英文摘要 |
Because of the urban development, traffic are getting more congested. And in order to mitigate the traffic noise received in the nearby residents, the EPA fo Taiwan continuously push new noise regulations and lower the noise limits. And an action toward lowering the noise limits of transportation systems are initiated. And a research project was carried out toward this end. It was conducted by first collecting related literature from EU related to this area, secondly, studied were carried to determined the proper value for reducing noise limits on transportation systems.
A studies carried out by WHO indicated that noise will cause cardiovascular disease, cognitive impairment in children, sleep disturbance, tinnitus and annoyance. And the report “Noise in Europe, 2014” clearly stated that the burden of disease from noise pollution are second only to PM2.5 for impairing the health of a human. Therefore in EU, noise maps are used to evaluate the consequence of noise on the health of general public, and it can be used in these two main areas
1. The evaluation of DALYs due to noise exposure
2. Use noise maps to strategically planning the projects for mid to long term noise managements.
Using EU reports as reference for our project, noise maps are constructed along the viaduct section of domestic MRT systems. With the health prediction models from WHO report, the relation between health and MRT noise level can be deduced, and these results can be used in future projects for the evaluation of noise-health relationship.
In EU noise limits are set for both sources and receivers in transportation systems. And domestically only the limits in receiver side are regulated for both Leq and Lmax. Therefore, it is suggested that the sources should be regulated too to reduce the the health impact on the general public.