

中文摘要 本計畫期程為民國104年2月12日至104年12月20日止。截至104年12月期末報告階段,工作團隊已完成各工作項目進度達100%:包括完成上半年與下半年度新竹市96口地下水監測井巡查,並進行9口次井體維護更新及5口次井體設施修復;完成科學工業園區與香山區之33口地下水監測井枯水期與豐水期檢測、教育大學監測井檢測、與仁愛段民井檢測3口;完成仁愛段監測井增設2口、新竹油庫周圍監測井增設3口、教育大學監測井增設1口及新設井檢測作業,亦完成園區19號井地下水污染場址驗證用監測井4口。列管場址管理方面,工作團隊每兩個月進行一次列管場址巡查監督作業、並協助召開相關會議;在科學工業園區19號井地下水污染場址驗證作業上,已完成監測井補充設置4口、並完成新設井與既設井2次驗證採樣作業;台亞石油股份有限公司中山加油站場址亦完成驗證採樣。教育宣導方面,舉辦一場次法規宣導說明會並製作宣導品60份;以微電影手法製作一部土水宣導短片;配合環保局淨溪活動「親河淨水大家作伙來」辦理教育宣導。目前各工作項目進度,摘述如下: 一、完成科學工業園區所設置14口場置性監測井(13口預警網監測井、1口監測園區二、三路三氯乙烯污染設置之監測井)豐、枯水期檢測,結果皆低於管制標準: (一) 預警井網監測結果: 1. 竹科#9(光武國中)、竹科#12(世界高中)、竹科新竹園區及風空路監測井,地下水中氨氮檢測值為0.27~15.3 mg/L,共4口超過地下水污染監測標準0.25 mg/L。初步研判此4口井因受當地居民活動及地面水體氨氮濃度影響,導致超過監測標準值。其餘監測井皆未超過污染監測標準。 2. 重金屬測值皆未超過地下水監測標準。 3. 揮發性有機物測值皆未超過地下水監測標準。 (二) 監測園區二、三路三氯乙烯污染之監測井(菲利浦)結果: 1. 監測結果皆低於地下水監測標準。 2. 未檢測到三氯乙烯。枯水期氯仿有微量測值0.0147 mg/L,然遠低於地下水監測標準0.5 mg/L,豐水期則未檢出。 二、完成香山區19口場置性監測井豐、枯水期檢測: (一) 5口監測井(F004香山公園、F005大庄公園、F007浸水路楊宅、F010牛埔東路568巷口、台玻物料堆置區)氨氮測值0.32~3.29 mg/L,超過地下水監測標準0.25 mg/L。1口監測井(F002香山綜合運動場)枯水期總溶解固體為1,560 mg/L,超過地下水監測標準1,250 mg/L,豐水期測值降至1,060 mg/L低於監測標準。 (二) 1口監測井(箱根汽車旅館)枯水期鉛測值0.12 mg/L,超過地下水管制標準0.1 mg/L(未高於102年12月修正前的舊標準0.5 mg/L),豐水期則未檢出鉛,建議持續監測。另有1口監測井(W102-01牛埔南路)枯水期鉛測值0.09 mg/L,超過地下水監測標準0.05 mg/L,豐水期則低於定量極限,建議持續監測。 (三) F010牛埔東路568巷口於枯水期三氯乙烯測值0.13 mg/L、豐水期則為0.0949 mg/L;W103-01牛埔東路568巷與埔前路口枯水期三氯乙烯測值2.62 mg/L、豐水期則為2.95 mg/L,皆超過地下水管制標準0.05 mg/L。其中F010牛埔東路568巷口已於民國100年公告為地下水受污染使用限制地區。而W103-01則為民國103年新設井,建議公告列管。 (四) W9912牛埔南路378號對面於枯水期三氯乙烯測值0.0598 mg/L超過地下水管制標準0.05 mg/L,豐水期則為0.0011 mg/L,未超過監測標準0.025 mg/L,建議持續監測追蹤。 三、仁愛段920地號(香山 F010監測井)地下水污染分析調查: (一) 完成仁愛段920地號周邊民井採樣3口,結果皆未檢出三氯乙烯。 (二) 設置監測井2口(W104-01埔前路231巷巷口轉角、W104-02牛埔南路與埔前路叉口)並進行採樣。豐水期檢測結果,W104-01埔前路231巷巷口轉角未檢出三氯乙烯,但測得1,1-二氯乙烯測值0.114 mg/L超過管制標準0.07 mg/L,因此安排於枯水期進行第二次檢測作為對照,結果1,1-二氯乙烯測值0.141 mg/L仍然超過管制標準,建議公告列管。W104-02牛埔南路與埔前路叉口揮發性有機物與重金屬檢測值皆低於監測標準,三氯乙烯與二氯乙烯皆未檢出。 四、科學工業園區19號井地下水污染場址,完成設置4口新設井(合約原定3口,其中1口承諾設置多深度井叢,因此共4口監測井)、並完成既設井與新設井驗證採樣作業2次。第一次檢測結果三氯乙烯皆低於管制標準,但其中2口井高於監測標準0.025 mg/L(工業東三路水塔旁-深井測值0.0325 mg/L、工業東十路(高速公路旁)測值0.0342 mg/L)。第二次檢測結果則有1口(工業東三路水塔旁-深井)測值0.129 mg/L超過管制標準0.05 mg/L,另有1口(工業東十路(高速公路旁))測值0.0377 mg/L超過監測標準0.025 mg/L。 五、四維加油站申請展延,今年無法進行驗證。 六、台亞石油股份有限公司中山加油站驗證,完成土壤採樣4點與地下水採樣1口,結果皆低於監測標準,建議解除列管。 七、教育宣導 (一) 於104年11月18日辦理「土壤及地下水污染整治法第8、9條公告事業申報用地土壤污染評估調查及檢測資料審查宣導說明會」,對列管事業單位進行法規宣導,使業者能更熟悉法規內容及掌握最新相關資訊。 (二) 製作宣導品60份。 (三) 製作土水教育宣導短片1部,內容包含現場示範動態說明地下水監測井設置與採樣等作業。本宣導短片以微電影手法拍攝製作,使劇情生動有趣、吸引民眾目光,使教育往下紮根、達到寓教於樂的效果。 (四) 為加強民眾及業者在土壤及地下水之保育觀念,於5月配合環保局淨溪活動「親河淨水大家作伙來」辦理教育宣導。現場以海報、有獎徵答等方式進行土壤及地下水環境教育宣導。 八、監測井巡查及維護 (一) 完成上、下年度轄內監測井巡查,清除井中積水與雜物,紀錄異常狀況,並對部分受損監測井進行修復。 (二) 完成9口次監測井井體維護更新及5口次井體設施修復。 (三) 完成廢井作業2口。 (四) 完成井中攝影及微水試驗等井況評估作業19口,並對淤積嚴重井況不佳之井進行再完井10口與異物排除(5口)。 九、新竹油庫監測井補充設置 (一) 完成新竹油庫周圍3口標準監測井設置及2次地下水監測。 (二) 3口新設井MTBE與TPH皆未超過地下水監測標準 (三) 建中路162號前於豐水期鉛測值0.2 mg/L,超過地下水管制標準0.1 mg/L(未高於102年12月修正前的舊標準0.5 mg/L),枯水期則未檢出,建議持續監測追蹤。 十、教育大學監測井監測 (一) 環保署於101年監測出氯仿後,亦由環保局持續進行監測,連續三年(102-104)檢測結果顯示各項目皆未超過地下水監測標準,且103年9月至今年之檢測結果皆顯示氯仿測值均小於0.001 mg/L,遠低於管制標準1 mg/L與監測標準0.5 mg/L。建議教育大學之區域性監測井環保局可停止監測、由環保署進行定期監測。 (二) 於教育大學旁、靠近園區排放口處設置完成1口監測井、並進行採樣,結果未檢出氯仿。建議此井可納入園區預警系統由環保局進行定期監測。 十一、地下儲槽執行測漏管氣體GC分析與圖譜判釋:完成15家進行氣體GC分析與圖譜判釋,結果皆未檢出BTEX與正葵烷。但台灣中油股份有限公司南寮加油站檢出MTBE,建議持續追蹤調查。 十二、列管場址管理監督作業 (一) 對列管場址進行每2個月1次的巡查監督作業。 (二) 協助召開相關會議7場次。 十三、緊急應變工作及其他: (一) 針對103年超過食用作物農地管制標準之9塊農地進行複檢,結果有2塊農地重金屬超過管制標準(忠孝段0672地號之鉻與鎳,香雅段0163地號之鉻、鎳、銅與鉛),建議公告列管。 (二) 建中工程陳情案,完成周圍農地土壤與民井地下水採樣,檢測結果顯示戴奧辛與重金屬皆未超過標準。 (三) 完成新竹油庫內及周圍共16點次地下水監測井之井頂高程與水位測量。
