

中文摘要 宜蘭縣向來是以注重「環保」自豪,為有效改善流域水體水質,近年來配合環保署政策推動河川污染防治工作,但隨著雪山隧道通車後的工商業發展與經濟成長,相對衍生出許多環境污染的問題,對於各項新興的環保議題更是兢兢業業,希望能兼顧環保與經濟的發展,是需要被重視與解決的課題。 宜蘭縣境內共有得子口溪、蘭陽溪、冬山河、新城溪、蘇澳溪、南澳溪及和平溪等七條重要河川,總流域面積達2,143.6平方公里,列管之排放廢(污)水事業及污水下水道系統約582家。為有效掌握及改善各流域水體水質狀況,藉由「稽查管制」及「輔導改善」並行方式,積極管制事業污染防治措施及杜絕非法排放, 以降低各流域水質污染惡化情形,有效減輕水體環境負荷。 過往在水污染源的稽查管制,以及河川水質監測、環境教育宣導等方面已投入相當的心力,也獲致良好的成果。但為防止污染惡化,仍應持續針對流域內污染來源加強稽查管制,不容許業者有法律假期及心存僥倖,以督促事業單位做好廢(污)水處理設備的操作與維護,落實法規面的管制行為。 本計畫之執行重點在於協助環保局推動轄區內水污染源稽查管制工作以及水質監測工作,確實掌握宜蘭縣轄區內水污染源之水污染防治現況,透過計畫之稽查管制工作,督促轄內列管之事業單位落實水污染防治設施之操作維護,達成轄內各流域測站水質改善之目標。期末報告統計自104年4月8日至104年11月30日之執行成果如下。 一、協助水污染源列管事業稽查工作 (一)累計執行水污染源稽查(包括工業區稽(清)查、採樣及送樣)1,297家次,屬本計畫執行部分共計1,068家次,其中工業區清查有253家次,協助水質採樣送驗作業有211家次,計畫執行8個月稽查家數已達成年度目標值100%以上。 (二)列管事業及污水下水道系統之稽查率90.8%,將持續執行污染源稽查管制工作進以達成稽查率100%之目標。 二、辦理水污染防治許可審查及資料庫建置 (一)辦理許可審查件數共321家453件次,許可審查平均天數為4.4天。 (二)針對申請案件需進行現場處理設施勘查及設施比對者審查共計38家40件次,而不需進行現場處理設施勘查之審查案件審查共計284家414件次。 (三)辦理水污染防治許可文件資料庫管理、建置、維護、更新作業,共計執行1,911件,包含稽查記錄單計1,392件,許可申請案件(排放許可、水污染防治措施計畫、營建工地逕流廢水削減計畫)計453件,另處分案件完成建檔66件。 三、功能評鑑及廢水處理設施妥善操作輔導 為於有限的資源中有效的運用稽查能量,持續對事業投入最深度稽查之能量進行功能評鑑,而以輔導的立場改善事業廢水處理設施,為103年度起之創新作為,均已達成最佳稽查效益為目標。 (一)對於104年次廢水處理設施具改善空間之公私場所,已完成4家次水污染源廢水處理設備功能評鑑之初評、單元設施採樣、複評及協商等作業。 (二)99至103年度所執行32家功能評鑑,均完成改善追蹤,美麗微半導體股份有限公司因涉及廢水處理設施改善工程,延至104年8月3日申辦功能性變更,並經技師現勘確認已完成改善。 (三)完成18家輔導事業單位查核作業,經輔導有缺失者,安排限期改善時間後複查,並完成18家複查作業,其中尚有2家未完成改善作業,後續將複查結果提供環保局以利進行後續相關處置。 四、協助執行水質水量自動監測與攝錄影監視系統操作 (一)經濟部工業局龍德(兼利澤)工業區服務中心污水處理廠 其間連線異常時該廠均依規定進行通報及人工採樣,斷線主因多為現場監測設施與主機連線故障導致,該廠已爭取經費規劃進行更換主機以改善連線情形。 (二)台灣化學纖維股份有限公司龍德廠 於104年5月12日、9月8日及9月29日二處放流口均因模組傳輸異常導致水量監測數據異常情形,於發現異常時均即時進行排除後恢復正常,整體顯示台化龍德廠之自動監測連線系統較為穩定。 五、定期水質監測作業 (一)年度完成河川水質採樣檢測共計13站26點次。 (二)完成五大湖泊水質監測採樣30點次。 六、水區劃定工作 大溪川及東澳溪水區及水體分類均已於104年10月13日由宜蘭縣政府公告,並於宜蘭縣政府公報中登載相關內容。 七、得子口溪七結橋上游流域總量管制 本計畫分別擬定水質淨化加管制污染源、有機廢棄物資源化、新設聚落式污水處理設施及管制開發行為並加嚴放流水標準四種方案及豐、枯水期之情境進行水質模擬及改善效益評估。 八、水污染事件緊急應變 (一)完成列管港口巡查215件,另協助進行船舶稽查管制共計59件。 (二)每月執行兩次水污染緊急應變器材清點保養作業及操作維護。 (三)協助辦理104年海洋、河川污染緊急應變演練,共召開1場籌備會及1場正式演練,總共動員船艇共計有5艘,參加演練人員達70人。 (四)協助辦理1場次海洋、河川污染緊急應變教育訓練活動,參與人數共34人。 九、海域生態調查(海底攝影)、海域及港口水質監測 (一)完成10點位各2次海底攝影工作。 (二)完成104年第二季、第三季及第四季共18點次海域水質監測,持續安排105年第一季監測行程。 (三)選定8處港口完成一次8點位港口水質監測。 十、評選承諾事項 (一)執行2次得子口溪流域之農田排出水水質監測,完成非點源污染調查。 (二)本計畫於104年11月30日前已建置自94年至103年204處監測站,共1,430筆水質檢測資料,並完成建立灌排水質監測站圖層及上傳水質檢測資料,污染警示功能目前已初步建構完成。 十一、宣導作業 (一)協助辦理3場次教育宣導活動,針對巡守隊、一般民眾、學生等進行河川、海洋污染防治教育、生活污水減量、環境保護巡守宣導及水質檢測DIY教學宣導等,總參與人數共424人。 (二)協助辦理2場次法令宣導說明會,分別邀請本縣第一階段徵收水污費之列管事業單位117家、27處工程業主及營造廠商參與,出席率分別為73%及78%以上,總出席人數共106人。 (三)水污計畫網頁及海污宣導網頁每兩週維護更新1次,並新增瀏覽計數功能。
中文關鍵字 104年度宜蘭縣流域污染總量管理及污染削減計畫期末報告摘要


專案計畫編號 103-11-28-1 經費年度 104 計畫經費 5600 千元
專案開始日期 2015/04/08 專案結束日期 2015/12/15 專案主持人 趙嘉雍
主辦單位 宜蘭縣政府環境保護局 承辦人 胡璧輝 執行單位 康廷工程顧問企業有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 104期末.pdf 0MB
英文摘要 Yilan County is always proud of its focus on “environmental protection”. To effectively improve the water quality in the drainage basin, it has, in cooperation with the policy given by the Environmental Protection Administration, been promoting the river pollution prevention and control work in recent years. However, with the industrial and commercial development and economic growth after Hsuehshan Tunnel is open to traffic, many environmental pollution problems have been caused, and moreover, Yilan County is cautious and conscientious to various rising environmental protection issues, and excepts to consider the development of environmental protection and economy, which needs to be emphasized and solved. In Yilan County, there are 7 important rivers and brooks, namely, Dezikou Brook, Lanyang Brook, Dongshan River, Xincheng Brook, Su’ao Brook, Nan’ao Brook, and Heping Brook, with a total drainage area up to 2,143.6km2; and Yilan County administrates about 582 wastewater (sewage) causes and sewage systems. To effectively grasp and improve the water quality of each drainage basin, through the methods of “regulation under audit” and “improvement under guidance”, Yilan County has actively taken the pollution prevention and control measures and stopped illegal emissions, so as to reduce the water quality deterioration conditions of each drainage basin and further to effectively reduce the load of water environment. Yilan County has made many efforts in the check and control of water pollution sources, river water quality monitoring, and environmental education and popularization, and