

中文摘要 (ㄧ) 水體水質監測作業 已完成4~11月份採樣工作,在嘉義市排水幹線水質監測結果上,八掌溪包含河濱運動公園(出)、河濱運動公園(入)、下埤段409號旁土溝、忠義橋下排水溝及在來排水道等5點,污染來源主要為BOD及氨氮為主,以地點分析,污染情形以在來水道最嚴重,主要為生活污水排放;在朴子溪包含北大排、中大排、西大排、頂庄社區(出)及頂庄社區(入) 等5點,多呈現嚴重污染河段。 在八掌溪河川監測上,每月監測點為永欽一號橋及道將圳,嚴重污染測項主要為SS及BOD,溶氧多維持在中度污染程度,5~9月為汛期,SS濃度預估將維持在中度至嚴重污染,此2測站RPI受SS影響較其他測項大。 在朴子溪河川監測上,每月監測點為盧山橋、台林橋及華興橋,此河段主要污染物為SS、氨氮及BOD,受到嘉義市支排生活污水影響,導致河段多呈現中度至嚴重污染現象。 (二)總量管制 建立牛稠溪(二高便橋站-月眉潭橋)之BOD及氨氮之水質模擬模式,在牛稠溪橋上游即有污染源進入,來自民雄排水及嘉義北排排水,以生活污水及少部份事業廢水為主,使BOD上升至中度污染以上,氨氮上升至嚴重污染。 根據近5年牛稠溪流域各測站一般水質項目水質標準達成率分析結果及背景資料調查結果顯示,牛稠溪橋主要污染來源為生活污水,氨氮達成率最低僅3.3%,BOD亦僅為58.3%,因此選定優先管制受損測站為牛稠溪橋之BOD項目。 嘉義市全期將佈設污水管網系統長度約95,987公尺,全期完成後可提升用戶接管率達80%以上。在各污染物質削減率達80%以上,BOD已可改善至接近水體分類水質標準,在氨氮方面,仍有改善空間,因此,公共下水道建設可有效使BOD之水體分類水質標準達成率提升。在污水下水道尚未接管完成前,建議執行事項如下: 1.持續查核輔導轄區內列管社區之污水處理設備正常操作。 2.針對大賣場、飯店、旅館業及新建社區住宅進行列管,104年度已新增列管7家次(包含2家大賣場),近一步管制BOD及氨氮污染物質排出。 3.列管事業分級加強稽查,並針對集污區事業進行每月1家次之24小時水質儀器追蹤查核放流水排放情形。 4.化糞池定期清理檢討擴大管理對象,除持續進行公家機關學校化糞池清運宣導及管理達一定規模以上亦列為宣導對象,提升化糞池定期清理比率。 (三)河川巡守隊輔導推動 每月進行巡守隊訪查,共計訪查26次,並進行意見交換,於6月22日、8月31日、9月30日、11月13日辦理四場次教育訓練暨聯繫會,提升巡守隊專業知識,邀請長榮大學洪慶宜老師、孫逸民老師、吳淑美老師演講,內容為環境教育結合水環境守護之議題,冀望藉由該議題使巡守隊員了解,平日執行之巡守工作亦為環境教育中之重要課題,透過平日巡守任務,加深隊員對於自己生活周遭之環境愛護,發揮愛鄉愛土之精神;於11月11~12日辦理1場次河川巡守隊他縣市觀摩,透過此次活動台中市巡守隊進行意見交流,並學習地方特色文化。
中文關鍵字 水體水質、總量管制、巡守隊


專案計畫編號 經費年度 104 計畫經費 2125 千元
專案開始日期 2015/04/24 專案結束日期 2015/11/30 專案主持人 陳萬財
主辦單位 嘉義市政府環境保護局 承辦人 楊凱敦 執行單位 技佳工程顧問有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 104年嘉義市河川污染總量管理期末報告.pdf 8MB
英文摘要 I. River Quality Monitoring Based on water quality monitoring results of trunk sewer in Chiayi city, pollution sources in five monitoring points at Bajhang River including Riverside Park (influent and effluent water), earth ditch by Hsiapei Section No. 49, drainage ditch under Chunghsiao Bridge and Tslai drainage way, etc. are mainly biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) and ammonia nitrogen (NH3-N). Based on location analysis, pollution in Tslai drainage way is the most severe, mainly from sanitary sewage discharge; severe stream segments mostly presented in five monitoring points at Putze River, including Northern Main Drainage, Central Main Drainage, Western Main Drainage and Dingchang Community (influent and effluent water), etc. Based on the river monitoring in Bajhang River, severe pollution test items for monthly monitoring points at Yungchin No.1 Bridge and Taochiangjun mainly are suspended solid (SS) and BOD, in which dissolved oxygen always maintains middle level pollution; in flood season from May to September, SS concentration may maintain middle to severe pollution, causing that the influence of SS on RPI in these two observation stations is greater than other test items. Based on the river monitoring in Putze River, monthly monitoring points are at Lushan Bridge and Huahsing Bridge, the main pollutants in these stream segments of which are SS, NH3-N and BOD are influenced by sanitary sewage of branch drainage in Chiayi City, causing middle to severe pollution presented in the stream segment. II. Total Maximum Daily Loads (TMDLs) Establish water quality simulation model for BOD and NH3-N in Niuchou River (Sungchu Bridge Station – Yuehmeitan Bridge); that is the pollution source entering into Niuchou River from Minhsiung drainage and Chiayi’s Northern Main