

中文摘要 依據行政院施政計畫,彙整與檢討空氣品質監測所遭遇問題,進以調整建立符合未來環境需求的空氣品質監測網為近年來環保署之工作重點之一。在空氣品質監測部分,提升我國監測設施能量尤為環保署104年度施政重點項目。依據6年期公共建設計畫「新世代環境品質監測及檢測發展計畫」之說明,臺灣空氣品質已逐年改善,空氣中多項污染物濃度持續降低,低濃度污染物監測需求大幅提升,這同時也反應出現階段相關儀器效能、準確度及精密度可能無法即時反應低濃度空氣污染物的變化,並凸顯加強我國環境監測與國際接軌與建構全方位空氣品質監測站網的重要性。 量測儀器提供之數據準確度必須建立在計量追溯的基礎上,而計量追溯則代表應透過不間斷的校正鏈使量測結果可連結到參考基準,而所謂參考基準通常可為各國國家權責機構所建立之量測標準或先進國家國家實驗室所維持之標準,而不同國家間的量測標準可透過國際組織的聯合運作,以國際比對的模式確保量測結果的準確度與一致性。 此外,在國際法定計量組織(OIML)中針對法規相關或公務執法相關的器材均已開始建立性能驗證的技術規範,規範內容包含(1)如何執行新開發儀器的性能認證(Type Approval),(2)如何執行新購儀器的性能檢定(Initial Verification)與運作期間的週期檢定(Periodic Verification),(3)週期檢定期間內的儀器性能查核方式(Checking)。 本計畫參考上述國際組織的作法與相關技術規範的要求,針對目前空氣品質監測站網的運作體制提出計畫工作主要包括: 1. 強化臭氧標準(Standard Reference Photometer; SRP)設備性能與國際性比對量能,進以提升我國臭氧監測校準量能國際等同性。 2. 執行(監測)分析儀器與校正標準源的確效,運用國家度量衡標準實驗室既有政府技術資源,規劃儀器性能驗證技術,進以強化低濃度污染物監測能力。 3. 重整與提升品保室零級空氣供應設施與流量校正系統功能,確保監測站網所運用設備之校正品質,並提升系統運作的效能。 4. 優化常規性儀器比對平臺,建立數據傳輸與統計分析程式,可針對具疑義儀器執行性能評估,協助提升監測數據品質。 由於目前運作中的環保署空氣品質監測站計76站(及部分特殊類別測站),約於91~94年完成儀器汰換,迄至103年儀器壽齡將逾十年,以上工作之執行,將有利於輔助106年起逐年汰換之所有新設監測儀器的性能驗證與實測驗收,並為後續監測站網之儀器建立一個常規的性能比測及功能確效驗證平臺,促進監測站網之量測品保作業再升級。
中文關鍵字 空氣品質監測、懸浮微粒連續監測儀器、性能驗證


專案計畫編號 EPA-104-L102-02-104 經費年度 104 計畫經費 17000 千元
專案開始日期 2015/07/07 專案結束日期 2016/12/10 專案主持人 林采吟
主辦單位 監資處 承辦人 鐘偉瑜 執行單位 財團法人工業技術研究院


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 EPA-104-L102-02-104-完稿.pdf 15MB

Performance Validation and Instrument Calibration for Air Quality Monitors and Related Facilities

英文摘要 The major objectives of this project are to set up the metrological traceability of ambient air quality monitoring instruments, especially for ozone and other gaseous pollutants analyzers. Meanwhile, we also set up performance comparison plateforms for collocation comparisons of particulate matter (PM, including PM10 and PM2.5) monitoring instruments, to confirm the comparability of these PM monitors, and to establish a local PM monitoring database. The measurement accurace of monitors are based on the metrological traceability, which means connect the measurement results to reference standards by unbroken calibration chain. In general, the reference standards are maintained by authorized national institutes in each country and their quality and measurement assurance are verified through international comparison. To ensure the performance of developing analyzers and check if fit for purpose, OIML have set a four stage procedures including type approval, initial verification, periodic verification and checking. Based on the international trend and newly developed monitoring techniques, the tasks in this project can be divided into four parts: (1) Strength the capabilities of ambient ozone monitoring by purchasing new instrumentation and doing international key comparison with NIST in US and BIPM in Paris; (2) Validate the quality of monitors and related calibration gas mixtures for enhancing the ability of monitoring low concentration level of pollutants; (3) Setup new zero air supply system in quality qssurance laboratory lacated in Kaohsiung as well as its flow calibration facilities; (4) Upgrate the hardware and software of regular comparison plateform by setting up a data collection and stastistical analysis program and installing monitoring camaras. Also we expect the achievement can be implemented to replacement of old and formore enhacement the quality assurance practice.
英文關鍵字 air quality monitoring, performance verification, suspended particulate matter continuous monitoring instrument