also got good achievements. However, to prevent pollution deteriorating, it is still required to continuously strengthen the check and control of the pollution sources in the drainage basins, no practitioner is allowed to have legal holidays and rely on luck, to urge the public institutions to guarantee the operation and maintenance of wastewater (sewage) treatment equipment and implement the control behavior at the level of regulations. The key point of this plan is to assist the Environmental Protection Administration to promote the water pollution source check and control as well as water quality monitoring work in the area under administration, actually grasp the current conditions of water pollution prevention and control of the pollution sources in the area under administration, and urge the responsible units to carry out the operation and maintenance of water pollution facilities through the planning check and control work, so as to achieve the goal of water improvement in each drainage basin monitoring station. The implementation results of final report from April 8, 2015 to November 30, 2015 are shown as below: 1.Assistance in the audit work of the units responsible for water pollution sources (1)1,297 times of water pollution source auditing (including auditing (checking), sampling and sample presentation of industrial areas) have been carried out accumulatively, in which, 1,068 times belong to this plan, including 253 times: checking for industrial areas, and 211 times: assistance in water quality sampling for testing. The number of checking in 8 months of implementation of plan has reached more than 100% of the annual objective. (2)The checking rate of responsible causes and sewage systems has reached 90.8%, and it is planned to continue the check and control work of water pollution sources, so as to reach the objective of checking rate 100%. 2.Handling of water pollution prevention and control license examination and establishment of database (1)321 companies and 453 times have been handled for license examination, with the average number of days for license examination 4.4. (2)Aiming at the applicant cases, 38 ones and 40 times have been examined for those needing investigation and comparison of field treatment facilities, while 284 ones and 414 times for those not needing investigation and comparison of field treatment facilities. (3)1,911 cases on management, establishment, maintenance and renewal work of water pollution prevention and control license document database have been handled, including 1,392 on check records, 453 on license application (discharge permit, water pollution prevention measures and plan, and construction site runoff wastewater reduction plan), and 66 on sub-cases. 3.Function evaluation and guidance for proper operation of wastewater treatment facilities Making a full use of check energy in the limited resources, conducting function evaluation of in-depth check energy, and guiding to improve the wastewater treatment facilities are creative behaviors of the year 2014, all of which have reached the goal of best inspection efficiency. (1)As for the public and private places for improvement of wastewater treatment facilities in 2015, preliminary function evaluation to water pollution source wastewater treatment equipment, unit facility sampling, review, negotiation and other operations have been completed for four places. (2)As for the 32 units receiving function evaluation from 2010 to 2014, tracking for improvement has been completed; due to the involvement of wastewater treatment facilities improvement work, FORMOSA-MICRO SEMI was delayed to apply for functional change on August 3, 2015, and its improvement work has been completed upon confirmation by technician on site. (3)The guidance to 18 units’ check operations has been completed. The ones discovered to be defective after guidance have been rechecked after the given period of improvement, and 18 ones have been rechecked, in which 2 have not completed the improvement work, and the recheck results will be subsequently provided with Environmental Protection Administration to facilitate the related follow-up disposal. 