

中文摘要 一、蒐集國內外城市推動永續低碳之成果 為減緩調適全球氣候變遷帶來的衝擊,國際各主要城市不約而同推動國家級的節能減碳策略,廣推低碳永續家園之理念,同時也將都市節能減碳的理念融入施政規劃。透過公開競逐遴選,我國分別於北、中、南、東4個區域選出新北市、臺中市、臺南市以及宜蘭縣為低碳城市之示範縣市,金門縣與澎湖縣則由行政院指定建設成為低碳島。本團隊已彙整上述4座低碳示範城市與澎湖低碳島之執行現況,針對該縣市之背景資料、減碳目標、減碳策略與做法、執行成果等項目進行說明。另一方面,亦蒐集國際上整合性低碳措施之城市進行案例介紹,包含:丹麥薩姆斯島、日本宮古島、澳洲墨爾本、加拿大多倫多、荷蘭鹿特丹、荷蘭波奈島、美國舊金山市等,內容主要針對背景資料、減量目標、低碳與調適策略,以及各項措施執行成效等項目進行案例介紹 二、協助低碳島計畫推動與管考 為利「金門低碳推動小組」之有效運作,達協調、整合目的,本團隊特別規劃金門低碳島六大計畫執行進度追蹤之運作與管考機制,主要具體追蹤事項為104年度各項計畫執行進度、計畫期程變動、預計辦理事項及預計成果。現階段有14項工作已執行完畢、14項工作項目符合工作進度時程規劃,但有6項工作項目屬於落後情形。另外,依據各局處主辦計畫辦理情形及進度成果,也協助金門縣環保局召開3次以上「金門縣低碳家園推動小組會議」。 另一方面,協助研擬減碳及固碳量計算方式,歸納出:太陽能光電系統、小型風力發電系統、節能燈具、資源回收、回收水/省水、低污染車輛、綠地/花圃固碳量、植樹固碳量、太陽能熱水系統、節能家電等10種計算公式。根據計算與分析結果,104年度低碳島計畫預估各旗艦計畫之總減碳量與固碳量分別為3,277.87公噸與837.2公噸CO2e。 此外,本計畫安排議題與課程,邀請國內學者、專家針對金門低碳島計畫執行效益,辦理4場次「專家學者會議」,提供工作團隊可實際操作之幫助;同時亦與府會、民間團體、專家學者建立溝通平台,有效協助地方持續改進金門低碳島策略執行時所必需面對的問題。亦協助金門縣環保局研擬低碳永續相關計畫之減碳具體指標(草案),期望作為管考各項工作進度與估算目標達成率之依據,並藉以分析減碳效益。 三、低碳社區輔導認證 環保署以低碳城市建構為基礎,延伸發展永續社會之想法,積極推動「低碳永續家園推動方案」,邀請各縣市政府研商「低碳永續家園推動方案規劃」,督促各縣市政府成立低碳永續家園推動辦公室,並積極推動全國之低碳永續家園之評比認證,打造適用全國之評比認證系統。為使地方得以與環保署低碳永續家園政策相互接軌,以便整合中央及地方政府之執行能量。本計畫參考環保署低碳永續家園認證評等機制之建構現況,完成17處村里取得入圍認證,共21處社區現況調查及資料彙整。此外,也持續持續針對有取得銅級認證潛力之社區進行輔導,於今年完成金水里、珠沙里與瓊林里社區銅級認證申請。 另一方面,在完成社區輔導訪查工作後,本團隊依據各個社區的特色,挑選出6處具低碳發展潛力的社區,推動包含「推廣室內使用或汰換節能燈具」、「寺廟節能燈具使用推廣」、「廚餘回收再利用」、「二手跳蚤市集活動或交換平台」、「雨水貯留再利用(雨撲滿等設施)」、「放流水循環利用」等低碳永續行動項目,並研提成效轉換為認證專案。另完成「推廣使用環保金爐」之成果撰寫,經由相關技術與諮詢小組委員審查後,登錄至低碳永續家園資訊網,完成認證專案建置,總計7項行動項目的推動,預估每年可節省電力消耗4,847 kWh/年,以及節水3,040m3/年。 四、推動節能輔導及改善措施 隨著金門縣逐漸成為國內外觀光旅遊的熱門景點,旅館業和商店業對環境產生的衝擊以及所消耗的能資源也大幅增加。為協助在地產業落實節能減碳行動,本團隊依據金門縣環保局低碳商店輔導作業規劃,截至目前已輔導小金門22家行業取得低碳商店認證,另協助其中9家進行燈具節能改善,預估一年的總節電量為2,517.3 kWh、總減碳量為1,762.2公斤CO2e。 另一方面,鑑於低碳島建設已成為金門縣未來發展的重點,為落實節能改善推動措施,推動高效率能源使用政策,本計畫亦協助進行公有建築節能示範和校園節能診斷工作。本團隊延攬捷思環能有限公司擔任本團隊校園節能診斷及改善輔導團隊,已於5月底完成國立金門高級農工職業學校、中正國小、金鼎國小、賢庵國小和賢庵國小垵湖分校之現勘診斷作業,並於暑假期間協助校方進行節能改善工程,各項迴路改善、燈具汰換與加裝變頻器等措施,預估一年可節省電力消耗44,110.4 kWh,總減碳量可達30,877.3公斤CO2e。 此外,本計畫也以金門縣環保局及低碳社區展館為對象,建置電力監控設施,監控建築用電。自5月26~28日完成電錶安裝作業以來已持續監控約半年的時間,結果顯示目前環保局的用電情況正常,但仍有改善的空間,建議下階段可導入人體感應或偵測器等自動化節能控制。而透過雲端電力監控系統,也能針對監控得來之資料進行負載的調配與分析,可供內部管理人員進行能源管裡,亦可將建築物作為節能教育、宣導之用途。 五、綠領人才與主題宣導活動 為增進民眾對金門低碳島及節能減碳之重視,並深入了解各項推動計畫與低碳節能之相關知識,本團隊協助金門縣環保局辦理3場次低碳宣導活動、1場次低碳生活研習營,期望藉由相關低碳永續宣導活動及培訓環境知識人才以達到傳遞低碳永續家園政策之目的。另一方面,本團隊亦於6月23、24安排一場次跨縣市觀摩學習活動,透過本次的學習活動,分享我國其他縣市的作法、理念與運作模式,可以讓金門縣政府各局處首長更能了解金門發展低碳政策的優劣勢。 六、其他節能減碳相關作業及活動 配合金門縣環保局之要求,本團隊除持續執行低碳永續家園運作及成效管考計畫外,也協助釐清旅遊人口在金門從事旅遊活動過程中所產生的環境衝擊,透過問卷的調查分析,可估算出每一位在金門從事自由行的旅遊的遊客,於交通和住宿過程所產生的人均溫室氣體排量分別為6.57與3.54公斤CO2e。另外,也協助建置節能家電補助查核系統與研擬「金門縣節能診斷輔導申請辦法」,並於計畫執行期間配合出席各項低碳相關研商會議、培訓課程、研討會議。
中文關鍵字 低碳永續家園、節能減碳、低碳島


專案計畫編號 104010901 經費年度 104 計畫經費 5600 千元
專案開始日期 2015/02/05 專案結束日期 2015/11/30 專案主持人 許浩洋
主辦單位 金門縣環境保護局 承辦人 楊筱玉 執行單位 立境環境科技股份有限司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 104年金門縣低碳永續家園運作及成效管考計畫.pdf 19MB

104 Kinmen Low-Carbon and Sustainable Homeland Operation and Achievement Evaluation Project

英文摘要 1. The achievements of domestic and foreign low-carbon cities To mitigate the impact of global climate change, international major cities simultaneously promote national energy saving and carbon reduction strategies, the concept of promoting low-carbon and sustainable homes. In the meantime, the government assimilated the city energy saving and carbon reduction to policy planning. Through the opened competition, our country selected four cities (New Taipei City, Taichung City, Tainan City and Ilan County) from different districts for the demonstration of the low-carbon cities. Further, Kinmen County and Penghu County were assigned for the low-carbon islands by Executive Yuan. Our team organized the current executed situation from the above four low-carbon demonstrative cities and a low-carbon island, Penghu County. We will elaborate the background information, carbon reduction target, carbon reduction strategy and executed result of these cities. In the other hand, we also collected international cities which took integrative low-carbon measures to do the case introduction. The cities included Somes Island in Demark, Miyako Island in Japan, Melbourne, Toronto, Rotterdam, Bonai Island in Netherlands and San Francisco, etc. These case introductions will illustrate the background information, reduction target, low-carbon and adjustment strategies, and the measures executed results, etc. 2. Low carbon island evaluation To increase the