

中文摘要 (ㄧ) 稽查管制及採樣作業 辦理熱區事業稽巡查於夜間凌晨(9月份凌晨稽巡查)及非上班時間(星期一至五:17:30~08:00,星期六日:00:00~23:59),不定期稽巡查作業,巡視該區列管事業是否利用該時段違法排放廢水,共執行128家次,針對廢水處理、收集等管線標示不清,依法告發並要求改善,並針對熱區8家事業架設8家次水質連續監測儀器,監測結果皆無異常,已針對嘉義市污染熱區事業單位進行10家次深度查核,稽查發現廢水處理收集等管線標示不清、現場有廢(污)水排放於地面水體,經採樣檢驗超過電鍍業放流水標準,開單告發中。 已完成30家次列管事業單位之放流水進行採樣,其檢驗結果,不符合其行業別放流水標準之事業,皆已開單告發中,並要求業者改善。另將30家事業列為105年度水污費徵收名單回報環保署。 今年共稽查營建工地21家次,尚未施工11家次為最多,其餘已完工5家次、計畫書審查呈核中3家次、正常運作2家次。將請尚未施工單位在施工前提送計劃書至局裡核備,已完工業者申請解除列管;清查未登記工廠共67家,不符合放流水標準之事業,開單告發中。 已於8月14日於廠區內查獲排水溝發現不明管線3支,當場已要求業者封閉其管線,並於9月9日經複查已完成封管。經幾次複查動作,業者說明自封管以後,雨水下水道和廢(污)水設施處理皆無水溢出現象,顯示封除之三根管線不為該事業排水所用。 辦理遠東機械工業股份有限公司和勤億蛋品科技股份有限公司2家事業功能評鑑,並於協談會議中要求事業承諾缺失改善完成並提交改善期程規劃書及改善成果。 (二)其他行政作業 辦理二場次水污染防治法法規說明會,於會前會後發放測驗卷及問卷,出席率為80 %,會後測驗卷合格率80 %,顯示說明會之教學效益極佳。 本年度接獲民眾陳情案件為27件,以廢水偷排為最大宗佔33.33%;其次為異味事件佔25.93 %,另外還有水色異常、死魚事件、油污事件、環境問題等陳情案件,社區大樓之建築物污水處理設施因被陳情有異味進行放流口採樣送驗,其放流水檢驗結果COD未符合標準,依法告發裁處中。無廢水排放許可之業者,依法告發裁處,並要求進行後續改善,申請排放許可證。其他大部分皆已現場處理完畢,少數轉為嘉義縣政府環保局處理。 西區排水水質改善設施稽巡查,已進行30次巡查作業,其清理廢棄物量約為37公斤。公私場所建築物污水處理設施與化糞池今年度共從23家次中清運出共591噸,未來將定期持續清查,並邀請今年度未定期清理單位,參加105年度法規說明會,以提升辦理成效。 協助環保局許可審查已完成30件次,排放許可證變更、展延審查15件次;簡易排放許可文件新申請審查8件次;水污染防治措施計畫新申請審查3件次;申請許可解列4件次,皆於公文時效內完成。 今年度列管事業水污費徵收為49家,皆已申報繳費完成,明年度篩選名單為47家,並針對104年度稽查採樣超標業者,提報環保署,另辦理省水減污相關活動發放宣導品及水污染防治新聞稿3則,使民眾能夠更加瞭解省水減污之重要性。
中文關鍵字 深度查核


專案計畫編號 經費年度 104 計畫經費 600 千元
專案開始日期 2015/04/26 專案結束日期 2016/01/31 專案主持人 陳萬財
主辦單位 嘉義市政府環境保護局 承辦人 楊凱敦 執行單位 技佳工程顧問有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 104年度嘉義市流域污染削減計畫期末報告.pdf 9MB
英文摘要 (一) Inspection, Control and Sampling Operations We also conducted Hot Spot Firms Circular Inspection. The Inspection is conducted at time of late night and early morning (Sept. Early Morning Inspection) and non-working hours (Monday to Friday, 17:30 – 08:00, and Saturday and Sunday, 00:00 – 23:59) The inspection is on spot basis and is to check if any of the firms under control is illegally discharge waste water during the above stated period. Total 128 firm-times were conducted. On Oct. 7, Yung Jin-Shin Surface Treatment Co., Ltd. was found to be unclear in identification of waste water treatment and collecting pipelines and the company was lodged with accusation and improvement was demanded, and 8 firms in hot spot was set up with 8 times water quality continuous monitoring instrument and the results did not show any irregularity. We have conducted deeper inspection of 10 firm-times of pollution hot spot firms. The results were Yung Jin-Shin Surface Treatment Co., Ltd. was found to have unclear identification of treatment and collection pipelines; Jui Yu Hardware and Iron Chain Co., Ltd. Plant II was found during inspection and equipment operation, waste water was discharged to surface waters and the test results of sample collected was found COD 279 mg/L and is exceeding effluent standard of electroplating industry and the company was reported and accusation notice was lodged. We have completed 30 firm-time sampling of effluent of firms under control and the results of testing showed that Jui Yu Hardware and Iron Chain Co., Ltd. Plant II was tested with COD 137 mg/L; Anxin Hospital COD 229 mg/L; Taiwan Chiayi District Prosecution Office pH4.1 are all not meeting the effluent standard of the trade and all of them has been given with notice of accusation and improvement was demanded. Also 30 firms was listed as subjects for levying water pollution charge in 2016 and it has been reported to EPA. In 2015, construction sites inspection was conducted for 21 times in 2015 , and 11 times of them are before commencement of construction and 5 of them are completed, 3 of them had their plan submitted for review and 2 of