

中文摘要 依據行政院環保署統計資料推估,台灣每年在回收處理廢電視及廢監視器過程所產生之廢主機板達2500噸以上,這些主機板被認定為有害廢棄物。傳統對主機板之處理,多先以熱處理,將基板上零組件與電路基板加以分離,再以高溫熔融、或結合熱處理及物理處理提取基板中之金屬。但在高溫熔融或燃燒方式,都因有機成分燃燒產生臭味、酸氣及戴奧辛等物質,同時可能導致金屬燻煙或金屬氧化物之逸散。 本計畫以兩年時間,開發以物理方式對廢電視/監視器主機板進行金屬回收及純化之技術研究。在本年度研究中,藉由多階段粉碎及篩分過程,將廢LCD驅動板中95%以上金屬加以回收,其中單一金屬、混合金屬粒及粉磨金屬粉分別佔驅動板重量之11.5%、25%及8.5%。而回收CRT電視主機板所產生約佔主機板重量10%之混合金屬粒,可再經磁選、比重分選、渦電流分選等步驟進行純化,分別得到約10%非金屬、20%鐵、20%鋁、10%紅銅及約40%之黃銅/錫渣混合金屬粒,而黃銅/錫渣混合金屬粒可作為鉋金銅(青銅)熔煉原料。至於回收過程所產生之粉磨金屬粉,本計畫採用濕法冶鍊方式,運用兩階段溶蝕結合金屬置換及化學沉澱,依序將金屬粉中金、銀、錫、銅、鉛等元素加以分離純化,並製成高純度之金屬或金屬化品。
中文關鍵字 廢電路板、金屬回收、資源再生


專案計畫編號 EPA-104-X01 經費年度 104 計畫經費 2000 千元
專案開始日期 2015/01/01 專案結束日期 2015/11/30 專案主持人 林俊仁
主辦單位 回收基管會 承辦人 吳柏宏 執行單位 綠建股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 EPA104X01-期末報告.pdf 6MB
英文摘要 Based on the statistic data of Recycling Fund Management Board of EPA, more than 2,500 tons of waste circuit board are generated every year during the recycle of used television and monitors. According to the environmental regulations, these waste circuit boards have been classified as hazardous waste. Traditionally, the components on waste circuit board are separated for reuse by heating process. The useless components and circuit board are further treated to recover metals by pyrometallurgical method or by combustion and physical process. No matter melting or combustion process, odor, acid gas, dioxin or other organic substances may be generated . Metal mist and their oxides for low melting point metals may be released during the process. In this two-year project, metal recovery processes from waste circuit board of TV and monitor are studied and developed. In this year, a multi-stage shreddingand screening process is used to recover more than 95% of metal from the waste LCD driver circuit board. The metals are recovered by the mode of single metal, mixed metal grains and grinding metal powder. The weights of single-meal, metal-grain and metal-powder are around 11.5%, 25 % and 8.5% of the driving circuit board. The mixed metal grain recovered from the waste circuit board of CRT TV can be further purified by a series of magnetic separation, gravity separation, and eddy current separation. In this study, about 10% of non-metallic, 20% iron and 20% aluminum, 10% copper and 40% of the brass/solder mixed metal grains are obtained. The brass/solder mixed metal grain can be used as the raw material of bronze. The grinding metal powder recovered from the waste circuit board of TV is further be purified by hydrometallurgical process. By means of a series of leaching, filtration, cementation and chemical precipitation process are used to separate and recover gold, silver, tin, copper, and lead from grinding metal powder. The metals obtained from grinding metal powder are recovered as metal or metal compound.
英文關鍵字 waste printed circuit board, metal recovery, physical treatment, hydrometallurgy