

中文摘要 行政院環境保護署管考處之年度列管考核案件及相關作業甚為眾多,包括與第五代公文系統相關核定與追蹤事項,法規整理計畫,主管會報等主席指示事項,署列管計畫執行進度,預審小組案件,院長蒞署巡視指示事項,院長於院會及巡視指裁示事項管考作業,署長指裁示事項,委託研究計畫進度追蹤管考,與其他專案列管事項進度管考等管考作業。各項作業皆繁瑣耗時,實有必要就列管案件之管理流程予以標準化、電子化處理。爰擬建立「列管案件追蹤管理整合作業系統」以資訊分享及網路化平台方式,提供所屬各單位列管案件追蹤管理之機制,同時提供整合查詢與自動稽催機制,藉以提升行政效率並達到知識管理之目的。整體系統架構採web-based,系統主體使用ASP語言結合COM元件開發。配合現有電子化政府單一簽入,針對、各類列管案件的管考作業的規劃,提供列管案件的設定功能,包括管理者與各個科室使用者的權限、結合AD之認證、檔案權限以及列管案件的相關表單設計以利作業追蹤和管理、和該類案件的作業流程。
中文關鍵字 列管系統,管考系統


專案計畫編號 EPA-104-K101-02-201 經費年度 104 計畫經費 65 千元
專案開始日期 2015/01/01 專案結束日期 2015/03/31 專案主持人 陳俊宏
主辦單位 管考處 承辦人 蔣憶玲 執行單位 廣僑資訊有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 維護工作報告書.pdf 0MB

104 Annual tube case tracking system maintenance service project work plan

英文摘要 There are so many annual restricted or controlled cases in the Department of Supervision Evaluation and Dispute Resolution of Environmental Protection Administration Government of the Republic of China. Which include the cases related to 5th generation of official document system and issues to trace, law and regulation plan, the director summary and executive report, the EPA restricted and control cases, pre-examine team cases, the premier to go around, inspect, and order cases, the premier ordered in executive meeting that needs to be controlled, ordered cases of the chief of EPA, to trace or control of authorized research, and other projects/cases in control as well. All the tasks are time consuming and complex, which needs to be formatted as standard and efficient computer information system. A restrict, tracing, and controlled system will be built to control, trace, and share the information to related department by the system platform. Simultaneously, the system provide integrated inquire and automatic inform function to increase the performance of tasks and information control. The whole information systems are web-based, using ASP as developed language, and combined COM object. To harmony with the spirit of “E-government”, especially for all sort of controlled and tracing cases, the system provide easy setting function, which include the user right of administrator or each users in related departments, combined Microsoft AD authority function (as to user right of file upload and download); also, the system provides the variety of related user entry form to facilitate the control and tracing cases.
英文關鍵字 evaluation and control system