中文關鍵字 土壤、地下水


專案計畫編號 經費年度 104 計畫經費 13320 千元
專案開始日期 2015/02/12 專案結束日期 2017/12/20 專案主持人 劉暐廷
主辦單位 新竹市環境保護局 承辦人 林明錩 執行單位 富聯工程顧問股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 104年期末報告.pdf 25MB

Hsinchu City 104 years of soil and groundwater pollution investigation and verification work program

英文摘要 The program is scheduled for December 12, 104 to December 20, As of December 2004, the work team has completed 100% of the progress of each work project, including the completion of the first half of the second half of Hsinchu City, 96 groundwater monitoring and inspection, and nine wells maintenance and 5 wells The completion of the scientific industrial park and the Xiangshan District of 33 underground water monitoring wells dry season and the peak period of detection, education university monitoring wells detection, and benevolence Duan Min well detection 3; completed Renai section monitoring wells added 2, Hsinchu oil depot around the monitoring wells added 3, the education university monitoring wells added 1 and the new well detection operations, but also to complete the Park No. 19 groundwater pollution site verification monitoring wells 4. In the management of the site management, the team will conduct a supervision and operation of the pipeline site every two months and assist in the convening of the relevant meeting. In the scientific industrial park, at the site of the groundwater pollution site verification work, the monitoring wells have been completed. 4, and completed the new wells and wells with two wells to verify the sampling operation; Taiwan Petroleum Co., Ltd. Zhongshan gas station site also completed verification sampling. Education and publicity, the organization of a sub-regulatory briefings and the production of 60 publicity products; micro-film techniques to produce a soil water propaganda short film; with the Environmental Protection Agency net Creek activities "pro-river water for everyone to come For education propaganda. The current progress of the work items, summarized as follows: First, the completion of the scientific industrial park set up 14 mouth field monitoring wells (13 warning network monitoring wells, a monitoring two or three trichlorethylene pollution monitoring wells) Feng, dry season detection, the results are lower than the control standard: (A) warning well pattern monitoring results: The detection value of ammonia nitrogen in groundwater is 0.27 ~ 15.3 mg / L, and the total amount of ammonia is more than that of groundwater pollution monitoring in Bamboo # 9 (Guangwu Guozhong), Bamboo # 12 (World High School), Bamboo Branch Hsinchu Garden and Fengfeng Road Standard 0.25 mg / L. The preliminary investigation of these four wells due to local residents activities and surface water ammonia nitrogen concentration, resulting in more than the standard value of monitoring. The remaining monitoring wells did not exceed the pollution monitoring standards. 