0:00 ~ 3:00 AM, frequency of Dali district irrigation ditch’s conductivity exceeding background values was increased, this result indicated that there was a suspected discharge at the upstream, therefore the conductivity increased. In addition, this year phase I of Environmental Site Assessment and water quality investigation were also performed at seven high pollution potential factories located at Dali agricultural land upstream. Several places which wastewater was overflowed and accumulated near wastewater treatment facilities at Tai-X and Ho-X factories have a potential of soil and groundwater contamination. It is suggested to conduct a follow-up investigation next year. Investigation at Potential Groundwater Contamination Area Groundwater sampling in 164 monitoring wells were performed this year. The results indicated groundwater at Tanzi Export Processing Zone and its surrounding area, Gou-Zheng sites at Dali area, large tank farm of Taichung harbor, Taichung Industrial Park, AIDC, Wang Tian plant of Sinon corporation, Sanko company, Yung Zip chemistry, Chinese Global Oil, Taiwan You-Li Gas Station exceeded Control Standards, It is recommendations to conduct a continuous investigation at these high groundwater pollution potential area. Groundwater flow direction is complicated in The Prime Oil Chemical Service Corporation (POCS) in Taichung harbor. Time-frequency analysis technology through continuous observation and automatic water level gauge were applied this year to understand that tidal-influenced monitoring wells, groundwater flow direction is from west to east during high tide; groundwater flow direction is from the northwest to the southeast during low tide. POCS groundwater VC contamination was verified by the installation of monitoring wells and groundwater sampling. Groundwater monitoring of wet and dry season in Gou-Zheng sites of Dali area indicated that the sudden rise of the Cr concentrations. Except several factories located at 221 Lane were performing remediation work, southwest of 221 Lane area he use of groundwater was limited currently. It is suggested to continue monitor the groundwater and integrate groundwater remediation works among factories. Groundwater monitoring results indicated groundwater Cr concentration at Taichung Industrial Park southeast area exceeded Control Standards. Residential wells inventory outside the area were performed and groundwater quality investigation results show the residential wells was not contaminated. The verified polluter Ruey Chang company has submitted a groundwater control plan, but the plan was only dealing with the contamination inside their plant. Since there were other chlorinated contaminations in Taichung Industrial Park, it is suggested to conduct an investigation project in the future. Monitoring Wells Maintenance Management In the first and second half year, visual inspection and well internal inspection were performed for 134 and 199 monitoring wells respectively. There were 20 wells exterior maintenance completed, 9 wells body facility repaired, 37 wells condition assessed, 19 wells completions re-performed, foreign matter in 2 wells removed , five wells abandoned and two wells installed. Site Verification Verification of remediation completion for five site were performed this year, including Nanshih 1984 lot number, Heping Dist, BL162 military site, May Sheng Industrial, Pearl Musical Instrument, Ho Jong company. All sites passed the verification except heavy metals at Ho Jong company site still exceeded Control Standards. Review of Underground Storage Tank Inspection There are 313 underground storage tanks declared in January and May respectively, 312 declared in September. The review was completed the next month. The reporting rate and review rate was 100%. Grading of pollution potential underground storage tanks was performed. There are five classified as the first level , and five in the second level, 37 in the third level, 1 in the fourth level, 251 in the fifth level. There were 14 not rated. Based on grading results, there were 26 high pollution potential underground storage tanks conducted inspection. and There 31 soil gas samples collected and sent for GC analysis. GC signal values in Whale World Jen-May Gas Station, Changping Road Gas Station, Datun Gas Station, the Rei Gong Gas Station, the Dong Da Gas Station were high. According to soil gas measurement for benzene, MTBE in Rei Gong and Dong Da Gas Stations, recommendation to EPA for inclusion of inspection list. Emergency Responses There were 7 soil and groundwater emergency investigation, comprising of Situn District I-Ning High School reserved land, the Houli Junior High School north side farmland, Waipu District Butze farmland, Dajia district Mong Chuan farmland , Gang Sheng asphalt company farmland, Taiping Industrial Zone and oil pollution assessment in Wuchi main ditch ,total NTD 419,753 of work was executed. Other Achievements A workshop on underground storage tank regulations was conducted. A workshop on environmental regulations and 30 campus outreach activities were also conducted. The number of participants met the contract requirements. It was recognized by participants for the concept of activities, satisfaction survey results was high, continuously conduct these activities was also recommended. Another 4 EPB internal trainings and one international forum on "chlorine-contaminated sites remediation were conducted. The purpose of experiences exchange among domestic and foreign experts, environmental authorities was achieved. Potential groundwater contamination grading and mapping by unit of village were also completed in Tanzi, Dajia, Houli, Dali districts this year. There were 3 area rated as red light in Tanzi district (Tanzi Export Processing Zone), 1 area rated as red light in Dajia district (Dajia Youth Industrial Park), 4 area rated as red light in Dali district (Gou-Zheng sites). EPB has requested above-mentioned areas in to improve the effectiveness of contamination improvements to avoid contamination spreading, and established the warning network for offsite groundwater quality monitoring, and conducted promotion of groundwater use safety. There was 1 area rated as deep yellow light in Dajia district (Ding Deng), it was recommended to conduct the inventory of residential wells and investigate groundwater in this village. In the area of technology development, environmental forensic technology to assist environmental site investigation in the Wuchi main drainage channel oil spill incident were applied. The forensic fingerprint (including bio-indicators, PAHs distribution) to clarify the source of oil were performed. The use of chlorine stable isotope to confirm the contamination at Tanshow Junior High School was from Tanzi Export Processing Zone. Stable isotope technique was applied to describe chromium contamination relevance among different location in Gou-Zheng area of Dali district. In the future, this achievement provides guides for the selection of environmental forensic on different types of environmental contamination.