

中文摘要 本計劃為建立中部地區河川揚塵(大安溪、大甲溪、大肚溪及濁水溪)及街塵(忠明南路、中山路、台74線及八卦山隧道)表土之化學組成源譜,於2015年春季及夏季至中部地區四大河川流域及四條道路旁進行懸浮微粒密集觀測,觀測期間除採集大氣PM2.5樣品外,並收集河川表土與街塵及進行樣品的化學成分分析。藉由觀測之結果搭配大氣示蹤模擬技術,藉以調查河川揚塵之流布特性、傳輸行為及其對周圍空氣品質的影響。 在逸散性的河川揚塵表土及街塵化學源譜方面,由樣品中金屬元素的分布顯示,河川揚塵與街塵的主要組成與平均地殼組成相似,以Al、Fe、K、Na、Mg、Ca與Ti為主要元素,而微量元素則以Ba、Mn、Rb,Zr、Ce、Sr與Zn含量較高,然而Se在河川表土中的含量約為地殼組成的50-60倍,而As與Sb則約為5-10倍,此三種元素相對於地殼組成屬於較為富集的物種,而中部地區四大河川表土內Ca的含量約介於0.3至1.5 %,明顯低於地殼組成的4.2 %,係屬於比較貧乏的元素。然而相較於河川表土,街塵含有較高濃度的交通源排放元素如Mo、Zn、Pb、Se、Sb與Cd,故街塵中之Mo/Al (0.000355)、Zn/Al (0.034343)、Pb/Al (0.003069)、Sb/Al (0.000343)及Cd/Al (0.000041)比值較河川揚塵中之Mo/Al (0.000008)、Zn/Al (0.002166)、Pb/Al(0.000383)、Sb/Al (0.000021)及Cd/Al(0.000003)高了一個數量級,故這些元素比值可考慮作為兩者之特徵比值,以區分此兩者之不同。此外,將本計劃所建立的污染源指紋資料庫與國外所做的研究進行比對,顯示國、內外相同類別污染源之化學組成不盡相同,有些元素(如Se、Ca、Pb、Ni與Mo)含量差異甚至高達10倍,故顯示建立本土污染源微粒排放資料庫的化學源譜的重要性。 在河川流布特性上,藉由在中部地區四條河川南、北岸及河堤自設測站採集的PM2.5樣品及其完整的化學分析顯示,在春季時,河川鄰近區域大氣PM2.5中以硫酸鹽、硝酸鹽及銨鹽組成的SIA為主,約佔59 %,有機碳則佔14 %,而地殼元素平均約佔7 %,然採樣期間除濁水溪平均風速(>4.5 m/s)高於河川表土捲揚之臨界風速(~ 3 m/s),而有明顯的河川揚塵污染現象外,其餘三條河川揚塵效應並不明顯,利用微粒流布與濁水溪河川表土組成圖譜,先以富集因子選定受濁水溪表土貢獻之元素(EF<5),再利用質量平衡的觀念推估濁水溪南岸測站PM2.5受到河川揚塵之貢獻量平均約為25 %。而在夏季密集觀測期間,河川鄰近區域之PM2.5中的組成以有機碳(40%)為首,而二次無機氣膠(33%)次之,然此時有機碳的含量為春季的2倍,且從OC/EC之比值顯示夏季期間有機碳的增加可能與二次光化有機氣膠增量有關,而二次無機氣膠的減少主要來自於夏季高溫下,微粒中硝酸鹽濃度的揮發有關。此外,在夏季密集觀測期間,中部地區多以南風為主要風向,但由於風力微弱(< 1 m/s)故微粒中地殼元素的分布並無明顯空間上的差異,佔PM2.5的比例約8%。 在多環芳香烴方面,春、夏兩季之大氣總PAHs平均總濃度有著顯著的差異性,此差異性主要來自於夏季因氣溫高與低風速的條件下,導致PAHs氣相之濃度明顯上升所致,此外,利用PAHs之特徵比值及正矩陣因子分析法推估PAHs之污染來源,結果顯示春季期間,中部河川鄰近區域大氣PAHs之污染來源主要為固定污染源(34%)、交通排放(24%)、燃煤(23%)及石化燃料油氣揮發(19%),而夏季則以石化燃料油氣揮發(34%)、自然環境有機物揮發(29%)、燃煤(19%)及固定污染源(18%)為主。 此外,本研究並利用WRF/Chem模式進行中部地區河川揚塵傳輸及分布之模擬,雖然植入模式的揚塵逸散量是一假設值且不隨時間變化,在各河川揚塵不同逸散量的條件模擬,能掌握東北季風期間的模擬風場及複雜地形與土地利用的影響,藉由模擬可合理推估台灣各區域受到四條河川揚塵的影響程度與各河川對各區域的影響比重。然由於逸散源分布在河川沿岸,所以河川揚塵的影響以河川沿岸最大,且因濁水溪的揚塵逸散量遠大於其他三條河川,故在東北季風下,各月河川揚塵最大值均出現在濁水溪南岸。然一月時東北季風較強,故揚塵會影響至高雄地區,主要的來源是濁水溪。但隨東北季風減弱,影響的範圍逐漸減小,到四月時影響的範圍只有中台灣大安溪以南地區。且由於中央山脈的阻隔,揚塵的影響範圍主要侷限在台灣西部,且沿海區域由於風速較大,故河川揚塵濃度較內陸區域小。
中文關鍵字 污染源資料庫、特徵指標、大氣化學模式


