

中文摘要 根據行政院環境保護署公害陳情系統統計,目前全國噪音陳情案件有逐年增加之趨勢,其中又以營建工程噪音陳情案件增加最為明顯,因此自100年度起,行政院環境保護署已將營建噪音陳情案件列入重點管制項目,並自101年度起要求各縣市提報營建工程噪音減量作為,且也已正式納入年度績效考評項目之一,考評內容包括稽查數量、陳情案件增減率、公告行為管制及辦理協談會議等考評項目,故於本年度起增編營建工程噪音管制之預算,希望透過主動稽查輔導業者設置相關防音設施,以促使各營建業者做好噪音污染防制工作,並減少營建工程噪音陳情案件數,本工作團隊也會依據此目標加強輔導改善工作,以確實達成陳情案件總數之抑制或減量。 本計畫統計至目前為止,營建工程噪音主動稽巡查案件已完成406件,達工作目標之100%(406/400),平均巡查頻率為1.81次,巡查列管共計有224處,其中有實行隔音相關措施設置共計有174處、隔振措施設置共計有62處、實行相關噪音減量積極作為共計有136處;另外,本年度已於7月29日及10月12日共辦理2場宣導說明會。而104年度營建工程噪音陳情數共計有236件,已較去年同期315件減少25.08%,有效抑制陳情案件之發生,且根據環保署考評成績自評結果,目前可暫時得分99分。
中文關鍵字 營建工程、營建工程噪音、噪音源、噪音管制


專案計畫編號 1040526 經費年度 104 計畫經費 945 千元
專案開始日期 2015/05/22 專案結束日期 2015/12/15 專案主持人 林健文
主辦單位 嘉義市政府環境保護局 承辦人 劉亭鈞 執行單位 詠續環保企業社


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 EPB-104-嘉義市營建工程噪音稽查管制計畫期末報告.pdf 8MB
英文摘要 According to the statistics from Establishing Public Nuisance Petitions Processing Procedures of Environmental Protection Administration Executive Yuan, nowadays the noise petitions are increasing nationally year by year. Among them, the increase of noise pollution at construction sites is the most obvious. Therefore, since 2011 Environmental Protection Administration Executive Yuan had listed the noise pollution of construction sites the key controlling project and asked every local government, starting 2012, to report the solution of reducing noise pollution at construction sites that has been subsumed under the formal annual performance assessments. The contents of performance assessments include the quantity of inspection, the increasing or decreasing rate of nuisance petitions, announcing action controls and handling the meetings on discussing or consulting, etc. Therefore starting this year the government increases the budget of noise control at construction sites hoping that the government could coach industrialists to establish relative equipment of sound insulation by means of actively inspecting them. It is our aim to help industrialists in reducing noise pollution and therefore the cases of nuisance petition owing to construction could be decreased. Accordingly, our team will enhance coaching industrialists to reduce the cases of nuisance petition due to construction. Until now, there are 406 processed cases of noise pollution at construction sites in virtue of active inspection, reaching 100% (406 out of 400) of our target. The average of inspection frequency is 1.81 times and the total of restrictive inspection area is 224 places. Among them 174 places are equipped with surveying instruments for sound insulation and 62 places with those for shock isolation. Moreover, 136 places are furnished with relative installations to reduce noise. Besides, two seminars on the relative subject were held on both 29th of July and 12th of October this year. There were 223 cases of noise petition at construction sites this year (2015). The number of cases (236) decreased up to 25.08% comparing to that (315) occurred in last year (2014). The result shows that we are able to effectively restrain the occurrence of petitions cases. According to the evaluation result from Environmental Protection Administration, we received the 99-point grade in this plan temporarily.
英文關鍵字 Construction Site, Construction noise, noise source, noise control