operation efficiency of “Kinmen low-carbon promoting team”, we designed project scheduled progress tracking and rating system for six plans of Kinmen low-carbon Island. The main concepts are to track the achieved percentage of project scheduled progress, the changing of project date, the expected works and results. There are 14 works have been finished, 14 work projects in line with the planning progress of works, but there are 6 work items belonging to backward scenario. Moreover, according to the projects working situation and progress of achievement of different departments, we assisted Kinmen County Environmental Protection Agency held the business association meeting of Kinmen low-carbon homes promoting teams more than three times. In the other hand, we assisted Kinmen County with developing the formulation of carbon reduction and sequestration. We concluded ten kinds of formulas of the solar photovoltaic systems, small wind power systems, energy saving lamps, resource recovery, recycling water / water-saving, low-pollution vehicles, green/ flowerbeds carbon sequestration, tree planting carbon sequestration, solar hot water systems, energy efficient appliances and so forth. According to the calculation and analytic results, the amount of the total carbon reduction and sequestration of low-carbon island project are 3,277.87 tons and 837.2 tons, respectively. Moreover, we invited Scholars and experts to participate 4 conferences which are in connection with the execution benefit of Kinmen low-carbon island project. Through these conferences, our team provided some help for executing the projects. In the meanwhile, we also established communication platforms for government, civil society and experts to efficiently assist localities with improving the problem they faced when they executed the Kinmen low-carbon strategies. In addition, we helped Kinmen County Environmental Protection Agency to develop the specific indicators of carbon reduction and the drafts which related to sustainable low-carbon projects. We expected the indicators and drafts can be the standard of achieved percentage of project scheduled progress, the evaluation of target achieved rate and the analysis of carbon reduction benefit. 3. Low Carbon Community Counseling Certification Based on the construction of low-carbon city, EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) extended the concept of developing sustainable society and promoted the programs of sustainable low-carbon homes. EPA invited county and city governments to consult the sustainable low-carbon homes promoting plan and pushed them to establish the office to promote the plan. Additionally, EAP actively promoted sustainable low-carbon homes appraisal certification of the country and create an authentication system which is suitable for the country. Therefore, we can build the connection between localities and EPA; then, we can also integrate the implementation of the central and local governments.This project consulted the current situation of EPA’s sustainable low-carbon homes appraisal certification. We helped 17 villages to get the nominated certification and total amount of 21 villages to investigate the current situation and organize the information. In the other hand, we continuously consulted the communities which have the potential to get the certification. We completed the application of the certification of Chinshui district, Chusha district and Chiunglin district this year. Besides, after the consultation and investigation of the communities, our team chose 6 potential low-carbon communities according to each community’s characteristics. We promote many sustainable low-carbon programs in these communities such as promoting the usage of indoor energy saving lights, the usage of energy saving lights in temple, the recycle and reuse of leftover, second hand product market and changing platform, restore and reuse of the rain, effluent recycling and so forth. After the review of relevant technical and advisory subcommittee, we can log into a sustainable and low-carbon website to complete the establishment of the certification project. Through the total six promoting programs, we estimated annual savings of electricity consumption are 4,847 kWh / year as well as water-saving are 3,040m3 / years. 