4.Assistance in automatic monitoring of water quality and flow and operation of camera monitoring system (1)Sewage Treatment Works of Service Center of Lung Te (&Letzer) Industrial Park, Industrial Development Bureau, Ministry of Economic Affairs As for the online abnormity during the period, it has been reported and artificially sampled according to the provisions, and the main cause of line breaking mostly lies in the failure of connection between the field monitoring facilities and the main engine. The Works has strived for funds planning to replace the main engine for the purpose of improving the online conditions. (2)Lung Te Factory of Formosa Chemicals & Fibre Corporation On May 12, September 8 and 29, 2015, the two effluents were discovered as abnormal caused by water flow monitoring abnormality due to abnormal module transmission, and they were recovered to be normal after such discovery, and after integration, it shows that the automatic online monitoring system of Lung Te Factory is relatively stable. 5.Regular water quality monitoring work (1)13 stations and 26 point-times for river water quality sampling and testing have been completed annually. (2)30 point-times for water quality monitoring and sampling of 5 lakes have been completed. 6.Water area division work The water area and water body classification of Daxi Brook and Dong’ao Brook was announced by the government of Yilan County on October 13, 2015, and the related contents have been published in the bulletin of the government of Yilan County. 7.Total pollution control in the upstream of Qijie Bridge of Dezikou Brook This plan has respectively drafted four schemes, including water purification and pollution source control, organic waste recycling, cluster-type sewage treatment facilities and control development behavior, and strict control of water discharge standards, as well as water quality modeling and benefit improvement evaluation in wet and dry seasons. 8.Emergency treatment of water pollution events (1)215 cases on responsible port inspection have been completed, and moreover, 59 operations on assistance in ship check and control have been conducted. (2)The service and operation maintenance of water pollution emergency equipment have been conducted two times a month. (3)Assist to hold ocean and river pollution emergency drilling of 2015, including 1 preparation meeting and 1 formal drilling, with 5 ships and 70 people participating in the drilling. (4)Assist to hold one-time ocean and river pollution emergency education and training activity, with 34 participants. 9.Sea area ecological investigation (submarine photography), sea area and port water quality monitoring (1)The submarine photographing work in 10 points has been completed respectively for 2 times. (2)18 point-time sea water quality monitoring work in the second, third and fourth quarters of 2015 have been completed, and the monitoring arrangement for the first quarter of 2016 has been made. (3)8 ports were selected and water quality monitoring work in 8 points has been completed. 10.Evaluation commitments (1)Farmland drainage water quality monitoring in Dezikou Brook drainage basin has been completed for 2 times, and non-point source pollution investigation has been completed. (2)In this plan, 1,430 water quality inspection data of 204 monitoring stations from 2005 to 2014 were established before October 15, 2015; irrigation and drainage water quality monitoring station map has been completed, the water quality inspection data have been uploaded, and the pollution warning function has preliminarily been established and completed. 11.Popularization work (1)Assist to hold 3 times of education and popularization activities, and provide river and ocean pollution and control education and promotion of domestic sewage reduction, environmental protection and inspection, and water quality inspection DIY teaching popularization to inspection team, ordinary people and students, with 424 participants in total. (2)Assist to hold two illustration meetings of laws and regulations, in which, 117 units responsible for sewage charging, 27 project engineers and manufacturers were invited to attend, with the attendance respectively more than 73% and 78%, and the total participants reaching 106. (3)Maintain and renew the water pollution plan website and sea pollution website once a week, and additionally increase the browse counting function.