2. Heavy metal measurements do not exceed groundwater monitoring standards. 3. Volatile organic matter measurements did not exceed groundwater monitoring standards. (B) monitoring of the park two or three trichlorethylene pollution monitoring wells (Philips) results: 1. Monitoring results are lower than groundwater monitoring standards. 2. Trichlorethylene was not detected. In the dry season, the trace amount of chloroform was 0.0147 mg / L, which was much lower than the groundwater monitoring standard (0.5 mg / L). Second, the completion of Xiangshan District, 19 mouth field monitoring Jing Feng, dry season detection: (A) 5 monitoring wells (F004 Xiangshan Park, F005 Dazhuang Park, F007 immersion Road Yangzhai, F010 Wu Po East Road 568 Lane, Taiwan glass material storage area) ammonia nitrogen measurement 0.32 ~ 3.29 mg / L, more than groundwater monitoring Standard 0.25 mg / L. The total dissolved solids in the dry season were 1,260 mg / L, exceeding the groundwater monitoring standard of 1,250 mg / L, and the wetting period was reduced to 1,060 mg / L below the monitoring standard. (2) The test value of 0.12 mg / L in the dry season of the 1 monitoring wells (Hakone motel) exceeded 0.1 mg / L of groundwater control standard (not higher than the pre-correction standard of 0.5 mg / L in December 2001) Period is not detected lead, the proposed continuous monitoring. There are 1 monitoring wells (W102-01 Niu Fu South Road) dry season lead test 0.09 mg / L, more than groundwater monitoring standard 0.05 mg / L, the wet period is lower than the quantitative limit, the proposed continuous monitoring. (3) F010 Wuhua East Road 568 Lane in the dry season of trichlorethylene measured value of 0.13 mg / L, the wet period was 0.0949 mg / L; W103-01 Wu Po East Road 568 Lane and Po before the junction of dry season trichlorethylene 2.62 mg / L, and 2.95 mg / L in the wet season, all exceeding the groundwater control standard of 0.05 mg / L. Which F010 Oxford Road 568 alley was announced in the Republic of China for 100 years for the use of groundwater pollution restricted areas. And W103-01 was 103 years for the new wells, the proposed announcement of the tube. (4) Wushu No. 378, Wujin South Road, opposite to the groundwater control standard 0.05 mg / L, 0.0011 mg / L in the wet period, and not exceeding the monitoring standard of 0.025 mg / L, Continuous monitoring and tracking. Third, the love section of 920 (Xiangshan F010 monitoring wells) groundwater pollution analysis survey: (A) to complete the love section of 920 around the number of wells around the wells sampling 3, the results were not detected trichlorethylene. (2) Set up two wells (W104-01 Pudong Road 231 Lane Lane corner, W104-02 Niu Po ​​South Road and Pau Road fork) and sampling. According to the results of the wetting period, the trichlorethylene was not detected at the corner of the alley