

中文摘要 本計畫之執行係為持續推動高雄市低碳永續家園推動辦公室之運作,協助高雄市推動因應氣候變遷與城市之綠色轉型相關工作,主要目標為實行高雄市調適政策之具體措施,以及藉由推動市轄內各層級參與環保署評比認證制度,展現高雄市所累積之永續方案成果。 因應高雄市認養之永續經營運作機能,擇定六龜區新發里及桃源區建山里兩處位於坡地災害潛勢區之村里進行防災社區之輔導建置,已完成相關教育訓練、演練課程及社區避難疏散計畫,期社區強化本身防災能力外,未來可藉由文件化資料自行操作防災演練,提升災害應變能力。在太陽能農棚示範點建置上,完成法規與作業程序之資料收集、建置對象之擇定及現勘評估等前置作業,惟於104年9月4日農委會提出〈申請農業用地作農業設施容許使用審查辦法〉五大變革後,考量預算及作物特性後,已放棄該案件建置,並完成與環保局的契約變更。 在針對市轄內社區之各項輔導作業上,計畫已完成6處既有低碳示範社區:金山里、六龜里、文賢里、鼎泰里、正義里及德行里,5處具潛力社區:仁慈里、頂寮里、義寶社區、仁美里及保寧里等,以及其他25處參與認證社區之完成行動項目建置作業,建置項目包含誘蝶誘鳥植栽行動、汰換使用省電燈具、雨水回收系統設置、閒置空地造林、社區農園、綠屋頂及自行車架設置等,總計1年可省下11,986.74 kgCO2e之碳排放量。計畫也完成輔導36個區及52個社區取得低碳永續家園入圍認證,其中5個區及11個里達銅級(含5處具潛力社區)。 為使社區更清楚了解低碳永續工作,本年度除了藉由辦理4場次低碳永續家園認證評等說明會,讓各單位了解低碳永續家園認證制度,更選定四處特色社區進行觀摩,並依社區特性安排觀摩主題,包含湖內區大湖社區(綠色運輸之自行車導覽)、路竹區頂新社區(資源循環之環保酵素體驗)、大樹區統嶺社區(低碳生活之農村深度旅行)及林園區文賢社區(永續經營之社區產業建立),藉此強化各社區代表對低碳永續之概念,也藉由刊登以「響應節能顧荷包「減碳行動獎」徵選活動開跑!」及「2015「水岸澄清 樂活金秋」綠色嘉年華」為主題之兩則媒體宣導廣告,提高本市低碳永續工作之能見度。 而在協助高雄市取得銅級認證工作上,藉由召開兩場次跨局處會議完成高雄市本身之銅級成果文件,並順利完成審查達銅級之分數門檻,亦持續研擬可提報之成果文件,期使高雄市朝向銀級認證方向邁進。
中文關鍵字 低碳永續家園、永續經營、防災社區、太陽能農棚、低碳示範社區、社區輔導、低碳永續家園認證制度


專案計畫編號 經費年度 104 計畫經費 5000 千元
專案開始日期 2015/03/27 專案結束日期 2015/11/30 專案主持人 黃美倫
主辦單位 高雄市政府環境保護局 承辦人 王姿雅 執行單位 元律科技股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 104年度高雄市低碳永續家園運作及成效管考計畫-正式報告.pdf 15MB
英文摘要 The implementation of this project is mainly matched up consecutively operation of Kaohsiung City sustainable low carbon homeland office, assisting promotion works of climate change application and green city transference. The main objective is to execute practical actions of city's adaptation policies, and encourage every city's units to participate Environmental Protection Administration certification rating mechanism, in order to present results from sustainable projects. On Sustainable management and operation section adopted by Kaohsiung city, the project selected two villages, Xinfa in Liugui Dist. and Jianshan in Taoyuan Dist. which are in landslide-potential areas, to counsel and establish anti-disaster communities. The completed courses included educational trainings、drilling classes and community evacuation plan. Except strengthening anti-disaster ability, the community also can increase capability of anti-disaster by self-drilling on documents in the future. In setting PV canopy demonstrations, the completed previous issues included regulations and procedure documents collection、targets selection and site estimation. Due to 5 revises in "Statistics of Husbandry and Agriculture facilities permit approval" provided by Council of Agriculture on 4th September, 2015. After considering budget and related issues, the project had abandoned the case and completed contract revised with Environmental Protection Bureau. On communities' counseling works, the project had already been completed setting actions affairs, including 6 present low carbon demonstration communities: Jinshan village, Liugui village, Wenxian village, Dingtai village, Jhengyi village and Desing village;5 potential communities: Rencih village, Dingliao village, Yibao community, Renmei village and Baoning village;other 25 participated communities. And actions concluded inducing butterfly and bird planting、replacing and using energy-saving lights、establishing rain recycle system、planting in spare field、farming in community、green roof and setting bike frames. Total carbon reduced emission is 11,986.74 kgCO2e in one year. The project also counseled 36 districts and 52 communities to acquire identified from low carbon and sustainable homeland certification, 5 districts and 11 neighborhoods obtained cooper level certification (including 5 potential communities). In order to let communities understand what is low carbon and sustainability, except holding 4 low carbon and sustainable homeland certification rating briefings to realize mechanism, the project also selected 4 spectacular communities and their themes to arrange tours, including Dahu community in Hunei Dist. (Bike tour of Green Transportation)、Dingxin community in Luzhu Dist. (Environmental enzyme experience of Resource Recycle)、Tongling Community in Qishan Dist. (Village tour of Low Carbon Life) and Wenxian community in Linyuan Dist. (Community industry of Sustainable Management), which can improve communities' concept on low carbon and sustainability. Furthermore, by 2 news advertisements, "carbon reduced action awards selection" and "2015 Green Festival", to increase visibility of Kaohsiung low carbon and sustainable works. On assisting Kaohsiung City obtain Copper certification, convening 2 cross-bureau conference to acquire Copper result documents and reaching Copper required line. The team will continuously discuss and study every result document, in order to help Kaohsiung City towards Silver level.
英文關鍵字 Low Carbon and Sustainable Homeland, Sustainable Management, Anti-disaster Community, PV Canopy, Low Carbon Demonstration Community, Community Counseling, Low Carbon and Sustainable Homeland Certification Mechanism