Drainage, mainly sanitary sewage and little industrial wastewater, causing that BOD may rise to middle pollution and up, and NH3-N to severe pollution. According to general water quality item in each observation station at Niuchou River drainage basin in recent 5 years, achieving rate analysis result and background information survey result for water quality standard show that the main population resource in Niuchou River Bridge is sanitary sewage with only 3.3% minimum achieving rate for NH3-N and 58.3% for BOD. Therefore, the observation station selected to preferentially control the damage is for BOD item at Niuchou River Bridge. After simulation analysis, the pipes of public sewer will be connected in 2031. BOD item at Niuchou River Bridge then can achieve C-class water body quality standard, and NH3-N item must achieve more than 95% reduction rate before achieving C-class water body requirement. The length of sewage pipe network system will be laid is about 95,987 meter in the whole period in Chiayi City, and user pipe connection rate will be increased more than 80% after the completion. Where reduction rate for each pollutant achieves more than 80%, BOD can be improved to near water body classification and water quality standard, and NH3-N still has room to be improved. Consequently, construction of public sewer can effectively increase achieving rate for water body classification and water quality standard. It’s proposed to execute the following items before the pipe connection of sewage system has not yet been completed: 1.Continue to check normal operation for sewage treatment equipment in controlled community in tutoring region. 2.Control hypermarkets, restaurants, hotels and newly-built community residences, adding 7 units (including 2 hypermarkets) in 2015 and further controlling BOD and NH3-N pollutants discharge. 3.Strengthen the audit of controlled business classification, aiming at pollution load area to check water discharge with water quality instrument for 24-hour tracking per unit each month. 4.Regularly clean septic tank to expand administrative objects for not only continually promoting disposal of septic tanks in government agencies and schools, but also listing those administrations over a certain scales as promotional objects, and increase regular cleaning rate for septic tank. III. Guidance to Promote River Patrol Team Investigate river patrol team every month for opinion exchange. So far, four sessions of education training and connection assembly had been held in this year to enhance professional knowledge for patrol team, and Teacher Hung, Ching-Yi, Sun, Yi-Min and Wu, Su-Mei of Chang Jung Christian University were invited to give lectures for the contents, including environmental education combined with water environment protection, expecting team members to understand that daily patrol is an important subject in environmental education through the issues, and deepen team members to protect living surrounding environment and develop hometown-loving spirit; hold one session of river patrol team’s visiting tour in other cities and award ceremony for outstanding patrol team, and conduct opinion exchange with Taichung Patrol Team to learn local characteristic culture through this activity.