
彰化縣資源回收綜合管理計畫擴充採購(104 年)

中文摘要 為有效推廣資源回收及永續再利用,促進綠色資源再生,特委託辦理本縣資源回收綜合管理計畫擴充採購(104年),以協助推動各項政策,以下為各項工作成果之執行成果: (一) 協助資源回收相關管理工作:本計畫依據各地方特性提供執行作法建議,並協助環保局及各鄉鎮市公所擬定及執行創新做法,協助回收率提升至42.22%(1-11月統計資料),達成年度回收率42.1%之目標。 (二)辦理資源回收及源頭減量活動與媒體宣導:本計畫協助辦理資源回收宣導活動27場次,並刊登6則平面媒體報導及304則廣播電台宣導,以多樣化管道及方式進行宣導,以使執行機關能順利推動相關政策,並辦理13場次清潔隊員在職教育訓練課程,以降低職災發生率。 (三)辦理回收處理業管理及形象改造工作:本計畫完成已登記回收商及處理業者166家次稽查輔導,150家次未登記回收商稽查作業,並完成媒合11位個體業者,落實業者配合各項執行政策,並規劃2處社區及4處學校推動形象改造工作,以提升本縣執行績效。 (四)辦理指定業者巡查管理工作:執行資源回收責任業者及14大販賣業者重點巡查管理工作,以使各業者能符合現行法令規定及要求,執行率達100%。
中文關鍵字 資源回收


專案計畫編號 經費年度 104 計畫經費 8350 千元
專案開始日期 2015/01/01 專案結束日期 2015/12/15 專案主持人 洪傳翔
主辦單位 彰化縣環境保護局 承辦人 傅素貞 執行單位 京丞資源國際有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 彰化縣資源回收綜合管理計畫擴充採購(104年)(公開版).pdf 0MB
英文摘要 In order to effectively promote sustainable reuse and recycling so as to endorse green renewable resources, we have been commissioned and entrusted to handle the county’s integrated recycling management project for the year of 2015 in promoting related policies. The following are outcomes for planned initiatives: 1.Assistance related to the management of recycling: This project was carried out on the local level, taking into consideration the specific traits for each area, in providing the EPB and various township offices with suggestions and concrete plans developing and implementing innovative approaches to assist in increasing recycling efforts 42.22% (from January to November statistics), in which we were able to reach this target of 42.1% recovery rate for the year. 2.In charge of recycling, source reduction activities and media advocacy: the project being comprised of 27sessions, incorporated recycling activities, media coverage from six printed news sources and 304 radio stations, all which publicly advocated recycling as a part of life and enabled environmental enforcement agencies greater leverage for promoting related policies. Thirteen continual job training courses were held for their cleaning staff, in order to reduce the likelihood of occupational incidents. 3.In charge of recycling industry management and image transformation: this project focused on auditing companies comprising 166 audits regarding their recycling efforts. A total of 150 audits were conducted on non-registered recyclers and 11 privately owned businesses targeting specific areas and industries to execute recycling policies. Two communities and four schools were also targeted to promote the transformation of the image of recycling and execution effectiveness in these matters. 4.Conduct inspections and management on designated industry: executing inspection and management tasks, targeting certain pertinent industries and 14 hypermarket industries, ensuring that each industry will comply with current regulations and requirements, reaching an implementation rate of 100%.
英文關鍵字 Recycling