

中文摘要 本計畫執行期間自民國104年4月2日至104年12月31日,主要目的為建立我國永續生質能驗證溝通平台,並利用下列方式推動並針對生質能驗證範疇及產品碳足跡核算方式進行評析,另建置我國生質能驗證機制、相關法規及管理機制,另針對生質能驗證之執行效益進行評析,以及研擬生質能驗證制度及輔導機制並加以推動。 有關建立我國永續生質能驗證溝通平台部分,本計畫已蒐集歐盟、美國及德國生質能驗證系統發展趨勢進行評析,並蒐集歐盟能源總局及多個驗證系統聯絡窗口資訊,可供未來作為驗證系統發展之諮詢參考。 本計畫已辦理6次專家諮詢會議,針對7項生質能料源及產品釐清驗證範疇,並計算8項生質能料源及產品之碳排放係數,分別為脂肪酸甲酯14.345(gCO2e/MJ)、廢油甲酯0.494(gCO2e/MJ)、粗甘油0.421(gCO2e/MJ)、雞糞厭氧消化產生甲烷15.881(gCO2e/MJ)、牛糞厭氧消化產生甲烷231.59(gCO2e/MJ) 、廢紙殘渣固態燃料15.317(gCO2e/MJ)、廢木屑固態燃料11.308(gCO2e/MJ)、廢菇包固態燃料13.235(gCO2e/MJ),評估各項產品碳排係數皆具溫室氣體(Greenhouse gas, GHG)減碳效益,可供作為後續碳足跡係數資料庫參考應用。 本計畫參酌國外永續生質能驗證機制(ISCC)、國內環保標章及產品碳足跡驗證制度,研擬國內生質能驗證系統之運作架構、系統範疇及驗證流程,驗證對象主要依據產銷供應鏈不同節點身分進行驗證,驗證原則包含社會面、環境面及經濟面等3個面向,並研擬相關法令草案作為參考,另評估生質柴油相對於傳統石化柴油之效益,推估每使用1公升生質柴油約可產生0.12~0.58元之經濟效益。 考量生質能驗證證制度對於國內政府機關行政人力負擔、技術審查成熟度及產業需求,建議分兩階段逐步推動,系統運作初期(第一階段)由驗證機構進行書面文件審查及現場查核,再由審議會進行技術審查;正式上路後(第二階段),則由驗證機構進行書面文件審查、現場查核及技術審查,審議會及環保署回歸行政監督的角色,落實專業分工。 彙編「生質物能源化之輔導作業手冊」及「永續生質能驗證系統訓練教材」,推廣業者對生質能驗證制度認識與瞭解。
中文關鍵字 生質物、生質能、驗證機構


專案計畫編號 EPA-104-FA07-03-A093 經費年度 104 計畫經費 4390 千元
專案開始日期 2015/04/02 專案結束日期 2015/12/31 專案主持人 張冠凱
主辦單位 方案整合辦公室(停用) 承辦人 莊炳義 執行單位 財團法人台灣產業服務基金會


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 生質能源驗證體系統建置與提升生質能源利用策略計畫.pdf 77MB

Establishing the Biomass Energy Certification System and Promoting Its Usages

英文摘要 This project was carried out from April 2 to December 31, 2015. The main purpose was to establish a platform for communication between the knowledge and technologies of biomass energy and to implement a system of biomass energy certification. The platform has multi functions which include: Collect update global information of biomass energy; Combine and evaluate collected information to set up the most suitable mechanism for our country; Modify related regulations and rules and analyze the benefits from economic, social and environmental aspects in using biomass energy; Promote the positive item by different incentives. During the period, we have fulfilled the following works: Compile and examine the biomass energy certification systems from European Union, America, United Kingdom and Germany. We also have built a list of contacting windows from different systems for future references. This project convened 6 experts and scholars consulting meetings to verify the scopes, boundaries and methodologies for calculating the carbon footprints for 7 categories biomaterials that were made from 8 processes. They include: Fatty acid methyl ester (FAME): 14.345gCO2e/MJ; Waste methyl ester: 0.494gCO2e/MJ; Crude glycerin: 0.421gCO2e/MJ; Methane from chicken manure by anaerobic digestion: 15.881gCO2e/MJ; Methane from cow manure by anaerobic digestion: 231.59gCO2e/MJ; RDF from waste paper residues: 15.317gCO2e/MJ; RDF from waste wood chip residues: 11.308gCO2e/MJ; RDF from waste plastic bags: 13,235gCO2e/MJ. Those data can be used to evaluate the carbon mitigation and thus be used as the carbon footprint coefficients in the data base. This project consider and refer the mechanisms of International Sustainability & Carbon Certification (ISCC), domestic Green Mark and Product Carbon Footprint, the operational structure for verifying the biomass energy system will be found. The targets of different biomaterials will be classified and examined by their supply chain of custody respectively. The 3 main principles will be considered from economic, social, and environmental effects. Such as: biodiesels & traditional crude diesel; estimate that 1 liters of biodiesel from waste oil will produce 0.12 – 0.58 NTD by replacing the crude diesel. This project propose two stages to build up the biomass energy certification system due to concern the maturity of technologies, intention of industries, and examining the burden of administration of government. During the first stage, certified institutions should be responsible for documental and field examining, and then executive boards (assigned by EPA and/or other governmental agencies) review the technologies and approve the application. After accomplish the system, the certified institutions should hold all responsibilities for examining the application and the executive board only needs occasionally to review the cases by random or to make a decision for special cases. Complete two manuals: “Guidelines for Biomass and Energy Transformation” and “Training Courses for Biomass Energy Certification System”. Utilize those two manuals to assist domestic industries to understand and popularize the usages of biomass energy.
英文關鍵字 Biomass、Bioenergy、Certified Institution