

中文摘要 屏南工業區目前設廠家數共83家,其中屬固定污染源列管的有44家、未列管33家、暫時停工5家、許可申請中與設置中共3家。 本計畫已完成4季空氣品質監測,各污染物濃度起伏變化均小,僅NMHC有短時間升高情形,推測來源可能是位於上風處的VOCs污染源,針對該廠進行周界臭味稽查,檢測結果超過管制標準,已由環保局開單告發並辦理輔導改善。 周界空氣中戴奧辛4季12點次平均值0.043 (標準偏差0.029,不含PCBs) pg I-TEQ/m3,99至103年年平均濃度有逐漸下降之情形,但104年度則又因第1、2季偏高而有年平均濃度上升之情形;加測PCBs後之第3、4季總毒性當量平均濃度約0.028 pg W-TEQ/m3,遠低於日本環境品質空氣標準年平均0.6 pg W-TEQ/m3;濃度範圍與國內高雄市排放源周界、西班牙郊區及環保署空品測站雲林縣監測濃度範圍較為相近,屬於鄉村地區之濃度範圍。 土壤中戴奧辛4季8點次土壤樣品平均值1.047 (標準偏差0.370) ng I-TEQ/kg,各樣品均遠低於行政院環保署土壤中戴奧辛管制標準1000 ng I-TEQ/kg,濃度範圍與嘉義市垃圾焚化廠周界及中國的貴嶼相似,濃度尚屬偏低,且有逐漸降低之趨勢。植物中戴奧辛4季8點次總平均值3.585 (標準偏差2.380) pg I-TEQ/g.d.w.,濃度範圍與高雄市仁武、岡山焚化廠周界榕樹葉及日本排放源周界松樹葉較相近,歷年濃度變化並無顯著改善或惡化之趨勢。以17項特徵物種主成份分析結果,與大多數空氣樣本最相似的污染源樣本為鋁二級冶煉及火葬場,而植物則與多數污染源有一定相似度,但非明顯接近特定污染源之情形,整體而言小型焚化爐、鋁二級冶煉、輪胎熱裂解及火葬場等污染源對各環境樣本有較高的相關性。 周界空氣中及植物中戴奧辛以17項特徵物種主成份分析結果,與大多數空氣樣本最相似的污染源樣本為鋁二級冶煉及火葬場,而植物則與多數污染源有一定相似度,但非明顯接近特定污染源之情形,整體而言小型焚化爐、鋁二級冶煉、輪胎熱裂解及火葬場等污染源對各環境樣本有較高的相關性。
中文關鍵字 戴奧辛、空氣品質、工業區


專案計畫編號 經費年度 104 計畫經費 4020000 千元
專案開始日期 2015/01/30 專案結束日期 2015/12/31 專案主持人 林永祥
主辦單位 屏東縣政府環境保護局 承辦人 蕭智元 執行單位 仲禹工程顧問股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 [上傳用] 104屏南期末報告-定稿.pdf 69MB
英文摘要 Currently there are 83 enterprises in the Pingnan Industiral Park, including 44 under fixed pollution source control. 33 are not under control, 5 have shut down temporarily, and 3 are under application and/or construction. The three-season air quality monitoring under this project was completed, and the intensity change of pollutants is small, except for transient surges of NMHC, where the source is assumed to be airborne VOCs pollutants. An odor detection test had been carried out on the plant ambiance with findings showing a breach of control limits. The Environment Protection Bureau had issued accusation tickets and undertaken counselling actions. The 9-point/time average of air dioxin intensity within the boundary in three seasons was 0.043pg I-TEQ/m3 (SD=0.029 and excludes PCBs). Test results show that Dong Hai Primary School has the higher reading than other 2 test points due to influences from the industrial area. Additional tests of the 3rd and 4th season PCBs averaged arround 0.028 pg W-TEQ/m3, far lower than the annual average of environment air quality in Japan: 0.6 pg W-TEQ/m3. This range of concentration, which is similar to that of the ambiance of Kaohsiung City discharge sources, that of urban areas of Spain, and that of EPA’s Yun-Lin air quality monitor stations, is within the range of the countryside. The 8-point/time soil dioxin intensity in all three seasons was 1.047ng I-TEQ/kg (SD=0.370). The respective concentrations of each sample was far lower than the standard soil dioxin concentration of 1000 ng I-TEQ/kg, which is specified by the Environment Protection Administration (EPA) of the Executive Yuan. The scope of concentration, which is similar to that of the ambiance of Chiayi City Incineration Plant and that of Guai-Yu in China, is rather low. The 8-point/time plant dioxin intensity in three seasons was 3.585pg I-TEQ/g.d.w. (SD=2.380), similar to that of banyan leaves in the ambiance of Ren-Wu and Gang-Shan Incinerator Plants of Kaohsiung City, as well as that of pine leaves in the ambiance of discharge sources in Japan. Analyzing dioxin concentrations of ambient air and vegetables using major ingredients of 17 characteristic species, the pollutant specimens most similar to the majority of air samples were that of secondary aluminum smelter and crematory. As for vegetable specimens, they were similar to most pollutants but not significantly approximating to specific ones. In general, pollutants of small incinerators, secondary aluminum smelters, thermal decomposition or tires, and crematories are more related to samples of respective environments.
英文關鍵字 dioxin, air quality, Industrial Park