
104年四機買新汰舊 抽獎活動及資源回收推廣專案工作計畫

中文摘要 行政院環保署為提高民眾回收廢四機的便利性,提升資源再利用效益,同時使廢四機回收流向追蹤作業更順暢,讓廢四機能夠妥善進入回收處理體系,於是自100年7月1日開始實施「廢四機回收政策」,民眾購買新四機時,販賣業者應告知消費者權益內容,且不得拒收、收取廢機搬載運費用,並提供消費者同購買項目及同數量的廢四機無償回收服務。 「四機買新汰舊抽獎活動專案」工作計畫已經舉辦多年,今年完成活動後將走入歷史,因此本工作計畫運用「汰舊換新,四機而動-百萬好獎抽不完」活動網站宣達本次活動將於本年度結束的消息,同時為提升民眾參與誘因,舉辦兩次抽獎活動,總共規劃118個獎項,獎品總價值達100萬元。 因應今年是最後一年舉辦,特別以「廢四機畢業典禮」為主軸,修改製作30秒宣傳影片,於台北捷運月台電視播放1,512檔、高雄捷運月台電視播放2,046檔、Bee tv公車電視廣告播放2,160檔、麥當勞電視廣告播放1,126檔、全家便利商店店頭廣告1,068檔,總接觸人次超過1,000萬人次以上。同時兩次的抽獎活動,總共有21則的新聞曝光,廣告媒體價值達新台幣2,000,000元。 為更強化年輕族群的認知,今年特別運用社群媒體Facebook,建置「資源回收大家讚 Recycle with Us」粉絲專頁,發布了32篇與資源回收相關的新聞或文章,同時透過四場社群互動活動,讓粉絲專頁的觸及人次達63,154人次以上,藉由輕鬆活潑的行銷方式,讓民眾能夠了解「廢四機回收」的權益。 環保工作需要民眾全面性的參與,所以除了宣導廢四機回收之外,本工作計畫還運用兩支資源回收影片「廢機動車輛妥善回收宣導短片」、「廢筆電回收宣導短片」,於台北捷運月台電視播放4,032檔次、高雄捷運月台播放4,672檔次,讓全民都能夠更清楚資源回收的重要性,讓資源回收真正落實在日常生活中。 唯有販售業者與民眾對政策有正確的認知,才能積極落實環保工作,本工作計畫透過活動、媒體宣傳帶動四機回收風潮,讓民眾逐步養成回收認知與習慣,家中汰換的廢四機才能循著正確的回收管道,獲得完整的處理與再利用,杜絕非法拆解及污染的情形,也讓臺灣繼續朝零廢棄的目標邁進。
中文關鍵字 資源回收、抽獎活動、廢家電


專案計畫編號 EPA-104-HA11-03-A039 經費年度 104 計畫經費 4300 千元
專案開始日期 2015/02/25 專案結束日期 2015/11/30 專案主持人 廖華傑
主辦單位 回收基管會 承辦人 鄭啟璞 執行單位 崝凱創意整合傳播有限公司


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期末報告 「104年四機買新汰舊抽獎活動及資源回收推廣」期末報告(核定版).pdf 15MB

The Renewal of the Four Household Appliances lucky draw Program and Resourse Recycling Promotion Program

英文摘要 For improving the convenience of recycling the "Waste Four" (refrigerators, televisions, air conditioners, and washing machines), and increasing the utilization of resources, the Environmental Protection Administration (EPA) announced that the traders should inform consumers of their rights and sellers cannot charge an extra fee for recycling the "Waste Four" starting 1st July 2011. The EPA had been working for many years to promote their Million Dollar Lucky Draw program for the Renewal of the four household appliances. This event had finish at the end of 2015, and to encourage participation, two raffles had been held. The prizes were worth up to NT $1 million. 2015 was the last year it had been held, and the "graduation ceremony" was the focal point of the program. A promotional documentary had been modified to produce a 30 second Propaganda film. It was broadcast 1,512 times on Taipei MRT platform TV, 2,046 times on Kaohsiung MRT platform TV, 2,160 times on Bee TV bus ,1,126 times on McDonald's TV, and 1,068 times on Family Mart convenience store storefront ad.More than 1,000 million people had been getting an enormous amount of exposure on television advertising. Meanwhile there were two raffles, and 21 news exposure. The cost of advertising was about NT $2,000,000. Facebook was used, especially in 2015, to increase active awareness with young people. Build " Recycle with Us " Fan Page , published 32 news or articles associated with resource recycling, more than 63,154 people visited fan page with four community interaction activities games. This way, people can learn by way of lively marketing about the recycling the waste four. In order to truly implement this in daily life, people must know the importance of resource recycling. Thus, environmental protection requires the participation of the people. In addition to advocacy of recycling four waste, there were two Propaganda films. They had been broadcast 4,032 times on Taipei MRT platform TV, 4,672 times on Kaohsiung MRT platform TV. When the people understand the policy, they can implement this environmental protection. This will allow Taiwan to gradually develop recycling and awareness of the “Recycling the Waste Four” and continue toward a goal of zero waste.
英文關鍵字 Recycling、Lottery、Waste household appliances