

中文摘要 藉由現地與書面考核方式協助整合地方政府油污染應變能量,落實應變設施使用與調度效率,另藉由應變策略規劃與應變風險地圖製作,以提供應變事故參考,提昇應變實際作業效能。建議定期查核各機構應變設備,藉由完成之選購設備器材原則與驗收標準,獲得、充實與鏈結國內海洋油污染應變能量,節省政府經費。經由現地考核暨書面考核工作,各縣市對於各項應變設備器材之儲存、保修維護、聯繫調度方式與海洋油污染應變初期應評估之海洋海岸環境、天候海象、溢油高風險區域與海域海岸敏感區位等,均已提昇專業知識與掌握程度。 就蒐集並研析國內外海洋污染管制相關法規資訊,強化我國海域污染防治法令之管制部分,蒐集國際海事組織68屆海洋環境保護委員會會議重要結論,會中針對壓艙水公約之生效條件尚未滿足,預定2017年可達生效要件。針對船舶航行產生的能源消耗與環境保護問題,應持續進行相關研究、開發相關設備。針對65至68屆會議之結果,進行彙整追蹤,其中針對壓艙水管理、能源使用效率提升、溫室氣體排放減量等議題,均有延續性的討論。針對海洋棄置費之徵收,蒐集世界其他各國相關管制作為,研析費率訂定依據,並針對我國海洋棄置費率之修正提出建議。針對海洋垃圾為害海洋環境與生態,針對歷年淨灘垃圾進行組成分析,研判可能的產生來源及減量方式;針對海洋塑膠微粒威脅海洋生態,蒐集世界各國的作法,作為後續我國研擬相關管制作為的依據。 海洋油污染事件的發生,對海域環境有非常大影響及衝擊,若能於事件發生時立即有效及控制污染之持續擴大,並在最短時間將危害降到最低,可有效減輕對環境之負荷及生態之影響。為求完善海洋油污染應變期間實際需求與提昇即時應變能量,藉由規劃建立全時應變支援作業流程、實施定期海洋油污染應變兵棋推演、協助審查輸油業者應變作業計畫、結合往例實況訂定海洋油污染緊急應變作業流程與應變事項,可有效提昇海洋油污染緊急應變實際作業效能。 推動綠色港口海洋污染防治評鑑輔導計畫,為確保港口推動海洋污染防治及港口永續經營的重要工作。輔導評鑑工作規劃,參考世界港口管理的趨勢,導入環境管理系統中自我評估的概念,針對能資源應用與廢污管理進行瞭解。評鑑輔導內容涵蓋營運管理組織架構、水域環境品質監測與各項資源回收妥處情形、港區環境品質及特色營造等方向。現地評鑑準備工作由環保署遴聘二位專家委員及二位機關代表進行現地訪視作業,於104年11-12月間完成。藉由現地評鑑輔導作業,發現各港口對於港區永續經營願景、污染防治策略、自主檢查制度、緊急應變計畫,多有妥善之規劃,並以持續朝向建構臺灣綠色港群之方向努力。港區海洋污染防治工作之推動,除定期針對各港區海域水質進行監測,對於作業之船舶也要求應依規定力求港區水域環境確保。
中文關鍵字 綠色港口、海洋污染執行成效、緊急應變


專案計畫編號 EPA-104-G106-02-102 經費年度 104 計畫經費 4400 千元
專案開始日期 2015/06/03 專案結束日期 2016/03/31 專案主持人 柳大雄
主辦單位 水保處 承辦人 陳啟仁 執行單位 坤柏海洋油污處理有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 海洋污染防治管理及應變效能評析計畫(定稿本).pdf 42MB

Marine pollution prevention and management, emergency response effectiveness evaluation project

英文摘要 Through auditing of the maintenance and preparedness of oil response equipment of local authorities, the response capacity for oil spill emergency may be strengthened. Hopefully, the efficiency of response operation may be uplifted if multi-purpose strategic planning and risk management maps were established as a useful reference. The operation mechanism of oil spill response actions has been strengthened through: the auditing of response equipment to increase its preparedness for oil response operation, assisting the operation of oil response action to improve the response action efficiency. After the project execution, the response equipment was considered sound and adequate. Suggestions include: extended equipment auditing outside environmental governing agencies, proper budgeting in purchasing additional response equipment to replace those that was expired or about to expire, interlinking the response equipment database among related authorities to enhance the response efficiency and reduce government expenses. Through the on-site auditing, the local authorities gained adequate and professional knowledge and skills on the preservation/maintenance of response equipment, horizontal communication among related agencies, information collection on marine/coastal environment, weather condition, and risky/sensitive areas for oil spill accidents. For strengthening the marine pollution control legal framework, the conclusions of 68th Meeting of International Maritime Organization Marine Environmental Protection Committee (IMO MEPC) were collected. This meeting confirmed that the International Convention for the Control and Management of Ships' Ballast Water and Sediments has not meet the requirement to become effective at the end of February, 2016, and it is expected to be in effect in 2017. For the issues of environmental pollution control and energy consumption arisen during marine navigation, more researches should be conducted to further explore advanced technologies and more efficient equipment. The conclusions of 65th to 68th MEPC meetings were collected, and results regarding ballast water management, energy utilization efficiency, emission of greenhouse gases were summarized. For the collection of ocean dumping fee, the related regulatory information was collected. The ocean dumping rate was investigated and amendment was proposed. For the impact of marine debris on ocean ecology, the beach cleanup garbage was analyzed, its potential origins were evaluated, and possible reduction strategies were studied. The microplastic garbage control strategies of international community were collected and investigated, which can be used as a reference for future policy enactment. The occurrence of marine oil pollution incidents has a massive impact on marine environment conservation, and immediate response and control to facilitate the pollution mitigation may exhibit a significant contribution on the marine environmental conservation and ecological integrity preservation. To meet the demands and enhance the response capacity during oil spill response, the response efficiency may be improved through the establishment of the standard operation protocols for response actions, table exercise on the response of oil spill incidents, evaluation of oil pollution response plans of local governments and oil transport industries, utilization of past in-situ experience on oil pollution response as the reference. The promotion of green port marine pollution control assistance and evaluation project is important to ensure the protection of marine environment and harbor sustainable development. In this project, the management and pollution control policy for the endorsed green harbor of other countries were collected and adopted, in line with the self-evaluation concepts of environmental management system. The contents of the assistance and evaluation project included evaluating institutional management framework, monitoring the aquatic environment quality of harbor areas, auditing the resources utilization and recycling, developing the distinguished feature for harbor operation. The on-site inspections were conducted by inviting two specialists and two representatives from related governing agencies as the reviewers during November/December of 2015. Among the harbors visited in this project, the vision of harbor management, marine pollution control strategies, self-auditing systems, and contingency plans were all well planned. All the efforts were made to lead these harbors towards the establishment of green and sustainable ports. For the marine pollution control in harbor areas, periodical environmental quality monitoring should continue to be implemented. Possible reduction in marine pollution discharges from operating vessels should be conducted.
英文關鍵字 Green Port, Marine Management Pollution Effectiveness Evaluation, Emergency Response