

中文摘要 為維護水體環境品質,持續打造宜人樂活之水環境,環保署自101年至106年推動「水體環境水質改善及經營管理計畫」,集中資源推動11條重點河川(淡水河、南崁溪、老街溪、濁水溪、新虎尾溪、北港溪、急水溪、鹽水溪、二仁溪、阿公店溪及愛河)之整治工作,期提升環境品質並增進國民健康。 本計畫主要為追蹤及檢討全國11條重點河川污染整治計畫執行情形,滾動檢討及修訂整治計畫與目標,其中包括分析近5年與本年度河川水質現況、污染來源及影響程度、既有整治措施執行現況、整治目標達成情形及檢討建議。而為掌握11條重點河川關鍵整治河段,本計畫進一步選定關鍵整治測站(共22個測站)及關鍵水質項目,並配合水質水量補充調查分析結果及運用水質模式模擬,檢視河川整治目標達成情形及污染整治計畫執行成效,進而檢討修正或新增建議污染削減策略及計算目標應削減污染量,以供各級環保單位參考執行。相關整治策略包括污水下水道建設、污水截流設施、推動水質淨化現地處理設施、事業廢水污染稽查與排放標準加嚴管制、推動畜牧糞尿沼液沼渣農地肥分利用等。另籌辦19場次河川(離島為水庫)污染整治計畫追蹤檢討會議,藉由會議辦理凝聚各單位整治共識,建立流域年度主題及滾動檢討各流域階段性污染整治策略與水質改善目標。 另辦理全國各縣市河川(離島為水庫)水質管理成效考核作業,藉由現地處理水質淨化設施督導查核作業(完成19縣市27場次共31處),督促各地方政府正常操作維護現地水質淨化設施,落實自主管理及掌握地方水體水質改善之成效,並依據各縣市整治成效,提出逐年分階段標竿管理目標與重點策略。 此外,為協助環保署掌握環境保護施政績效,本計畫彙整全國水體環境水質改善101~103年執行成果及環保署補助設置之9處國家重要濕地執行成果(包括基本資料、水質與生態效益及民眾參與等),同時為提高民眾對政府環保施政的瞭解,進而投入更多的關注及參與,在本計畫中亦辦理既有河川整治網站之每月更新維護及河川整治成果訪視巡禮活動1場次。
中文關鍵字 河川整治、整治成效評估、水質管理成效考核


專案計畫編號 EPA-104-G103-02-116 經費年度 104 計畫經費 8140 千元
專案開始日期 2015/05/06 專案結束日期 2015/12/31 專案主持人 胡惠宇
主辦單位 水保處 承辦人 黃文傑 執行單位 美商傑明工程顧問(股)台灣分公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 EPA104G10302116.pdf 36MB

Warer Pollution Remediation Strategy and Action Plan in Primary Rivers.

英文摘要 In order to maintain water quality, to build a suitable environment, and to improve national health, Taiwan EPA promotes “Water Quality Improvement and Environmental Management Program” by focusing on water pollution remediation in 11 primary rivers (Tamsui River, Nankan River, Lao-Jie River, Jhuoshuei River, New Huwei River, Beigang River, Ji-Shuei river, Yanshuei River, Er-Jen River, A-Gung-Dian River, and Love River) from 2012 to 2017.   The purpose of the project is to monitor the execution and to apply rolling management to the water pollution remediation in 11 primary rivers, including analyzing water quality of the rivers in the past 6 year, tracing the source and effect of the pollution, the status of the execution of remediation, the result of the remediation. And in order to grasp the critical reach of each primary river, the project choose 22 critical water quality observation stations and choose critical water quality item in each primary river. Also, the project apply water quality modeling, remediation strategy development, and making remediation suggestions for EPBs in Taiwan.   The content of remediation strategy is waste sewer, waste interception, water quality on site treatment, wastewater utility check and control, animal wastewater reduce(including treat animal wastewater as the material of ferment), and developing the target of remediation management plan for river across Taiwan(reservoir in islands) through 19 meetings and rolling reviews, respectively.   Additionally, through promoting the water quality management evaluation, including onsite treatment supervising (total 27 time in 31 sites across 19 cities and counties) and benchmarking target development. The purpose is to urge local governments to maintain their onsite treatment facilities, and encourage local governments to proceed self-management for water quality, respectively.   For the purpose of assisting EPA in monitoring its performance in environmental protection, this project collects the result of water quality remediation during 2012 to 2014 and results in 9 artificial wetlands in Taiwan (including basic information, water quality, ecological and public participation), and for public disclosure and attention, the water pollution remediation related website updated every month and 1 site visit activity are also in the scope of project.
英文關鍵字 River Restoration, Restoration Performance Assessment, Water Quality Management Evaluation.