

中文摘要 本縣104年度機車到檢率為69.8%,若扣除死車,納管率為85.1%。 本計畫提升機車到檢之措施包括,寄發定檢明信片42,844份,另執行未定檢機車車牌辨識4,527輛次及巡查到未到檢機車6,011輛次,並針對未定檢機車寄發催檢通知20,153份。 在柴油車排煙管制方面,分別完成 目測判煙429輛次及排煙檢測300輛次,不合格10輛,柴油車納管率100%。 在油品管制方面,現階段完成攔車抽油150輛及自主管理車隊車輛抽驗10輛次,除攔車抽油有1輛不合格,其餘檢驗結果均符合管制標準。完成10家加油站之柴油油品硫含量,檢驗結果亦符合環保署現行管制標準。 非漁用船舶污染管制方面,完成排煙稽查100艘次,目測不透光率均低於40%;完成使用油品硫含量抽驗30艘次,目標達成率為100.0%,硫含量均低於10ppm;此外,每季配合農漁局進行一次非法油品稽查作業,共完成4次,均未查獲非法油品。 完成環境調查108點次,其中包括噪音監測80點次及非游離輻射28處次,其監測及檢測結果皆符合管制標準,工作完成度為100%。 在各項宣導作業方面,完成為期2個月二行程機車回娘家活動,並配合活動於同日進行1個月LED看板播放宣導;另依合約提供2000份宣導品及3000份L行文件夾,完成11場次宣導作業、4場次綠色駕駛宣導及1場次保養廠業者講習會。 在怠速熄火宣導方面,除每個月定期維護10處宣導看板外,另外使用紅外線攝像儀進行稽查宣導工作,其目標達成率為100%。 在協助二行程機車汰舊補助審查工作方面,計畫目標執行200件,目前已完成400件審查工作,目標達成率100%。
中文關鍵字 機車定期檢驗;柴油車排煙管制;油品含硫量


專案計畫編號 EP104003 經費年度 104 計畫經費 7000 千元
專案開始日期 2015/01/16 專案結束日期 2015/12/31 專案主持人 許真瑜
主辦單位 澎湖縣政府環境保護局 承辦人 陳正忠 執行單位 瑩諮科技股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 104澎湖期末定稿.pdf 11MB

Penhu County 2015 Mobile Sources Audition and Control Project

英文摘要 On motorbike pollution control, according to the data on EPA moter vehicles emission regular test information management system, the rate of Penghu County motor vehicles emission regular test is 69.8%. We revised off-use motor vehicles, the control rate is 85.1%. On diesel vehicle pollution control, those in-use diesel vehicles for which air pollutant emissions are determined through visual determination are all pass. There are 10 diesel vehicles failed to meet the emissions standards in 2015. The failure rate is 3.3%, and less than 5% for 3 consecutive years. In comparison with other local competent authorities, the failure rates are less the same. On sulfur content of diesel supplied for use in transportation vehicles, the failure rate is 0.7% in 2015. There was a diesel vehicle which sulfur content of diesel is 52.8 ppm. It means that vehicle had ever used diesel supplied for use in fishing vessels. On vessel pollution control, non-fishing vessels for which air pollutant emissions being determined through visual determination are also all pass. The audition on sulfur content of diesel supplied for use non-fishing vessels, all vessels complied the standards determined by the central competent authority. In 2015, we reviewed 400 applications for subsidy of fall into disuse of 2-stroke motorbike. There were 1,676 2-stroke motorbikes been discarded. We estimated the reduction of NMHC are 13.1 tonnes/ yr, PM10 is 1.0 ton/ yr, PM2.5 is 0.8 ton/ yr.
英文關鍵字 motor vehicles emission regular test;diesel vehicle pollution control;Sulfur content of diesel supplied for use in transportation vehicles