at 231 Lane, Pudong Road, W104-01, but the measured value of 1,1-dichloroethylene was 0.114 mg / L exceeding the control standard of 0.07 mg / L. In the dry season for the second test as a control, the results of 1,1-dichloroethylene measured 0.141 mg / L is still more than the regulatory standards, the proposed announcement tube. W104-02 Niuhua South Road and Po Road, fork of volatile organic matter and heavy metal detection values ​​are lower than the monitoring standards, trichlorethylene and vinyl chloride are not detected. Fourth, the scientific industrial park 19 wells groundwater pollution sites, the completion of the establishment of four new wells (the original contract 3, of which 1 promised to set up more depth wells, so a total of four monitoring wells), and completed both wells and new Well verify the sampling operation 2 times. The first test results of trichlorethylene are below the control standard, but two of them are higher than the monitoring standard of 0.025 mg / L (industrial East three water tower next to the deep well value of 0.0325 mg / L, Industrial East Road (highway Side) 0.0342 mg / L). The results of the second test are 1 (industrial East three water tower next to the deep well) measured 0.129 mg / L more than the control standard 0.05 mg / L, and another one (industrial East Road (highway)) measured 0.0377 mg / L exceeded the monitoring standard 0.025 mg / L. Five, four-dimensional gas station application extension, this year can not be verified. Six, Taizhou Oil Co., Ltd. Zhongshan gas station verification, the completion of soil sampling 4 points and groundwater sampling 1, the results are lower than the monitoring standards, it is recommended to lift the tube. Seven, education propaganda (1) on November 18, 104 for the "Soil and Groundwater Pollution Remediation Law Article 8,9 Announcement of the application of land use assessment of soil pollution assessment and inspection information review propaganda briefing", the regulations and regulations of the institutions So that the industry can become more familiar with the contents of the law and grasp the latest relevant information. (2) 60 copies of the production of publicity materials. (C) the production of soil water education propaganda video 1, including the scene demonstration dynamic description of groundwater monitoring wells set up and sampling operations. The propaganda film to micro-film techniques to shoot production, so that the story is lively and interesting, to attract people's attention, so that education down to achieve the effect of entertaining. (D) To strengthen the concept of conservation of soil and groundwater among the population and the public, in May, with the Environmental Protection Agency net Creek activities, "pro-river water for everyone" for educational propaganda. Site to posters, prizes and other ways to carry out soil and groundwater education education. 