專案計畫編號 EPA-104-1602-02-07 經費年度 104 計畫經費 4420 千元
專案開始日期 2015/03/06 專案結束日期 2015/12/31 專案主持人 林傳堯
主辦單位 環檢所 承辦人 李慈毅 執行單位 中央研究院 環境變遷研究中心


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 EPA-104-1602-02-07.pdf 13MB
英文摘要 To investigate the chemical characterizations and spatial distributions of the aeolian dust emitted from the four riverbeds, namely, Da An River, Da Jia River, Da Tu River and Jhuoshuei River, and asses their impact on the air quality in the surrounding areas, two intensive particulate matters (PM) measurenments were conducted in the vicinity of all aforementioned rivers during the spring (northeast monsoon, NE) and summer (non-northeast monsoon) seasons in 2015. The dust samples emitted from bare lands of riverbeds and paved roads were also synchronously collected. Metallic elements, water-soluble ions, carbons and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in most of the samples were analyzed by using ICP-MS, IC, carbon analyzer and GC-MS. The result shows that the abundances of crustal elements such as Al, Fe, K, Na, Mg and Ca in each dust sample were very comparable; the higher concentrations of traffic-derived elements, including Mo, Zn, Pb, Sb and Cd, were found in paved road dust, leaving the inter-elemental ratios of Mo/Al, Zn/Al, Pb/Al, Sb/Aland Cd/Al to be the useful fingerprinting ratios to differentiate river dust from paved road dust. Moreover, the ambient PM in the areas near the rivers revealed that secondary inorganic aerosol (SIA, ~59%) was the most predominant species in the springtime, followed by organic aerosol (OC, ~14%), crustal material (13%) and elemental carbon (EC, ~4%). However, the significant contribution (~ 25%) of aeolian dust on ambient PM was only observed for Jhuoshuei River in the monsoon season. During the summertime sampling period, OC turned into the most abundant species, which accounted for 37% in the PM2.5 mass, followed by SIA (33%), EC (14%) and crustal materials (4%). The abrupt increase of OC might be due to the enhancements of secondary organic carbon. Because of calm condition, the influence of aeolian dust from all rivers on the ambient PM levels was insignificant during the non-monsoon season. For PAHs, higher concentrations in summer was due to the meteorological condition of high temperature and low wind speed which would enhance the PAH concentrations in vapor phase. By using PMF model, we found the sources of PAHs in spring were stationary sources (34%), vehicle emissions (24%), coal combustion (23%) and petrochemical fuel gas (19%), while in summer the emission sources were petrochemical fuel gas (34%), the natural environment of volatile organic compounds (29%), coal combustion (19%) and stationary sources (18%). Finally, model simulation by WRF/Chem indicated that, comparing to the other three rivers, Jhuoshuei River was the most important source to release aeolian dust into atmosphere. Aeolian dust would transport as far as Kaohsiung City during the strong NE period and contribute a lot of PM to the atmosphere; nevertheless, the dust concentrations in inland areas were, in general, much higher than that in coastal areas.
英文關鍵字 sources profiles, fingerprinters, atmospheric chemical model