
104年 臺南市空氣品質監測站資訊顯示系統操作維護及分析作業計畫_期末報告_ 定稿

中文摘要 本計畫主要執行目標係藉臺南市空氣品質監測站顯示系統設備維護工作,確保運轉正常及數據品質,同時彙整維修紀錄表及改善建議報告,提供環保局掌握維修狀況。並修訂測站維護之標準作業程序及維護檢查表格以確保維護品質,配合達成環保署監測站考核標準。 計畫期程:104年07月14日至105年07月13日 計畫執行成果簡述如下: 一、人工測站 (一)監測站操作維護 每月上、下半月定期進行監測站操作及維護工作。 (二)校正檢查 除每月一次單點檢查外,另已於104年07月07日將流量校正設備送至瑩諮科技股份有限公司品保實驗室執行追溯一級校正,並於104年07、10月及105年01月、04月執行第1季至第4季人工測站多點流量校正,各項校正作業結果均符合計畫要求。 (三)採樣及檢驗分析 總懸浮微粒(TSP)及其成分分析每月上、下半月各分析一次,PM10、PM2.5及落塵量為每月採樣一次,計畫執行進度均符合契約書規定。每季依序完成本市12座人工測站的精密度測試,共完成12站次校正比對,所有測值皆符合不得大於10%規定要求。 二、自動測站 (一)監測站操作維護 定期進行包括每週、月、季、半年及年維護,所有作業皆依工作進度進行。並於每月10日前,提送前月相關維護報表。計畫執行期間各項資料可用率皆達合約規定90%以上。 (二)校正檢查 各分析儀每日皆進行一次自動零點(Zero)及全幅(Span)檢查,於季定期維護進行分析儀器多點流量校正,各項監測儀多點校正之季維護其線性相關係數皆在0.995以上,斜率皆在0.88~1.12之間,截距皆介於±2%F.S.,各項結果均符合規範要求。 三、監測結果 (一)人工測站結果 104年度計畫監測結果解析自104年07月起至105年07月止,在TSP部分,各人工測站監測結果皆符合空氣品質標準24小時值(250μg/m3)規範要求,近五年臺南市TSP監測結果顯示各年度趨勢大抵一致,均呈現冬季高、夏季低趨勢,月平均值以104年11月113 μg/m3為最高,以105年07月平均值28 μg/m3為最低。在TSP中各成分所佔比例以硫酸鹽佔最高,其次為硝酸鹽、氯鹽,最低為鉛含量。在落塵量部分,各人工測站測值差異不大,極輕微污染為150站次(96.15%)、屬於輕微污染為3站次(1.92%)、屬於中度污染為1站次(0.64%)、屬於嚴重污染為1站次(0.64%)、屬於極嚴重汙染為1站次(0.64%)。月平均值最高為104年12月的4.40 公噸/平方公里/月,最低為105年6月的0.52公噸/平方公里/月。在歷年懸浮微粒PM10及PM2.5變化皆隨季節呈冬高夏低趨勢,歷年變化差異不大。PM10濃度最高值為104年12月之104 μg/m3,而最低值為105年06月之19 μg/m3;PM2.5月均值最高為104年12月的68 μg/m3,最低為105年06月的11 μg/m3。 (二)自動測站 彙整104年07月起至105年07月止城西里測站及楠西測站與臺南市區域內環保署所屬4測站新營、善化、臺南及安南測站測值月均值比對結果相似。在懸浮微粒(PM10) 監測結果方面,顯示季節對PM10影響十分明顯,在夏季時明顯較冬季為低,臺南市區域內6座自動測站在季節變化趨勢大抵相同;在臭氧(O3)監測結果方面,亦於季節變化上較明顯,春季和秋季時明顯為高,自動測站測值變化趨勢相似。 比對環保署於臺南市4座測站近五年來PM10與O3超標頻率與PSI>100頻率,在新營測站及善化測站主要受到PM10影響,在安南測站及臺南測站則同時受到PM10及O3影響。臺南市因地理位置的關係,在PM10部分以冬、春二季為高濃度時期,在O3部分以春、秋二季為高濃度時期,在秋季則同時受到PM10及O3影響,該時段應加強注意空氣品質變化。  四、電子看板檢查作業 (一)維護檢查 計畫執行自104年07月起至105年07月,共進行18次檢查及4次季保養。 (二)播放內容建檔及更新 從104年07月起至105年7月止,彙整計畫執行以來製作相關文宣檔統計及撥放內容合計共達308筆,其中環保局共66筆。 五、交通測站設置點位評估 (一)模擬成果 計畫執行自104年07月起至105年07月,已推估各汙染物排放量並以ISCST3模擬出污染物濃度擴散圖,進一步選出合適的交通測站設置點位。
中文關鍵字 總懸浮微粒、落塵量、懸浮微粒


專案計畫編號 TNEPB-104-AN-30521 經費年度 104 計畫經費 4950 千元
專案開始日期 2015/07/14 專案結束日期 2016/07/13 專案主持人 曹志成
主辦單位 臺南市政府環境保護局 承辦人 鄭秀雯 執行單位 祥威環境科技股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 104 年臺南市空氣品質監測站資訊顯示系統操作維護及分析作業計畫_期末報告__定稿.pdf 28MB
英文摘要 This plan has been mainly executed the maintenance service of Tainan Air Quality Monitoring Display System to make sure the normal operation and the data quality of equipment, and it also aggregated log sheets of entire service and suggestions of improvement were provided to the Tainan Environmental Protection Bureau (EPB) to control the service status. Further to this, it offered revised standard of operational procedure and the maintenance test to guarantee the maintenance quality and meet the inspection monitoring station assessment criteria from Environmental Protection Administration (EPA). Plan of Timeframe:From 14 July, 2015 to 13 July, 2016 The achievement of this project was stated below: First, the manual monitoring station (1) Operation & maintenance in monitoring station It had to conduct the first half and second half monthly regular service and maintenance works. (2) Calibration Process In addition to conduct calibration process for single point check of equipment every month, our team also took calibration device to consultative quality assurance laboratory of Envimac Technology & Consultants Corporation to perform a Class I traceable correction. Multi-spot calibration were performed on 2015/07, 2015/10, 2016/01 and 2016/04, and all of the results were reached the program requirement. (3) Sampling and inspection & analysis Total suspended particles (TSP) analysis was performed twice a month, and PM10, PM2.5, dust contents were sampled once a month. This plan completed 12 manual stations for the accuracy quarterly tests and did 12 times of parallel calibration work, and all error percentages were within 10% based on requirement. Second, the