

中文摘要 本計畫主要目的為調查臺灣的蓄水環境現況,建立蓄水設施除役評估模式,並以蓄水設施除役角度評估優先更新改善名單,最後建議未來蓄水設施除役行動準則。本計畫參考美國拆除水壩之案例,依據實際案例建立背景資料,調查美國拆除水壩之目的,結果發現水壩拆除的原因可歸納為環境因素、經濟因素與安全因素等,並且許多水壩拆除調查報告皆顯示,水壩拆除後對於當地生態環境有正面幫助。最後,研析美國拆除水壩的決策過程後發現,可分類成4個步驟,依序為定義目標、確認主要考量的議題、資料收集與決定是否拆壩。本計畫針對我國70座蓄水設施進行調查,而調查項目包括壩體形式、壩體高度、集水面積、有效容量、功能效益與魚道設置,並提出增加水庫蓄水容量的改善辦法。本計畫以淤積影響程度、供水需求之影響力與水資源利用效果等評估指標,運用風險矩陣法進行篩選,以蓄水設施除役角度建議優先更新改善之蓄水設施(白河水庫、阿公店水庫、大埔水庫、鹿寮溪水庫、德元埤水庫),最後依分析成果提出未來蓄水設施除役作業準則與行動策略建議。
中文關鍵字 氣候變遷、蓄水設施除役、成效評估


專案計畫編號 EPA-104-FA07-03-D105 經費年度 104 計畫經費 900 千元
專案開始日期 2015/07/30 專案結束日期 2015/12/29 專案主持人 游進裕
主辦單位 方案整合辦公室(停用) 承辦人 許仁澤 執行單位 財團法人環境資源研究發展基金會


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 EPA-104-FA07-03-D105.pdf 4MB
英文摘要 The purposes of this project are to investigate the conditions of dam in Taiwan, to list the priority of reservoir renewal improvement, and then to propose the guidelines for action. According the case of dam removal in US, the project has found three reasons (the environmental factors, economic factors, and safety factor) to execute the dam removal. Moreover, many studies demonstrate that the ecosystem would have a positive influence from the dam removal. The study classified the decision-making process of dam removal into the four steps, which were followed by defining the goals and objectives, identifying major issues of concern, being the data collection and assessment, and being decision making. The project was investigated the based information on 70 dams in Taiwan, including the dam forms, dam height, the catchment area, the effective capacity, the functional efficiency and the fishway settings. The project was estimated the operational risk of dam by the method of risk matrix, within three parameters (the degree of sediment, influence of water supply system, and water resources utilization). The predict result showed that five dams would be renewal improvement (Paiho-Reservoir, Agongdian Reservoir, Dapu Reservoir, Luliaoci Reservoir, Teyanpi Reservoir). Finally, the guidelines for action and strategies were established to apply the operation of dam removal on the future.
英文關鍵字 climate change, dam removal, performance assessment