

中文摘要 本計畫依契約規定完成各項工作,工作成果摘要如下: (1) 計畫已完成今年度上下半年度共計29口場置性及區域性監測井外觀巡查維護及內部功能檢查工作,及4口尚未移交之區域性監測井外觀巡查,並包含9口次外觀維護更新及4口次井體設施修復;且完成3口次區域性監測井及10口次場置性監測井井況評估、5口次異物排除、洗井及2口次區域性和4口次場置性監測井完井作業,並於內部維護後進行再次井況評估,結果顯示上述監測井井篩壁潔淨度均有提升,且均屬於高滲透性監測井;完成6口次廢井作業,並已將相關資料上傳至土壤及地下水資訊管理系統;例行性枯豐水期地下水監測作業分別於3月及7月份完成,所有監測井監測項目均符合地下水污染管制標準,但有7口監測井部分項目超過「地下水污染監測標準」,而與歷年成果以及區域性監測井監測情形相比,並無發現特殊異常現象或污染濃度驟升情形。 (2) 列管場址污染改善監督查核作業定期每月乙次巡檢作業,巡查發現問題包括:現場查核文件未備齊、時程控管未符合、環境品質及現場無人員管理等,均於發現第一時間立即處理並回報,而後續巡查時均確認已改善。並完成中油斗南交流道加油站控制場址及虎尾鎮廉使段401-03、401-14、401-15地號7條5場址驗證採樣分析工作,驗證結果均符合相關標準,並已於12月1日解除列管。 (3) 緊急應變工作依照環保局指示已完成13件相關土壤地下水採樣分析作業。其中虎尾鎮福德段602、603地號農地土壤重金屬砷超過土壤污染監測標準,雲林縣斗六市外湖溪(福懋興業股份有限公司旁)底泥檢測出「銅」、「鎳」超過「底泥品質指標下限值(增加檢測頻率值)(銅:50.0mg/kg、鎳:24.0mg/kg)」、及興安中排(雲林縣大埤鄉大埤段3275地號)底泥重金屬「砷」、「鋅」和「鎳」超過底泥品質指標項目下限值外,其餘場次調查結果均符合相關法規標準。 (4) 行政支援工作:本計畫承諾另行超過監測標準農地定期監測工作,共完成4筆農地監測,監測調查結果均低於土壤污染監測標準及食用作物之農地監測標準值;完成3次土壤氣體異常追蹤,第1次追蹤結果有兩站為異常,第2、3次追蹤結果皆正常,亦完成另承諾之30站加油站查核工作,查核結果有7站次在基本資料及設施設置不符合規定,而其中3站有測漏管異常之現象,亦完成後續追蹤;完成3次地下儲槽網路申報及資料審查作業;1場次「地下儲槽系統相關管理辦法及風險管理教育說明會」辦理,共有104位地下儲槽系統相關人員參與;另於9月30日完成「土地善良管理相關法規說明會」辦理,共有61位相關人員參與。大型宣導土壤與地下水污染預防工作及成果系列競賽「珍愛環境創意偶戲競賽」於104年10月17日假雲林縣立雲林國中舉辦,共計10隊伍報名,各參賽團體以土壤及地下水環境保育議題為架構,以常見偶戲角色及故事型態演繹內容,當日共有270位民眾、學童參與,現場反應熱烈。
中文關鍵字 土壤、地下水、加油站、農地


專案計畫編號 104-001 經費年度 104 計畫經費 5750 千元
專案開始日期 2015/01/07 專案結束日期 2015/12/20 專案主持人 鄭景智
主辦單位 雲林縣環境保護局 承辦人 楊寬裕 執行單位 上準環境科技股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 104.pdf 47MB

The Survey of the Soil and Groundwater Contamination in Yunlin County in 2015

英文摘要 For the environmental sustainability, the program of “The Survey of Soil and Groundwater Contamination in Yunlin county in 2015” has been advanced, which involves groundwater monitoring wells maintenance and groundwater investigation in both dry season and wet season, to supervise and verify pollution remediation of regulated gas stations, advertisement of gas station regulations, dealing with emergency cases, and administrative assistances. The plan had been executed from January 7th 2015 to December 20th 2015, and the results of implementation are summarized as follows: Firstly, the task of groundwater monitoring wells inspection has been implemented quarterly and there were totally 20 maintenance works finished. All slug tests of groundwater monitoring wells were completed, and 11 purges of monitoring well were implemented according to the slug test results. Besides, there were 10 monitoring wells surveys accomplished in both dry and wet season, and whose results all less than Groundwater Pollution Control Standards. With respect to the mission of to supervise and verify pollution remediation of regulated gas stations, there were two control sites had already been verified and dissolved. There were entirely 13 emergency cases implemented during plan period. The survey results demonstrated one soil sample of Howei Township, a sediment sample of the canal close to Taiwan Colors & Chemicals CO. Ltd and one sediment of Hsing-An escape canal exceeded those of monitoring standards should be supervised regularly. There were triple times gas stations network declaration finished, and the work team had also accomplished examination and kept tracking the incomplete declarations. Furthermore, in terms of laws enforcements and education, there were two meetings held in May and September separately. A large-scale educational activity of Glove puppetry drama contest was held on October 17th, there were totally 10 teams participated and everyone enjoyed this activity.
英文關鍵字 Soil, Groundwater, Gas station, Farmland