

中文摘要 為達成我國黃金十年109年PM2.5年平均15μg/m3之目標,本計畫分析全國性與區域性各項減量措施,以TEDS8.1 99年排放量為基準,完成全國性減量效益估算與檢核區域性減量規劃,預估至109年相對於99基準年各污染物可減少年排放量10~40%,並蒐集中國大陸相關減量規劃,透過模式驗證減量規劃是否可達空氣品質目標。模擬結果顯示,109年PM10年平均值全臺均可達標,O3小時值與PM2.5 24小時平均值針對惡化季節強化管制措施有機會全臺達標,PM2.5 年平均值與24小時平均值北部及竹苗空品區縣市達標機率較高,中部以南縣市則需全臺共同增強減量,O3八小時值為目前評估最難達標之污染物,建議應調整NOx與NMHC減量比例,並著手研擬更多NMHC減量策略增加達成空品標準之可能性。 透過減量方案模擬結果與PM2.5濃度及各污染物排放量關係式,推估出達標減量比率,PM2.5、SOx、NOx、NMHC減量率應分別強化至33%、41%、47%、14%,本計畫提出強化減量策略之方向建議,包括加嚴燃料油硫含量、推動固定源提升SCR效率、全面推動大貨車加裝濾煙器、落實大眾運具推廣及船舶使用低硫油或岸電設備、建置餐飲業防制設施辦法、推廣有益菌肥減量稻草露天燃燒、增加鋪面道路A級比例、降低未鋪面道路比例等,針對NMHC由物料源頭管制,並進行跨部會合作強化國內對於NH3排放之掌握。 定期分析最新空氣品質監測結果,104年1~10月全國一般測站PSI>100比率為0.58%,PM2.5指標≧7比率為3.39%,空氣品質不良事件日約有三成受特殊天氣型態影響;完成空氣品質預報不良通報工作,以中部空品區發布不良通報92日最多,其次為高屏空品區88日,彙整查處回報措施建檔,全臺以臺南市回報查處次數居冠;定期更新空品惡化應變體系通訊錄,建置線上通訊錄以提升空品通報效率;完成北中南每季空氣品質代表照片拍攝,透過連續拍攝裝置紀錄臺北市PM2.5濃度惡化事件逐時空氣品質代表照片,可供未來分析應用參考。 探討國外空氣品質成效指標部分,完成彙整國際機構發布各國空氣污染指標與各項環境管理系統最新動態,本計畫已與世界銀行GMAPs模式、OECD美好生活指數、耶魯大學EPI指標、Dalhousie大學衛星反演PM2.5等團隊建立聯繫管道,釐清指標排名與數據來源,以便環保署即時掌握指標變化趨勢;完成測試GMAPs模式推估計算出我國PM10濃度,並提出該模式應用於國內之問題反應給世界銀行團隊,已獲得相當程度回應。 本計畫已完成召開氣膠研討會,提供產、官、學三方交流平台,凝聚改善國內外氣膠污染管制之共識;完成編制細懸浮微粒(PM2.5)科普手冊及103年總檢討報告,並提供更新於網頁供民眾下載,提升民眾對空氣品質之認識;完成蒐集國外空氣品質管理策略與最新消息,保持「空氣品質改善維護資訊網」之資訊更新迅速確實,提供環保署相關工作、會議等行政及技術支援,成果豐碩。
中文關鍵字 細懸浮微粒、減量評估、管制策略


專案計畫編號 EPA-104-FA11-03-A183 經費年度 104 計畫經費 8150 千元
專案開始日期 2015/05/15 專案結束日期 2015/12/31 專案主持人 潘一誠
主辦單位 空保處 承辦人 簡大詠 執行單位 鼎環工程顧問股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 EPA-104-FA11-03-A183.pdf 42MB

Planning the local government fine particle mass reduction target

英文摘要 In order to attain PM2.5 annual standard 15μg/m3, which is part of “Republic of China-10 years as a golden decade” , the project analyzes control measures designed by central and local governments to estimate reasonable benefits and reduction. There are about 10~40% reductions for individual polluants in 2020 based on 2010’s TEDS 8.1; moreover, we collect and summarize mainland China’s control measures and plans, and use the model to verify whether our control plan can help us reach our air quality standard. The results show Taiwan’s annual PM2.5 concentration will be attained in 2020, and 24-hour PM2.5 and 1-hour O3 concentration may be attained in 2020 if we can strengthen control measures during high-polluted seasons. It has high probability to attain annual PM2.5 and 24-hour PM2.5 standards in North and Chu-Miao air quality basins, and it needs all counties and cities to work together to strengthen control measures if Central, Yun-Chia-Nan and Kao-Ping want to attain. It’s difficult to attain 8-hour O3 standard, the project recommend to adjust the reduction percentage of NOx and NMHC, and we should propose more NMHC control measures to have higher probability to attain air quality standards. We can estimate the rate of reduction for attainment in 2020 through the relationship between PM2.5 concentration and emission in various simulation cases. Each pollutants should be reduced to attain as follows: PM2.5: 33%, SOx: 41%, NOx: 47% and NMHC: 14%. Consequently, we propose additional control measures as follows: tighten sulfur content of fuel oil for stationary sources, promote control efficiency of SCRs for stationary sources, promote the installation of diesel particulate filters in large trucks, improve the use of public transport and use of low sulfur oil or shore-power for OGV (Ocean Going Vessel), design control regulations for food and beverage industries, promote organic fertilizer to reduce straw open burning, increase the ratio of level-A paved roads, decrease the ratio of unpaved roads, strengthen to reduce NMHC emission from source control and cooperate with other government agencies to establish domestic NH3 emission inventory more correctly. We also analyzes the latest air quality data from Jan. to Oct. in 2015, and the results show a 0.58% PSI>100 ratio and 3.39% PM2.5 index≧7 ratio, and about 30% poor air quality affected by exceptional events; to inform local governments if the poor air quality forecast is released, and the total poor air quality events was 92 days in Central air quality basin, and 88 days in Koa-Ping air quality basin, the project summarized all of the reports from local governments, Tainan city responded the most times according to our record; to establish the online system to inform local governments to improve efficiency, and update the contacts list; seasonal valuable aerial filming and poor air quality events are recorded in North, Central and South Taiwan by continuous shooting. Other foreign organizations’ air quality database and environmental management systems are also compiled in the project. We make analysis for data from World Bank’s GMAPs (Global Model of Ambient Particulates), OECD’s Your Better Life Index, Yale University’s Environmental Performance Index and Dalhousie University’s Atmospheric Composition Analysis Group; moreover, we established connections among Taiwan EPA and these organizations to help EPA have the ability to get the latest and most correct data and trend. For World Bank’s GMAPs, the project already has the ability to calculate Taiwan’s own PM10 concentration, and we also reacted with GMAPs members to respond our opinions about Taiwan’s result for the model. “22nd International Conference on Aerosol Science & Technology (ICAST): 2015 Conference on PM2.5 and Health” was held by the project to provide industries, the government and academic units to build a consensus in order to control aerosol pollution in Taiwan and other countries efficiently; “PM2.5 brochure” and “The Annual Assessment Report of the Air Pollution Control in Taiwan for 2014” are also compiled in the project; collected foreign air quality management strategy and latest news; EPA’s websites for air quality improvement is maintained and other relevant major tasks such as conferences administrative and technical support are completed, and all reach a great success.
英文關鍵字 PM2.5, Reduction Assessment, Control Measure