

中文摘要 在土壤及地下水污染整治法(下稱:土污法)之領域,有關整治費用求償,我國實務上最後大多數是以行政爭訟之方式解決。相對地,美國法上有關CERCLA(Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act/「綜合環境應變補償及責任法」)之環境法案件,則大多係由主管機關與相對人以行政和解制度方式達成和解。本計畫為因應我國日益增多之土污法求償訴訟事件,而以美國法上CERCLA主管機關與潛在責任人間三種行政和解類型,亦即行政(和解)契約、行政同意令及司法同意裁決為研究重點,以美國法為參考對象,提出在我國落實土污行政和解制度之基本原理原則,並研擬土污法相關增訂條文、法規命令及行政規則草案,另就相關配套措施及指導事項提供建議。 本團隊建議,就短期目標而言,在土污法行政和解制度尚未完善建立前,可在現行法制架構下推行行政和解。就長期目標而言,則建議於土污法中建立行政和解制度之章節條文,確立行政和解在土污法上之具體實行之法源依據,並據以訂定相關之法規命令或行政規則,以及編訂行政和解相關之執行手冊,同時並應建立若干配套措施,以因應嶄新的土污行政和解制度。 在建立土污行政和解之新制度同時,本團隊亦強調美國法律制度與我國有重大之不同。因此,本團隊基本上仍建議,應該在我國行政程序法之架構下,參考美國CERCLA相關和解規定以建立土污法之行政和解制度。行政程序上之和解與行政訴訟程序上和解亦應進行磨合,減少兩者間之歧異而力求其一致性
中文關鍵字 行政和解、土壤及地下水污染、和解、綜合環境應變補償及責任法、行政(和解)契約/行政同意令/司法同意裁決


專案計畫編號 EPA-104-GA11-03-A072 經費年度 104 計畫經費 1400 千元
專案開始日期 2015/02/25 專案結束日期 2015/12/31 專案主持人 張訓嘉
主辦單位 土污基管會 承辦人 許位嘉 執行單位 立言法律事務所


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 美國行政和解制度 期末報告 20160112.pdf 7MB

Project on the Research of American CERCLA settlement procedure and the planning of settlement system in Soil and Groundwater Pollution Remediation Act in Taiwan

英文摘要 In the area of “Soil and Groundwater Pollution Remediation Act” (the Act), most cases in our country relating to the recovery of remediation fees in practice were eventually resolved through administrative litigation. In contrast, most CERCLA(Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act) cases in the United States were finally resolved by administrative settlement procedures. This Project, in response to the booming law cases concerning the Act in Taiwan, focuses on the research of CERCLA procedures dealing with the settlement between government authorities and its counterparts/the PRPs. There are three main types of settlement in CERCLA, including Administrative (Settlement) Agreements, Administrative Orders on Consent and Judicial Consent Decrees. Referring to these types in CERCLA, we propose the major basic principles in building up the administrative settlement system in Taiwan. Also we propose the drafts to establish some settlement provisions in the Act and the pertinent Regulations and/or rules in order to operate the settlement system. The available complementary measures to cope with the system and the Directions between the authorities are also recommended. The short-term target proposed in this project is that before the more sophisticated and perfect administrative settlement system in the Act is established, the authorities may try to enforce the administrative settlement under current laws and regulations. As for the long- term plan, it is suggested that we may add some provisions about administrative settlement in the Act, set up pertinent Regulations and rules accordingly, and further compile or publish relevant Directions or Enforcement Manual. In addition, the complementary measures to facilitate the enforcement procedure can be established in order to cope with the brand new settlement system. In establishing new administrative settlement system in the Act, the work team also emphasizes that the American legal system is basically quite different from that of our country. Therefore, we still recommend that the new system shall be established under the current framework of Administrative Procedure Act while referring to the settlement provisions in CERCLA of the United States. The settlement under Administrative procedure shall also seek coordination with the settlement in administrative litigation procedure in order to mitigate the discrepancies and obtain unity between these two procedures.
英文關鍵字 Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act/CERLCA, Administrative Settlement Agreement /Administrative Orders on Consent/ Judicial Consent Decrees, Administrative Settlement