them are under normal operation. Those yet to commence construction will be asked to submit the plan to the Bureau for review. The ones completed construction will be released from the list of control. Among 67 factories not registered, Yipinxiang Food Co., was found that the site had waste water discharged into side ditch in site inspection and the water was found to be bloody read waste water. Samples were taken immediately at the site. On August 14, 3 pipelines were found in the ditch of the plant of Shoyuan Chemical Industry Co., Ltd. the owner of the company was asked to block the pip0eline and on Sept. 9, re-inspection found the pipelines were blocked. We have conducted Function Assessment of Far Eastern Machinery Co., Ltd. and Chin Yi Egg Technology Co., Ltd. and they were asked, in the conference, to commit on improvement of discrepancy and submitting improvement schedule as well as the results of improvement. (二) Other administrative works We have held 2 sessions of Water Pollution Preventing Legislation Presentation and quiz and questionnaire was distributed to the attendants. The Attending rate is 80% and the quiz qualification rate is 80%, it indicated that the effect of the presentation is very good. In this year, we have received 27 complaints and the highest category is illegal emission of waste water and it accounts for 33.33 %, the next is odor, which accounted for 25.93 %. Others include abnormal water color, dead fish, oil pollution and environmental pollution. Two condo buildings, Jianan Shijia and Tiansheng Yingjia was complained of odor at the waste water treatment facilities and effluent sampling was conducted. The test result showed that COD was not meeting standard and they were served with Notice of Accusation and penalties were imposed. Carrefour Chiayi and Beimen stores discharged waste water without Permit and was penalized and they were demanded to improve subsequently and obtain effluent permit. All others had been cleared at sight and part of them was transferred to Environmental Protection Bureau of Chiayi County Government for subsequent handling. The West District Water Quality Improvement Facility inspection has been performed for 30 times, the waste clean out is about 37 kg. The waste disposed out from 23 units including building waste water treatment facility of public and private premises as well as septic tanks totaled 591 tons in this year. This inspection will continue on regular basis. Also, the unit not been regularly cleaned were invited to attend the 2016 Legislation Presentation for promoting the handling effects. We have also participated in the permit review of Environmental Protection Bureau for 30 piece-times, including 15 times of review of change and extension of Effluent Permits, 8 times of review of new application of tentative effluent permission, 3 times of review of new application of water pollution preventing plan and 4 times of cancellation of permit application. All of them had been completed within time permitted. In this year, 49 of controlled firms were imposed with Water Pollution Levies and all of them have paid and the cases were closed. In next year, 47 firms were screened and place under control. The firms found to be exceeding standard in inspections conducted in 2015 were reported to Environmental Protection Administration. We also handled advertising material related to saving water and reducing waste an d we have released 3 news related to water pollution protection, so that the public will be impressed with the importance of saving water and reducing waste.
英文關鍵字 deeper inspection