

中文摘要   本計畫之目的有兩大主軸,一為探討環境影響評估審查之實質效益,做為過去環評案件檢視及未來環評制度調整之參考,二為綜整近年環評相關司法判決,研析目前第一階段環評審查因應調整之妥適性,並提出具體建議。對於環評審查效益,本團隊透過三種方法進行研析,整體來說,原先規劃以不同開發類別中有辦理環評及無須辦理環評的相似案件進行比較,惟經研析後,因有時間、空間以及製程、污染防治等技術上的根本差異,確實難以公平比較,故經調整利用目前已開發且有環評之案件進行假設、研析若無環評之差異,並將此方法擴大到工廠與工業區類別案件,本計畫統計246件工廠及工業區(含園區)案件,估算水污染及空氣污染排放減少之環境效益每年約200億元。為研究現行環評審查程序是否完備,本團隊蒐集歷年環評訴訟案件共181件,環保署及行政院所得之訴願決定共365件,並將案件分別作量化及質化分析。由歷年訴願及訴訟案件結果,可以發現訴訟案件原處分遭廢棄發回的比率約24%,訴願有理由的比率約27%,而訴願遭駁回而提起訴訟的比率約20%。整理出司法實務上重要的爭議類型,觀察司法實務見解對爭議的論理走向與趨勢,並與臺北高等行政法院99年度訴字第1882號判決中,承審法官於庭中所提7項問題,融合成9大爭議問題,分析判決以及學說,據以提供建議,供環評主管機關未來於環評審查之參考。
中文關鍵字 環境影響評估審查效益、有條件通過、環境影響評估司法判決


專案計畫編號 EPA-104-E103-02-290 經費年度 104 計畫經費 4200 千元
專案開始日期 2015/11/18 專案結束日期 2016/09/30 專案主持人 林鎮洋
主辦單位 綜計處 承辦人 楊智凱 執行單位 國立臺北科技大學


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期末報告 EPA-104-E103-02-290.pdf 17MB

Research and Analysis of Environmental Impact Assessment Review Benefit and Judicial Decisions Project Work Plan

英文摘要 There are two objectives of this project. One is to evaluate the benefits gained from the local Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) cases. The other is to analyze the judicial decisions on the EIA cases and to summarize their judgement rules. In order to evaluate the EIA benefits, three different methods were used. Firstly, we compared similar development cases with and without EIA process and to see their influences on environment, economy, publics, and information. However, the real cases with and without EIA process had significant differences on temporal, spatial, and economical scales. Therefore, the second method we used was to compare the same cases with and without EIA process. The scenario of no EIA is assumption. The method was finally expanded to 246 industrial cases. If the total of 246 industrial cases were without EIA process and were just following the national emission standards, the wastewater and air pollution reduced by EIA process will cost around 20 billion NTD per year. This project collected 181 EIA lawsuit cases and 365 appeals and summarized their results. Among these cases, 24% of lawsuit cases were rejected, 27% of appeals were accepted, and 20% of appeals were rejected and turned to lawsuits. From these judicial decisions, the important controversial issues and the judgement types and trends were summarized. The seven questions addressed by Taipei High Administrative Court No. 1882 adjudication in 2010 were analyzed as well. Finally, nine typical judicial issues and their theoretical and practical suggestions were resulted and provided to EIA administrations.
英文關鍵字 Benefit of Environmental Impact Assessment Review, Approved with Conditions, Judicial decisions of Environmental Impact Assessment