8. Monitoring and maintenance of monitoring wells (A) to complete the next year under the jurisdiction of the monitoring wells to monitor, remove wells in the water and debris, record abnormal conditions, and some of the damaged wells to repair. (B) the completion of nine monitoring wells and maintenance of wells and five wells to repair wells. (C) complete the waste operation 2. (D) completed the well photography and micro-water test and other well assessment work 19, and the serious siltation well well wells to complete the completion of 10 and foreign body exclusion (5). Nine, Hsinchu oil depot monitoring wells to add settings (A) to complete the Hsinchu oil depot around the three standard monitoring wells and two groundwater monitoring. (B) 3 new wells MTBE and TPH are not more than groundwater monitoring standards (C) 0.2 mg / L of lead in the wet season before the construction of 162 Zhongzhong Road, exceeding the groundwater control standard of 0.1 mg / L (not higher than the old standard of 0.5 mg / L before December 2001) Detection, recommended continuous monitoring and tracking. 10, monitoring university monitoring wells (A) The EPD monitored the chloroform in 101 years and continued monitoring by the EPA for three consecutive years (102-104). The results showed that the project did not exceed the groundwater monitoring standard and the detection from September to September The results showed that chloroform measurements were less than 0.001 mg / L, well below the control standard 1 mg / L and the monitoring standard 0.5 mg / L. It is recommended that the regional monitoring wells of the education universities be stopped and monitored by the EPD for regular monitoring. (B) at the education university, near the park discharge mouth set up to complete a monitoring wells, and sampling, the results did not detect chloroform. It is recommended that this well be incorporated into the park early warning system for periodic monitoring by the EPA. Eleven, the underground storage tank to perform leak detection gas GC analysis and map Interpretation: completed 15 gas GC analysis and interpretation of the map, the results were not detected BTEX and neryl ether. But Taiwan Oil Co., Ltd. Nan Liao gas station detected MTBE, it is recommended to continue to follow the survey. 12, the management of the site management supervision (A) of the pipe site for every 2 months 1 inspection and supervision operations. (Ii) to assist in the convening of the relevant meetings. Thirteen, emergency work and others: (1) For the re-examination of the nine agricultural land over 103 years of agricultural land control standards, the results showed that there were two heavy metals in the agricultural land exceeding the control standard (Chromium and Nickel of the 0672 grade, , Copper and lead), the proposed announcement tube. (2) the construction of the project case, the completion of the surrounding farmland and soil wells groundwater sampling, the test results show that dioxin and heavy metals are not more than standard. (C) Completion of the top elevation and water level measurement of a total of 16 o'clock groundwater monitoring wells in and around Hsinchu oil depot.
英文關鍵字 soil、groundwater