

中文摘要 臺灣地區經濟發達,民眾活動依賴汽機車比例相對偏高,平均每1.1人就有一輛汽機車,且依據「空氣污染排放資料庫 TEDs 8.1」排放量資料庫統計,100年機動車輛所排放的CO(一氧化碳)佔全臺污染量的82.79%,NMHC(非甲烷碳氫化合物)與NOx(氮氧化物)分別佔24.40%與46.86 %,若能妥善管理高污染車輛,有助於改善空氣污染現況。為有效管理、抑制高污染車輛(以下簡稱烏賊車)成長,環保署自民國89年建置「使用中汽車排放空氣污染物檢舉及獎勵管理系統」,本(104)年度除針對環保單位需求擴增功能與維護系統外,另依檢舉辦法持續推動辦理總獎項超過新臺幣100萬元之「104年度鼓勵民眾檢舉高污染車輛抽獎活動」,為充分進行橫向與縱向溝通,本計畫辦理2場業務聯繫會議及2場業務檢討會議,使各地環保機關業務人員,藉由會議針對本業務進行意見交換並達成多項共識,系統亦配合進行功能操作擴增(合計11項),有效提昇案件辦理品質。經統計,本(104)年度共受理88,026件民眾檢舉烏賊車案件,在空氣污染物削減成效上,因烏賊車檢舉而減少污染物排放合計601.62噸/年(含CO、NOx、NMHC、TSP)。除外,因環保局案件審核之判煙標準與獎勵金發放直接相關,今年度抽驗各縣市案件合計526件,抽驗結果顯示各環保局案件判煙標準具一致性,但仍有改善空間,故於報告書中提出建議作為日後改善方針,建議重點如下:建議各地方環保單位應持續宣導拍攝佐證照影片之標準與技巧,以及說明各環保單位案件辦理作業流程,使民眾充分了解檢舉案件之細節與改善之處,進而提升檢舉品質進與污染管制之成效。 本計畫並建置「移動污染源資訊管理系統」,以e化方式建立環保署各委辦計畫查核方式及重點,並將移動污染源各計畫建立的資料庫進行有效整合、統計及分析。今年度於決策支援分析指標上,結合機車、柴油車,以及烏賊車檢舉等多項系統資料庫,新增包含烏賊車檢舉與「汰舊率」、「定檢率」、「行駛里程」、「被檢舉車輛檢驗合格後即被檢舉發生率」等多項分析成果,提供環保署與各環保單位於業務現況檢討或未來決策推動時之支援;另為解決各項系統連線異常、系統緩慢、主機儲存空間不足相關問題,本年度已完成移動污染源各系統共計11臺主機全面系統升級、系統空間擴增設備建置等兩大工作項目,以提升系統效能、改善儲存空間不足問題。
中文關鍵字 高污染車輛,檢舉,移動污染源,資料庫整合


專案計畫編號 EPA-104-FA13-03-A060 經費年度 104 計畫經費 9394 千元
專案開始日期 2015/04/16 專案結束日期 2015/12/31 專案主持人 林明弘
主辦單位 空保處 承辦人 黃佳如 執行單位 振興發科技有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 104烏賊成果報告.pdf 33MB

Polluting vehicles appeal cases management system and mobile source information system integrated management plan

英文摘要 In Taiwan, there are a lot of people’s commutes depend on vehicles. Due to the economic growth, the average of vehicles owned per person is high. Averagely each 1.1 person owns one vehicle. Based on the statistical figures from A.Q.M.C (Air Quality Model Center) in 2010, 82.79% CO pollutant was resulted from motorcycles in Taiwan. NMHC and NOx were 24.40% and 46.86% respectively. Therefore, to improve air quality effectively, we need to have proper strategies to control and eliminate the high-polluting vehicles. In order to manage all high-polluting vehicles with limited inspectors, EPA established the high-polluting vehicle reporting system in 2000. This year, new functions were established and system was maintained, and total rewards to the reporters were more than one million NT dollars lottery event. Above all, two training programs and two conferences were took place within the project. Via those all environmental protection government agencies had communicated with each other and exchanged experiences successfully. Information management system was also modified and updated consequently, and processing effectively. According to statistics, 88,026 suspected vehicles were reported in 2015. It had reduced the pollution effectively in 2015; the pollutants were eliminated approximately 601.62 tons (Including CO, NOx, NMHC, TSP). Furthermore, in this year, we had examined 526 cases. The results indicated that more than 70% cases among each EPBs were followed by the same examination standard, which still needed to be improved in the future. We made some suggestions in our investigation: EPBs should keep communicating with prosecutors on photographing skills of high-polluting vehicles; also prosecutors need to be educated about examination standard and key points about photographing. Thus, prosecutors could make better films and photos as evidences which make EPBs process the cases more smoothly, and finally eliminate high-polluting vehicles more efficiently. The project team developed E.P.A. “Mobile Pollution Sources Information system”, included national performance E-report, which contained important check points and schedules of all projects and events. Furthermore, project team integrated databases delivered by all projects and consolidated data to provide integrated information as an important reference for line pollutants, decision making platform. All the consolidated information could be stored and applied for all purposes upon different needs. This year, new functions were added which were the inspection rate and replace rate of high-polluting vehicles. Furthermore, several times of system errors and internet disconnects have been occurring this year, in order to maintain our systems safe and stable, the project team upgraded 11 servers to windows 7 64bit edition, and also constructed network attached storage. All the systems worked out smoothly up to present.
英文關鍵字 High-polluting vehicles ; reporting ; mobile pollution source ; database integration.