

中文摘要 本計畫為延續性之施政管制計畫,主要工作項目可分為三部分:一、落實固定污染源許可管理工作;二、提供經濟誘因策略,包括空污費收費、獎勵、及補助。三、執行各類空氣污染物減量工作;以掌握本市固定污染源污染特性及排放現況,協助執行固定污染源空氣污染管制方案,進而維護本市空氣品質。 本計畫工作期程為104/3/23至105/3/22,各項量化工作皆達合約規範之100%以上,辦理業務包含許可作業、空污費及排放量審查、巡查作業、工業區管制作業、污染減量及資料庫維護更新管理等項目。 桃園市已核發操作許可證製程有2,087個,計畫期間受理1,481件許可審查案,完成999件審查核發,約有9.5%為新發證。其中282家進行現場勘查,現場查核之各項缺失,皆已現場輔導改善,並於確認改善完成後核發操作許可證。 在空污費作業部份,截至104年第4季已列管1,515家,每季可徵收約12,511萬元。計畫執行期間,本團隊共執行2次核收結算作業,104/7/1完成之核收結算作業,有201家經催補繳後,完成補繳,總計補繳金額為4,605萬元。另尚有綠能科技等5家太陽能光電產業所核定補繳21,883萬元,須待同業公會向環保署申請自廠係數核定結果,再行重新核算。另104/12/29之結算作業,需補繳家數為280家,由於其補繳期限尚未達90日,故尚部分廠家尚未繳費,目前已補繳家數為179家,補繳金額為756萬元。 在逸散污染源查核部份,本年度已針對本市逸散源查核112家次,初查記點缺失率達85.7%,且8家次因複查記點缺失10點以上,遭告發處分。各廠缺失經輔導改善後,估計可削減粒狀物:270.59公噸及PM10:108.23公噸。 經由許可管理、空污費核定、污染現勘稽巡查等各項作業,桃園市目前列管2,616家公私場所,掌握排放量分別為粒狀污染物3,003.634公噸/年(主要為非金屬礦物製品製造業35.0%)、硫氧化物5,863.621公噸/年(主要為紡織、印染業22.5%)、氮氧化物14,178.462公噸/年(主要為水電燃氣業46.2%)、揮發性有機物20,792.581公噸/年(主要為半導體業、膠帶業及汽車製造業等佔39.7%)。而分析桃園市近年排放狀況,在粒狀物、硫氧化物及氮氧化物部份,由於「桃園縣電力設施排放標準」及「固定污染源排放標準」之推動,於101至103年之排放量,皆有逐年下降;在揮發性有機物部份,由於查核發現膠帶業、半導體業及太陽能電池製造業,其含揮發性有機物溶劑之實際用量與公告係數計算之排放量相差達2倍及7.5公噸以上,故要求改以質量平衡方式申報排放量,使桃園市於101至103年掌握到的排放量逐年上升,而104年度亦查核PU合成皮製造業之短漏報問題,故仍持續掌握真實排放量。 建議計畫執行仍可就以下項目採取較精進之做法,包括:  掌握目前大廠減量協談成效,並持續協談更多廠家配合自主減量。  訂定「使用生煤之審查原則」,以有效管控使用生煤污染源之排放量。  推動燃油鍋爐更換乾淨燃料,以減少空氣污染物之排放量。
中文關鍵字 許可、空氣污染防制費


專案計畫編號 經費年度 104 計畫經費 21400 千元
專案開始日期 2015/03/23 專案結束日期 2016/03/22 專案主持人 苗宛陶
主辦單位 桃園市政府環境保護局 承辦人 顏振華 執行單位 台灣曼寧工程顧問股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 04_2104桃園固定期末簡要報告1050620.pdf 0MB
英文摘要 This is a continuity administration control project that was executed in the following 3 part. The first include carry out management source permit management. The second provide economic incentives policy like air pollution fee system, rewards, and subsidies. Final implement various air pollution reduction project. The above part is performed to enhance current understandings of the pollution characteristics and emissions situation of stationary pollution sources in the county and assist in the formulation of air pollution regulatory strategies and action plans for stationary pollution sources, thereby improving and protecting the air quality. This project was executed over 12 months from 23 March 2015 to 22 March 2016.The various relevant operations were executed according to a predetermined schedule that was hundred percent complete. This project transacts business include permit system functions (including review and checking or auditing) ; pursuing, reviewing, and auditing air pollution fees; auditing and reviewing online emission declarations; auditing industrial parks; and keep data system quality. During the project execution period, Taoyuan City has issued 2,087 permits. The completion of 1,481 permit-related manufacturing process inspections, the issuing of 999 permits, that is including 9.5% new permits. Thus, 282 permits were selected for on-site inspections. The various deficiencies of on-site inspections have been counseled, after confirmed those have improved and get permits. Until Q4 2015, there are 1,515 stationary pollution sources on the air pollution fee list. The collection amounts of the air pollution fee about NT$12,511,000 per quarter. During the project, the air pollution fee was settled for twice. The first settlement has done 201 stationary pollution sources at 1 July 2015, that with a difference amounts in NT$ 46,050,057 needed to be further paid. In addition, there are five stationary pollution sources (e.g., green energy technology) haven’t pay total amount was NT$218,833,015, those stationary pollution sources are applying for established emission factor from the Environmental Protection Agency, when it consummate will settle again. The second settlements, has done 280 stationary pollution sources at 29 December 2015. Due to the payment period of 90 days, some of stationary pollution sources had not paid for air pollution fee. There were 179 stationary pollution sources had paid total NT$7,563,072. In fugitive pollution source part, 112 stationary pollution sources were selected for on-site inspections. First inspection have 85.7% penalty point, even in review inspection those have 8 stationary pollution sources get 10 error points, those stationary pollution sources deficiencies of on-site inspections have been counseled, after confirm it can reduce emission; 270.59 metric tons of PM10 can be reduced and 108.23 metric tons of PM2.5 can be reduced. During the plan execution period, 2,616 stationary pollution sources were listed and regulated. Furthermore, statistics of the annual air pollutant emissions volume during the project execution period were as follows: particulate matters: 3,003.634 metric tons per annum (non-metallic mineral products manufacturing 35.0%); sulfur oxides: 5,863.621 metric tons per annum (textile products manufacturing and finishing of textiles 22.5%); nitrogen oxides: 14,178.462 metric tons per annum (electricity, gas and water46.2%); and volatile organic compounds: 20,792.581 metric tons per annum (e.g. semi-conductors manufacturing, tape industry, motor vehicles manufacturing 39.7%). Analysis Taoyuan City emissions for the past few years, due to “Electric Arc Furnace (EAF) emission standard” and “Stationary Source Emission Standard” that promote make particulate matters, sulfur oxides and nitrogen oxides 2012 to 2014 emissions have reductions. The other way, due to inspect discover tape industry, semi-conductors manufacturing and photovoltaic industry, those have higher volatile organic compounds emissions, by inspect the truly amount of volatile organic solvents and proclamation emission factor of difference double and 7.5 metric tons emission, therefore request those change to mass balance for air pollution fee declare, let Taoyuan City 2012 to 2014 volatile organic compounds emissions rise. However 2015 have PU synthetic leather industry inspect, it master be continuing. The following recommendations sophisticated practices, including: • Master be continued the present plant performance reduction agreement, and continued agreement of independent manufacturers. • Set "to use the reviewing principle of using coal" to effectively control emissions from the use of coal pollution. • Promote clean fuel and replace the oil-fired boiler fuel, to reduce emissions of air pollutants.
英文關鍵字 permit, air pollution fee