

中文摘要 空氣品質淨化區署補助58處,局補助15處,合計73處,計57.24公頃,道路綠化18.9公里。104年度(104年5月至105年5月)查核336處次,超出原訂目標260處次。告示牌更新35處,新植喬木250株,空品區認養8處均達成年度目標。於104年6月完成淨化區清查後依其評分完成4組,A組(90~95分)分別是廣興教育農園綠美化、三角公園及打牛湳公園,B組(80~89分)計 38 處,C組(70~79分)計 26 處,而D組(69分以下)有 6 處。優良處(A組)每半年巡查一次、B組每季、C組每2個月,而D組則每月巡查,促其改善。查核工作總計達336處次。查核、考評均有相片、紀錄為憑。辦理申請淨化區說明會一場,執行碳匯調查14處計1,918株,碳吸存量為422.4噸CO2。 社區生態綠美化推廣,調查於淨化區加強各項活動20場次,新聞稿(報導)3則,社區綠美化推廣建置說明會4場次,完成崙背鄉草湖社區、二崙鄉來惠社區、北港鎮東湖社區、虎尾鎮東仁社區及虎尾鎮埒內社區5處口袋公園或路旁綠美化,提供相關宣導品250份。 購買雲林縣104年度衛星圖資航照圖,判讀完成259處裸露地調查作業,其中麥寮鄉40處、西螺鎮32處、斗六市15處、土庫鎮20處、莿桐鄉37處、林內鄉29處、口湖鄉11處、水林鄉9處、虎尾鎮28處、二崙鄉18處、崙背鄉22處,裸露面積約30公頃。完成10處裸露地覆蓋,其中9處,以稻草蓆覆蓋。
中文關鍵字 空氣品質淨化區、裸露地、口袋公園


專案計畫編號 YLWPB-104-036 經費年度 104 計畫經費 4300 千元
專案開始日期 2015/05/15 專案結束日期 2016/05/14 專案主持人 林哲羽(計畫經理)
主辦單位 雲林縣環境保護局 承辦人 吳美惠 執行單位 東禾工程顧問有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 ylepb-104-036.pdf 30MB

The project offugitive emission sourcescontrol maintenance management of Airquality purification area in 2015

英文摘要 The primary mission of the project is to promote “management and maintenance of air quality purification area” and “greening community”. Regarding air quality purification area, 2 self-assessments, experts counseling, annual evaluation and re-examination of the poor performance of self-assessment were completed in 2015. Apart from the above work, measurement of carbon sequestration of trees was conducted in the air quality purification areas subsidized by Environmental Protection Administration established in 2012 to 2014; the results are used as reference for Cap-and-Trade system. To promote the utilization of air quality purification area, the project team organized experience activity on December 16th 2015, attracting more than 30 enterprise. Other activities, such as shooting video in 5 spots of the air quality purification area, setting up county air quality purification area website, and other relevant activities were organized.   Another focus of the project is green community; 4 promotional seminars were arranged in 4 communities with 156 audiences to promote green concept and complete system to local citizens. In addition to teaching some practices onsite, we also promote relevant supporting measures and demonstration area to citizens. Statistics compiling by MAY 14th 2015, 5 green demonstration areas were completed with green landscaping trees. A tree farm was also established in the community to promote sustainable development with the participations of local citizens
英文關鍵字 Clean air zones, Bare Lands, The corner Park, air quality purification area