

中文摘要 本計畫執行目的係為了克服過去各污染別稽查到移送資料無法整合所衍生之問題,因此在95、96年稽查處分管制系統在設計開發時,橫向整合了各污染別稽查的獨特性,縱向則整合了各環保局執行環保案件之作業流程,在環保署各業務處與地方環保機關全力配合下,系統自97年起正式上線,97年於系統內之資料件數案件量與過去統計室所公佈統計年報相比件數不減反增,代表資料的輸入工作並不影響到業務之執行,而在97~102年使用者共反應了1,091多項問題與需求,且103年反應了87項問題與需求,因此可知系統問題已逐年下降且穩定作業中,也更能顯示出使用者亦期望系統能帶來更多幫助,能更簡化行政作業,這幾年下來使用者所提的問題與需求有逐年下降趨勢,對照系統使用情形,系統使用者與所建檔之資料並沒有減少,代表系統愈來愈能滿足大家的期待。 去年度除維持系統運作及客服服務外,新增5個系統介接作業,及配合桃園升格作業進行系統調整,因應102年度日月光污染事件,於系統水污染頁面新增及調整7大項作業,並巡迴各縣市辦理稽查處分管制系統登錄功能教育訓練講習22場次。另外配合稅捐法新制強化情節重大案件管控機制,並完成法務部跨部會資料查詢介面功能開發。 本年度除持續針對系統操作的「友善度」及系統效能的「可靠度」進行維護作業外,為提升系統服務效率及品質,提出歷史資料庫切割及導入GIS圖資應用管理模式規劃方案,增加系統資料查詢效率及應用性。另外,因應人事流動率高,新進人員對於系統熟悉度較低而經常性錯誤建置資料等問題,系統推廣與輔導工作項目將提出調訓制度規劃,以提升稽查裁處資料建置品質。
中文關鍵字 稽查、裁處、繳款、移送


專案計畫編號 EPA-104-K103-02-101 經費年度 104 計畫經費 2420 千元
專案開始日期 2015/03/01 專案結束日期 2015/12/31 專案主持人 柯上茗
主辦單位 環境督察總隊 承辦人 范喻翔 執行單位 環資國際有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 期末報告內文.pdf 11MB
英文摘要 The major implementation achievements of the system improvement project’s five items in this year are as follows: I. Maintaining system stability The monthly maintenance of hardware and software in the computer room of the Environmental Protection Administration was carried out and the more detailed examination was conducted according to the suggestions made by the review committee at the end of 2014 to truly grasp the operation situation of the host operating system and hardware. Besides, the operating system was upgraded on July 23rd in response to the decision made by the Microsoft to terminate the support of Windows Server 2003. II. Enhancing functions of our system In line with the “Water Pollution Control Act” and amendment of “Imposition of Fine Standards for Violating Water Pollution Control Act”, the relevant functions of the system was adjusted. In response to the establishment of the Environmental Maintenance and Inspection Division in Taoyuan City, the Division’s function module and database were built to meet the demand of its businesses. Limited by the data structure and system efficiency, only cases within three months are available for enquiry. To improve the efficiency of case enquiry, two plans were made: (1) the establishment of database indexing and (2) database material compression and division, in order to expand the time range of enquiry and improve enquiry efficiency. The enquiry function of the special section for the Bureau of Environmental Inspection was developed, with the reports and statements being created via pre-saved procedures, such as the list of top ten fine payers, the cases that are complained and inspected for three or more times but not reported, and real-time enquiry including search with key words. III. Statistical analysis of data The data of inspection and punishment cases of all cities and counties in 2014 were compiled, while meeting the temporary requests of various departments of the Administration. After the data were analyzed, suggestions were made accordingly. IV. Data interfacing The stability of data transmission was maintained and the interfacing programs were developed according to the demands of various units. We have completed such projects as the addition of industry-specific data of the EMS industrial zone and the system interfacing of Taoyuan City’s inspection business. V. Holding operation workshops In addition to holding six regular training sessions, we tried to hold special system operation workshops with a focus on those who have low familiarity with the system, in which we enhanced trainings on operation errors and other common operation problems to improve the efficiency and accuracy of the operation. This year’s tasks included the two parts, namely, the continuous function improvement and addition of new services. We have been striving to offer more excellent and diversified services to better meet the business needs of users and increase their willingness to use the system.
英文關鍵字 inspection, final decision, overdue payment, penalty, environmental businesses