automatic monitoring station (1) Operation & maintenance in Monitoring Statoin Regular maintenance included weekly maintenance, monthly maintenance, quarterly maintenance and yearly maintenance, and all works did base on the plan schedule. Also, maintenance sheets of last month were submitted before 10th of each month. All data acquisition rate during the implementation of the project were more than 90% of the contract provisions. (2) Calibration process All analyzers were conducted a daily zero-span check, and multi-spot flow calibration were performed quarterly maintenance. The correlation coefficient of each multi-spot calibration was above 0.995, the slop was between 0.88 ~ 1.12, and the intercept was between ±2% F.S. All calibration results in this plan met the regulation. Third, Monitoring results (1) Manual monitoring station TSP monitoring results from July 2015 to July 2016 were in compliance with air quality standard as 24 hourly value (250 g/m3). It was shown that the trend was probably consistent of TSP monitoring results during last 5 years, and the trend was that the concentration was higher in winter and lower in summer. The highest monthly average was 113 μg /m3 on November 2015, and the lowest monthly average was 28 μg /m3 on July 2016. In TSP, sulphate accounted for the highest proportion, followed by nitrate, chloride, and lead accounted for the lowest contents. The concentration of dust contents between each manual monitoring station was insignificant. Dust contents contamination was classified into five classes: Very slight contamination (96.15%), minor contamination (1.92%), moderately polluted (0.64%), serious contamination (0.64%), very serious contamination (0.64%). The highest monthly average was 4.40 tons/ km / month on December 2015, and the lowest monthly average was 0.52 tons/ km / month on June 2016. The variation of PM10 and PM2.5 was due to the seasonal change, and the concentration was higher in winter and lower in summer. Changing of PM10 and PM2.5 over the years was little. The highest monthly average of PM10 was 104 μg /m3 on December 2015, and the lowest one was 19 μg /m3 on June 2016. The highest monthly average of PM2.5 was 68 μg /m3 on December 2015, and the lowest one of PM2.5 was 11 μg /m3 on June 2016. (2) Automatic monitoring station In Tainan, the data of six automatic monitoring stations aggregated from July 2105 to July 2016. The automatic monitoring stations included Cheng-xi and Nancy stations which belong to EPB and Sinying, Shanhau, Annan, Tainan stations which belong to EPA. The variation of PM10 was due to the seasonal change, and the concentration was higher in winter and lower in summer. The tendency of seasonal variation was similar between 6 auto monitoring stations in Tainan. PSI index was compared with PM10 and O3 excessive frequency, and it was shown that The Sinying station and Shanhau station were mainly influenced by PM10. The Annan station and Tainan station were mainly influenced by both PM10 and O3. PM10 concentration was higher in winter and spring, while O3 concentration was higher in spring and autumn. In autumn, the air quality will be influenced by both PM10 and O3, so more attention should be paid in this period. Fourth, Xiaosimeng information electronic monitoring system (1) Maintenance and inspection 18 inspections and 4 quarterly maintenance were conducted from July 2015 to July 2016. (2) Update of the display board During plan period, the monitoring system was displayed with 308 times, in which a total of 66 times of EPB. Fifth, Assessment of point setup of traffic stations (1) Simulated results The pollutant concentration infusion has been simulated by ISESCT 3, and the suitable point setup of traffic stations then further been chosen.