4. Promoting consultation of energy saving and improvement measures With the Kinmen County became a popular tourist attraction, the impact of hotel and retail industries on the environment and resource consumption has increased significantly. In order to assist local industry with energy saving and carbon reduction, our team has helped 22 trades to get the low-carbon certification according to Kinmen EPA’s low-carbon consulting plan. There are nine trades who made applications for grants, mainly to the energy-saving lamps changing. We estimated annual savings of electricity consumption are 2,517.3 kWh as well as carbon reduction are 1,762.2 kg CO2e. On the other hand, in the view of Kinmen County, low-carbon Island, has become the focus of future development, this project also assist the public building energy-saving demonstration and campus energy conservation diagnosis. Therefore, we can fulfill the energy-saving improvement measures and increase the efficiency of energy using policies. We, LGET, served as the consulting team of campus energy conservation diagnosis. We completed the diagnosis of national Kinmen agricultural & industrial vocational senior high school, Chung-Cheng elementary school, Chin-Ting elementary school and Shian-An elementary school (include Hsiao-Hu-An branch) before the end of May. Additionally, we assisted schools with energy efficiency improvement projects, improvement of the circuit, and the installation of lighting changing inverter and other measures. We estimated annual savings of electricity consumption are 44,110.4 kWh as well as carbon reduction are 30,877.3 kg CO2e. Moreover, this project also took Kinmen County EPA and the low-carbon community hall for the object to build power monitoring facilities and monitor the electricity consumption of construction. Since May 26 to 28, we completed the meter installation and have been continuously monitored for about six months. The results showed that the current EPA’s electricity consumption is normal, but there is still a room for improvement. We recommend that the next stage can be installed automatic energy-saving control such as body sensors or detectors and so forth. Through the cloud power monitoring system, we can analysis the monitoring data and make the adjustment of the load. These data can provide the internal managers in energy management; also, the building can be used as energy conservation education and advocacy. 5. Green collar talent and low carbon advocacy activities To enhance people’s attention on Kinmen low-carbon Island, energy saving and carbon reduction and in-depth understand the knowledge of the project which promoting low-carbon energy-saving, our team assisted Kinmen County Environmental Protection Agency with holding 3 sessions of low-carbon advocacy activities and 1 session of low-carbon life camp. We anticipated passing the sustainable low-carbon homes policy through these activities and training professional people with environmental knowledge. On the other hand, our team arranged an observed learning activity which was stretch over the country on June 23 and 24. Through this learning activity, other cities shared the practices, ideas and mode of operation with each other. Consequently, the board of Kinmen County government will have a better understanding of the advantages and disadvantages by developing the low-carbon policies. 6. Other low carbon related tasks To co-operate with the requirement of Kinmen County Environmental Protection Agency, our team will continuously execute the operation of sustainable low-carbon homes and the result management and checking system. Also, we assisted EPA with clarifying the environmental impact which was generated by the process of tourism activity in Kinmen. Through the survey’s analysis, we can estimate every tourist in transportation and accommodation process generated per capita greenhouse gas emissions were 6.57 and 3.54 kg CO2e. On the other hand, we help EPA to build energy-saving appliances subsidy checking system and elaborate "Kinmen County saving diagnostic counseling appliances". During project execution period, we co-operate with attending every low-carbon related meeting, training course and seminar.
英文關鍵字 Low-Carbon and Sustainable Homeland, Energy Conservation and Carbon Reduction, Low-Carbon Island